Sabeel Wave of Prayer

July 19th 2018


The ‘Great March of Return’ protests continue for the fourth month as Palestinians call for the right of return. On Friday the 13th of July, Israeli soldiers shot and killed Othman Halas, a Palestinian teenager, who had been taking part in the border protests.

  • Lord, we pray for the family of Othman as they grieve for their loss. We continue to pray for the safety of the protestors and for them to continue to espouse non-violent means to achieve their demands. Lord in your mercy


Last week Israel launched the most intense wave of airstrikes on Gaza since the 2014 war, while militants in the enclave fired volleys of rockets at towns adjacent to the border. Nowa ceasefire has been agreed between Israel and the different Palestinian factions.

  • Lord, we mourn the recent violence in Gaza and the retaliatory rockets fired across the border into Israel. We pray for all families affected by the violence. We pray that the ceasefire will be respected by all parties to avoid more suffering. Lord in your mercy


Israeli forces destroyed more than 400 metres of water pipeline, which is a vital  lifeline to the Palestinian farmers and Bedouin in the Jordan valley. Many have to eke out an existence in enclaves closed off by Israeli military zones, checkpoints, and more than thirty illegal Israeli settlements. Recently Israeli forces used bulldozers to razethe ground in search of water holes and have destroyed water sources in several areas in the Jordan Valley.

  • Lord, as we gaze upon this parched land we think of you and how our souls thirst for your righteousness. Let us pray in the words of Psalm 143:8,

‘Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.’


The Irish Senate has voted in favor of a bill prohibiting the importation and sale of goods and services originating in illegal Israeli settlements.

  • Lord, we continue to pray for all who work for justice in the world. We give thanks to the people of conscience who stand in solidarity with people of Palestine. Lord in your mercy… 


On Saturday the 14th of July, seven thousand Israeli demonstrators took part in a protest march in Tel Aviv against the proposed Nation-state Bill. If passed by the Knesset this bill would allow Jewish-only communities and Hebrew would become Israel’s only official language. The bill cites Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, fixes the Hebrew calendar as the official calendar of state and recognizes Jewish holidays. If passed, the legislation would constitute a violation of human rights, democracy, and complete disregard for international law. The bill would deprive Palestinian citizens in Israel of economic, as well as political and social rights.

  • Lord, we continue to pray for justice and freedom for all people in our troubled land. We ask for your spirit to empower us to remain steadfast in our demands for equality and democracy. We give thanks for all the Israelis who continue to challenge the injustice and discriminatory laws of the government. Lord in your mercy


Sabeel is conducting two Bible study training courses this month to help groups of about thirty people to come and learn how to become Bible study facilitators. The participants come from various churches and denominations in Palestine. They will be led in their studies by theologians to enable them to go back and teach new contextual Bible study programmes in their local communities.

  • Lord, we are so thankful that there is a hunger for your Word in the faith communities served by Sabeel. We pray that your Spirit would lead and guide this training and that it would glorify you and bless those taking part in it. Lord, in your mercy


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Djibouti and Somalia. Lord in your mercy

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