Sabeel Wave of Prayer

March 8th ,  2018

The darkness in Syria continues. Hundreds of thousands are dead, millions are displaced and refugees continue to seek safety from a land that once was their home.

  • Lord, we pray for your spirit to move us as we have become apathetic to Syria. The storms of evil continue to blow in Syria leaving only ashes and smoke. Brothers turned against each other, the people are broken and the cities and villages are burned to the ground. Dear God, we long for the moment the words of your prophet Isaiah become a reality “They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks (Isaiah 2:4)”. Lord in your mercy…

The Gaza Strip is on the brink of a humanitarian crisis as a result of the Israeli blockade. The blockade caused over 1000 victims, a ruined economy and an enclave that lacks all the basic needs for life.

  • Lord, we hold the people of Gaza in our prayers. May your spirit bring justice to the people on the margins who suffer at the hands of the powerful decision makers. Guide us Lord to continue to work to end the injustice and hold Israel responsible for the people they hold under siege. Give us courage to challenge both the leadership in Ramallah and Gaza who have failed to bring unity and lead us towards liberation. Lord in your mercy….

Thursday March 8th, is International Women’s Day, where we celebrate the accomplishments of women everywhere, and also recognize the need to continue pushing for gender equality worldwide. We remember specifically on this day the women of Palestine, who often bear the brunt of the violence of the Israeli Occupation. It is the women who must remain strong when their husbands and children are arrested, the women who are often left to rebuild their houses after the military demolishes them, and the women who struggle to hold the community together in the wake of continued oppression.

  • Dear God, we thank you for women everywhere, and pray for their continued perseverance and courage. Lay your hand upon them and guide them in their constant struggle towards peace and justice, for themselves, their families, and their countries. Lord, in your mercy…

Rawabi, the first Palestinian planned city, is the largest private sector project ever carried out in Palestine. The city integrates international planning principles, sustainable environmental practices, regionally-suited architecture, state of-the-art infrastructure and ease of access for both residents and visitors. The city council of Rawabi has launched a competition among Palestinian architects to design the Church of the city.

  • Lord, we pray for Palestine and all its people. We give thanks for the wonderful interfaith relationships in our communities and the witness of love. May the qualities of hospitality and kindness remain the foundations of Palestinian villages, towns and cities. Lord n your mercy…

The Sabeel Witness Visit comes to an end, after spending 9 days with the living stones in the land of Christ.

  • We pray for the safe travel of all the participants. May they return home refreshed by the truth, and may they be inspired to share their witness with others so that they can open their eyes and hearts to the harsh realities of the occupation. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Ireland and the United Kingdom. Lord in your mercy

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