Sabeel Wave of Prayer

April 5th, 2018

It is now official that the United States of America has ceased to fund the Palestinian Authority (PA). This decision will not affect the budget which the United States provides for the Palestinian Authority’s security and intelligence forces, which is distinct from the funding which goes towards dealing with civilian issues within the PA.


  • Lord, we continue to suffer humiliation at the hands of the powerful as they force us to choose between charity and justice. Grant our people the courage to withstand coercion and to carry the cross towards liberation from the Israeli military occupation. Lord in your mercy…Hear our prayers

On the 26th of March , Rev. Naim Ateek, together with Rabbi Brant Rosen from Jewish Voice for Peace, spoke in Chicago, Illinois, and on the following day he spoke at Notre Dame University in South Bend, Indiana.

  • Lord, we pray for the students, professors, and others in South Bend and Chicago who received Naim Ateek’s message. God, open their ears to hear about the harsh realities of the occupation. Jesus, open their eyes to see the United States’ complicity in sustaining Israel’s military occupation, which continues to cause immense suffering for the Palestinian people. Holy Spirit, move their hearts to embrace the gospel message and inspire them with a desire to work for justice and peace.  Lord in your mercy…

On the 9th of April we celebrate Orthodox Easter with all Christians in Palestine and Israel and around the world.

  • Lord, we come to you with joy in our hearts as we have the opportunity to celebrate your resurrection. We hear the words proclaimed, “al-Mesih qam; hakkan qam!”, (The Lord is risen; He is risen indeed). And yet, while we rejoice in this glorious event, we are saddened too as we remember those who are unable to celebrate in their holy places as the Israeli authorities have denied them permits or imposed travel restrictions or ‘security’ measures. Lord, in your mercy…

 Israeli Border Police briefly detained a three-year-old Palestinian boy in Hebron for allegedly throwing stones. A video posted online shows the father asking for his child to be returned to him

  • Lord, the occupation makes young Israeli soldiers commit iniquitous acts. We pray for the dissolution of the military occupation as it debases the humanity of both the oppressor and the oppressed. Lord in your mercy…

 Tensions between Fatah and Hamas continue to escalate after the failed assassination attempt of the Palestinian Prime Minister earlier this month while he was visiting Gaza. As an African proverb states, ‘When elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers.’

  • Lord, we pray for an end to the divisions within the Palestinian political parties. We remember the Palestinian people who pay the price for poor leadership and factional fighting. Dear God, we pray that the Palestinian people will look for reform through exercising their right to free and fair elections.  Lord in your mercy…

 The beginning of April this year is an important time for all three monotheistic religions, with Jews celebrating Pesach (Passover), Christians celebrating the Resurrection of Christ, and Muslims celebrating Isra and Mi’raj, the two parts of the Muslim Prophet’s Night Journey to Jerusalem.

  • Lord, we pray for the followers of the three faiths and their special religious celebrations. May they grow in faith and learn the ways of justice, mercy and peace. Dear God, help us to remember that Jerusalem is a shared city and if one group attempts to subjugate the others, only suffering will ensue and this cannot reflect Your glory. Lord in your mercy…

 Last Friday, seventeen Palestinians were killed and more than a thousand Palestinians were wounded by Israeli fire as thousands of protesters marched to Gaza’s border with Israel. The protest on Friday, named the ‘Great March of Return’, was planned by several Palestinian civil society organizations and backed by all political factions to mark forty two years since the first commemoration of Land Day in Palestine.

  • Lord, on Friday we were again forced to recognize that the guns of the Israeli occupation forces continue to be louder than the resolutions of the United Nations. We pray for our people in Gaza, especially the 1.3 million refugees. We grieve for the families of the victims and pray for the recovery of the wounded. May the tens of thousands who marched with courage on Friday be a powerful reminder to those in positions of power of our cry for justice. Lord in your mercy…

