Sabeel Wave of Prayer

September 6th, 2018

The ‘Great March of Return’ continues into its sixth month. Peaceful protesters continue to be threatened by live fire from the Israeli military. Ibrahim Talalqa, a medic working at the fence takes his leave of his family every Friday before going away, anxious that he may not return home. 

  • God of the peacemakers, we ask that you stand with those who continue protest with non-violent means to achieve their rightful aims. Stand with those who risk life and limb to bring medical care to the injured and dignity to the dead in this dangerous place. Lord in your mercy… 

As the US announce that they are withdrawing all funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA),  in an attempt to dissolve it and cancel the Palestinian right of return, other countries, including Sweden, Germany and Japan, have decided to increase their funding to cover the shortfall.

  • Lord of all righteousness, you tell us in your word to ‘Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute’ and to ‘defend the rights of the poor and needy’, (Proverbs 31:8-9). We are thankful for governments around the world who are willing to step up and give funds to UNRWA as they support more than five million Palestinian refugees. Lord, in your mercy….

Like many places around the world, Israel and Palestine have a continuing issue of systematic violence against women. Whether this is through cultural background or home demolition, the abuse of women is pervasive in society.

  • Dear God, Jesus treated women with kindness and respect. Help us to emulate Jesus in all our ways and especially to respect them as individuals and to end the systematic violence in Israeli and Palestinian culture as well as across the world. Lord in your mercy…

The Israeli Civil Administration have announced the uprooting of around seventy olive trees in the Jordan Valley under the pretext that they are growing on an archeological site. These trees provide the main source of income for Najib Turki Faqha.

  • O Lord, we pray for Palestinian olive farmers whose livelihoods depend on their trees. The olive is a sign of peace, grant that peace to all who find their land under threat. Lord, in your mercy…

During August Israeli forces destroyed the Bedouin village of al-Araqib for the 132nd time. As well as destroying homes, livelihoods and dreams, the forces also arrested sheikh Siyam at-Touri, his son Aziz at-Touri and Salim Abu Ashraf as they tried to halt the demolition.  The demolition comes after the Israeli authorities decided to approve the construction of four new illegal settlements in the Negev area.

  •  Lord of resilience, stand with the villagers at al-Araqib and all Bedouin villages under constant threat from demolition. Support the community leaders as they strive to protect their communities, buildings and animals. We pray that this cruel policy of home demolition may cease and that the residents may be left alone. Lord in your mercy…

 UN schools for Palestinian refugee children opened on August 29th for the 526,000 students, despite cuts to funding. These schools are essential to meet the needs of every child to receive an education.

  • Lord, we pray for the teachers and staff who run the UN schools for Palestinian refugees. Be with the teachers and the children as they embark on this new school year. Lord in your mercy…

Our colleague and friend, Andraous, celebrated his wedding this week. We rejoice with him and  his wife, Diana, on this blessed occasion.

  • Lord, we ask you to watch over Andraous and Diana and to grant them every blessing as they start their life together as a married couple. Be with all couples and continue to bless them with love. Lord in your mercy…


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