Sabeel Wave of Prayer

February 15th,  2018

The blessed season of Lent has begun around the world. Last Friday, Sabeel hosted an event in Jericho that brought 101 people from Nazareth and Jerusalem to connect and reflect on the meaning of Lent in Palestine and Israel.

  • We pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide participants of the programs and that over the season of Lent opportunities will arise to share about this experiance with others in the Churches of Nazareth and Jerusalem. May the hearts and minds of local Christians be open to Lent and be prepared for your resurrection.  Lord, in your mercy…Hear our prayers

On Saturday, Israeli forces prevented a celebration from taking place for retired Palestinian teachers in occupied East Jerusalem. The event was organized by the Palestinian Directorate of Education, with the Palestinian Minister of Education, Sabri Saidam, and several ministry officials set to attend.

  • Lord, we pray for our teachers, that they may have the freedom that others enjoy in other parts of the world. Dear God, we thank you for all teachers in the world who dedicate their lives to provide education to your children. We pray for the city of Jerusalem and it’s residents who continue to be deprived from a normal life. Lord in your mercy…

On Thursday, dozens of Palestinian school children in the occupied city of Hebron were exposed to high levels of tear gas as Israeli forces showered their school with the gas.

  • Lord, we pray for Palestinian students who continue to fall victim to the Israeli occupation and its crimes. We remember the terrified children and teachers as they try to recover from the trauma of this experiance. Lord in your mercy…

Less than three years ago, an Israeli military jeep flipped over and killed 21-year-old Abdallah during a raid in his village of Kufr Malek, north of Ramallah. This year, the family of Abdallah received a bill from Israel, demanding $28,000 in compensation for damages of the jeep.

  • Lord, we remember the family of Abdallah as they continue to be harassed by the Israeli army. Dear Jesus, as you have experienced humiliation by the Roman soldiers during your passion, before the resurrection, we ask you to help our people gain back their dignity and freedom. Lord in your mercy…  

On Friday, the Synod of the Melkite Roman Catholic Church, elected Bishop Yasser Ayyash as the patriarchal vicar for the Melkite Catholic Church in Jerusalem. Bishop Ayyash succeeds Bishop Joseph-Jules Zerey who has served the Church in Jerusalem since 2008.

  • Lord, we pray for your Church in the Middle East, especially your body in Jerusalem. We give thanks for the ministry and service of Bishop Joseph-Jules Zerey and ask for your spirit to guide Bishop Yasser Ayyash in his ministry. Lord in your mercy…

The Israeli Jerusalem Municipality will start collecting municipal property taxes from multi-purpose properties owned by the United Nations and many of the city’s churches. Last week the municipality blocked the bank accounts of the Armenian, Catholic and Greek-Orthodox churches for millions of shekels worth of debts in back taxes. These new regulations come while Ultra-Orthodox Jewish organizations enjoy a wide range of privileges and tax exemptions.

  • Lord, Israel continues to disregard the treaties and insists on treating the different Churches of the land with discrimination. May the Church in Jerusalem find solidarity and support from brothers and sisters around world to defend our rights and properties. Lord in your mercy… 

On Sunday, The UN office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) warned that 45 Palestinian schools are now facing demolition orders by the occupying Israeli military.

  • Lord, our oppressor have lost all semblance of humanity. We pray for all children to be able to exercise their right to education and knowledge, and may their teachers continue to be blessed with courage and wisdom as they commit, under difficult circumstances, to educate another Palestinian generation under occupation. Lord in your mercy…  

Bishara, a 14-year-old-boy in Nazareth, is battling cancer.  Bishara’s school, Saint Joseph Seminary and High School, sent him a comforting photo message made by his school mates: “Bishara, We are all with you”!

  • Lord, we pray for Bishara, as well as all patients of cancer and for the doctors and medical institutions who work day and night to find a cure for this evil disease. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Lord in your mercy…


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