Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

The Kumi Now Online gathering on Tuesday, the 23rd of March at 6pm,(Jerusalem Time), will consider how the Israeli authorities control and exploit the natural resources of the occupied Palestinian Territories. March 30th online gathering will focus on the conditions in Gaza.

  • Lord, we pray for an end to the Israeli occupation and for a fair allocation of the wealth of natural resources in the Holy Land. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

On Saturday, the 13th of March, Said Alayan had driven his whole family to tend his land in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron. While they were working on the land settlers from the illegal outpost of MitzpeYair assaulted them, injuring him and his wife and vandalising their car.

  • Lord, we pray for an end to these violent and unprovoked attacks by settlers on Palestinian farmers. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

Ahmad Hejazi and his family from the Silwan neighbourhood of occupied East Jerusalem began clearing all their possessions from their home on the evening of Saturday, the 13th of March. Their home is now under threat of demolition from the municipality. Ahmad had built his home in 2014, without obtaining a permit, as he could not meet the stringent requirements demanded by the Israeli authorities.

  • Lord, we pray for an end to the discriminatory building policies and the rapid increase in house demolitions carried out against Palestinian families in Jerusalem and throughout the occupied Palestinian Territories. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

On Sunday, the 14th of March, the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor condemned the three recent Israeli court decisions rejecting the appeals against house demolitions for Palestinian families living in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of East Jerusalem. It stated that the displacement of Palestinians and the establishment of Jewish buildings and landmarks reflect the apartheid system that Israel pursues using discriminatory laws and unfair policies.

  • Lord we pray that voices from around the world will be raised to challenge and condemn the way the Israeli authorities are using house demolitions to displace the Palestinian citizens of occupied East Jerusalem and elsewhere in the West Bank. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers. 

Khalil Taqtaq is one of a number of Palestinian farmers from Salfit who are cut off from their land by the separation barrier. The Israeli authorities grant permits for them to access their land on certain days. Khalil and the other farmers were surprised when no soldiers came to open the barrier gate on the appointed day. On the following day, Monday, the 15th of March, they were allowed entrance but they were then forced to wait for hours for the gate to be unlocked so they could return home.

  • Lord, we pray for the dismantling of the separation barrier which cuts off Palestinians from their communities and their land. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

Sami Dababneh, passed away at the age of 55, due to Covid-19. Sami was a school teacher and his family is the last remaining Christian family in the village of Sebastia. He was buried in the cemetery of his fathers and grandfathers in front of the church of the beheading of John the Baptist in the ancient city, built according to the text of the Bible in the eighth century BC at the time of King Omari. 

  • Lord, we pray for Sami and for his wife and family who grieve his loss. We thank you for his Christian witness, for his gentle heart and kind and sincere character. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

Sabeel, with the cooperation of it friends, is holding online worship services during the season of Lent. On the 27th of March, there will be a worship service a day before Palm Sunday with the Ecumenical Palestine Israel Network in Australia. On the 3rd of April there will be a worship service with Friends of Sabeel North America and on the 10th of April there will be a worship service with Friends of Sabeel-Kairos UK.  

  • Lord, your word is upright and all your work is done in faithfulness, (Ps.33:4). We pray for the preparation of these Sabeel services, that they would reflect your steadfast and faithful love. Lord in your mercy… hear our prayers.

Al Mamal is holding an online exhibition which showcases the work of 37 contemporary Palestinian artists. The online exhibition will be showing paintings, drawings, photographs and sculpture for art lovers to view until the 31st of March.

  • Lord, we thank you for the creative gifts of artists who use different media to express their response to the challenges we face. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

The new variant of the Covid-19 virus has hit the Palestinian population hard. Many people living in the city of Bethlehem have been infected, despite following strict preventative measures. Residents of the home for the elderly of the Anthonian Society, including the sisters and volunteers who work there, have been particularly affected.

  • Lord, we pray that  the recent donation of the vaccine doses from the World Health Organisation, under the Covax programme, will help to bring the  coronavirus infection rates down in the occupied Palestinian Territories. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Estonia,Latvia and Lithuania. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.