Sabeel Wave of Prayer

September 13, 2018

The Israeli Supreme Court turned down an appeal against the demolition of the Bedouin village of Al Khan al-Ahmar, which lies between two illegal Jewish settlements. This demolition if carried out, besides being a grave violation of human rights, will obstruct the establishment of a contiguous and viable Palestinian state.

  • O Lord, we weep at the injustice being carried out against the people of Al Khan al-Ahmar. Grant them the strength to resist the Israeli military occupation and to continue to make their plight clear to the world. We pray that the Israeli judiciary will see the error of its ways in the light of international pressure and allow the people of Al Khan al-Ahmar to ‘live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest’,(Isaiah 32:18). Lord, in your mercy… 

As the ‘Great March of Return’ continues, the Israeli military forces are still using live ammunition against the protestors, in contravention of international law, leaving some protestors dead while many others have sustained serious injuries. Recently a Red Crescent Ambulance, which was being used to help people at the fence, was damaged by live ammunition.

  • Lord of protection,we pray that those participating in peaceful protest have the courage to stand their ground in the face of the overpowering force used by the Israeli military We pray for the safety of all those who are trying to rescue those who have been wounded. Lord, in your mercy

Dozens of Palestinians suffered tear-gas inhalation on Wednesday, the 5th of September during raids by Israeli occupying forces on Al-Quds University in Abu Dis, East Jerusalem. The university campus was sealed off and classes were disrupted.

  • Lord, we pray for the Palestinian students trying to pursue their studies with frequent disruptions. May they not lose heart but persevere in their efforts. In your word we read that you ‘love justice and have established equity’,(Psalm 99:4). We pray for justice and righteousness for all who live in the land. Lord, in your mercy….

Israel has begun the construction of a 130km wall along its border with Lebanon. The Lebanese Government has raised concerns that portions of the wall are being constructed on Lebanese territory.

  • O Lord, grant the Israeli decision makers the wisdom to see that bridges are better than walls. We pray that the international community will hold Israel to account in how they recognize international borders. Lord, in your mercy… 

The Third Palestinian Open International Taekwondo Championships is due to take place in Ramallah this week. The organizers have been forced to postpone the competition for a few days as Israel delayed issuing permits to competitors.

  • Lord, we pray for the success of these sporting championships and that all competitors may be allowed to travel to Ramallah to compete. Lord, in your mercy…

 This week Muslims and Jews celebrate their New Year holidays, while the Druze community celebrate Nabi Sabalan day. Many Jews are visiting Jerusalem to pray at the Western Wall and to meet up and celebrate with family members. Israel has imposed a military closure on the West Bank and Gaza strip, leaving them trapped behind checkpoints and the separation wall. Palestinians will not have the opportunity to travel to worship or be reunited with their families.

  • Lord, we see oppression for the Palestinians living in this land. We pray that governments around the world may recognize the injustice they suffer and challenge the impunity of the Israeli government. Lord, in your mercy… 
  •  We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of  Ghana and Nigeria


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