Sabeel Wave of Prayer

March 1st,  2018

 Last Wednesday, Israeli forces demolished three structures and a home in the Shufat and Beit Hanina neighborhoods of occupied east Jerusalem, leaving a family of 6 homeless.

  • Lord, we continue to pray for the people of Jerusalem as they live under Israeli occupation. We remember the family that has lost its home, especially the children, during this winter season. Lord in your mercy…

Last Thursday, a Palestinian man died while being held in Israeli custody. Yassin Omar al-Saradih , died shortly after being detained by Israeli forces from his home in the occupied West Bank city of Jericho.

  • Lord, we remember the family of Yassin as they weep for their beloved son. We pray for an end to the occupation that deprives our people from their basic rights. Lord in your mercy…

In Jerusalem, the different Church leaders have indefinitely shut the church of The Resurrection (holy Seplechure) in protest against discriminatory Israeli policy, aimed at weakening Christian presence in the holy city.

  • Lord, we pray for the Church in Jerusalem that is in danger. We ask for your spirit to stand with our community of faith who are vulnerable and unprotected from Israeli injustice. Lord in your mercy…

The United States has announced that it will move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem on May 14th to coincide with Israel’s 70th Independence Day.

  • Lord, we pray for strength to overcome the unjust decisions of Washington. Dear God, help the people of conscience around the world to unite and stand for human rights and international law, and put an end to the Israeli occupation. Lord in your mercy…

Last week, the “Ramallah Friends School” prom for the Class of 2018 was held. The students of the graduating class voted a peer with Cerebral Palsy, another with Social Cues Disorder and ADHD as prom king and queen. RFS is one of the first schools in Palestine to properly integrate support services for students with different learning abilities.

  • Lord, we pray for all Palestinian schools and especially the students. May your spirit guide the new generations of Palestinians towards a future where justice prevails and all people are appreciated and respected. Lord in your mercy…

On Sunday, Israeli settlers took over 120 dunums (40 acres) of land near the village of Jalud, to the south of Nablus in the northern West Bank.

  • Lord, we pray for the Palestinian farmers who have lost their land to the settlers. We pray for an end of the Israeli occupation that allows such crimes to occur. Lord in your mercy… 

On Wednesday, February 28, Sabeel Nazareth will launch the book, 100 Years Marking the Balfour Declaration, by the Palestinian historian Johnny Mansour.

  • Lord, we pray for the Sabeel Nazareth staff, volunteers and local committees who continue to work hard for justice, peace and reconciliation in our troubled land. We pray that the event will be informative and well attended. Lord in your mercy…

Sabeel is organizing an international witness visit from the 28th of February to the 8th of March 2018 under the theme: The Forgotten Faithful – A Window into the Life and Witness of Christians in The Land of the Holy One. Sabeel Witness Visits provide participants with the unique opportunity to experience the reality of Palestinians living under Israeli Occupation.

  • Lord, we pray for an enriching and fruitful visit that will enable the participants to see and learn firsthand the situation on the ground.  We pray that they will go back inspired and encouraged to continue the work of justice and peace for this troubled land. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Lord in your mercy…


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