Sabeel Wave of Prayer

February 1st, 2018

A new book by Ronen Bergman, the intelligence correspondent for the Israeli Yediot Aharonot newspaper, chronicles Israel’s ‘2,700’ assassination operations. In his book, Mr Bergman raises moral and legal concerns provoked by state-sponsored killings.

  • Lord, we remember all the people who have been condemned to death by the Israeli government without a fair trial. We pray that the day will come that Israeli decision makers abandon the sword and are held accountable for their crimes. Lord in your mercy…hear our prayers

Israel Radio reported that Israel has prevented the Palestinian Authority (PA) efforts to obtain observer status at the UN Conference on Disarmament (UNOG). The Israeli Foreign Ministry has apparently been working behind the scenes with the United States, to prevent the PA’s accession to the international body this year.

  • Lord, we give thanks for all the people who continue to work with determination to have the Palestinian voice present at international bodies. May the attempts of the Israeli and US governments to silence Palestinians expose their fears of the truth of our narrative. Lord in your mercy…

Israel launches an unprecedented criminal probe against a Shin Bet interrogator. This is the first investigation to be opened since the establishment of a unit dedicated to complaints against Israel’s internal security service 10 years ago.

  • Lord, we remember all the Palestinian prisoners who have suffered torture in Israeli military jails. May this investigation open the eyes of the Israeli judicial system and public, to the injustices and crimes that are committed against Palestinian prisoners. Lord in your mercy…

Confidential documents obtained by Yedioth Ahronoth, the largest newspaper in Israel by sales and circulation,  reveal how Israel’s internal security service operated in the Israeli Arab school sector for years. The classified documents reveal how Israel’s internal security service meddled in Arab society’s educational system, firing teachers deemed ‘threats’ and employing Shin Bet agents in the Education Ministry.

  • Lord, we give thanks that truth always surfaces. We remember all the teachers who continue to be victims of the Israeli Secret Security Service. We pray for a healthy educational system that seeks to educate students about their rights rather than an educational system that is engineered to oppress and control. Lord in your mercy…

In the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Beit Safafa, Israeli settlers raided and spray-painted graffiti in Hebrew saying “Death to the Arabs” before setting a vehicle on fire. Many rights-groups have accused Israel of fostering a “culture of impunity” for Israelis committing violent acts against Palestinians.

  • Lord, we pray for the safety of our villages and families from the violent and racist attacks of Israeli settlers. We ask for your spirit to guide us towards a path of liberation from the evil occupation that fosters hatred and conflict. Lord in your mercy…

During the World Economic Forum in Davos, U.S. President Donald Trump, speaking alongside Israeli  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, dramatically changed the rules of the decades-long Israeli Palestinian peace process, saying that “we took Jerusalem off the table.”

  • Lord, the arrogant powerful do not know what makes for peace. We pray for the continuous resilience of the Palestinian people as we demand justice from the powerful. May the people of Jerusalem continue to teach the passing empires that justice is mightier than their sword and domination. Lord in your mercy…

  •  We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Western Sahara and Tunisia. Lord in your mercy…

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