Sabeel Wave of Prayer

December 21st, 2017


Mohammed Tamimi, a 14-year-old Palestinian boy, has been placed in a medically-induced coma after Israeli soldiers shot him in the face with a rubber bullet during a protest against a US decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

  • Lord, we pray for a miracle that will heal the child Mohammed Tamimi. We remember the family of Mohammed and ask for your Spirit to be with all the victims of injustice and violence in the world. Lord in your mercy…

Last Friday, Ibrahim Abu Thurayya, a well known 29 year old Palestinian activist was shot in the head and killed by Israeli forces during clashes along Gaza’s border with Israel. Abu Thurayya had lost both his legs in an Israeli airstrike in 2008. Abu Thurayya washed cars in Gaza to support his 11-member family.

  • Lord, the Israeli occupation tolerates no resistance. We pray for our Palestinian people not to lose hope and continue to seek their freedom. Empower us Lord to do the possible, to make the occupation tumble. We remember the family of Abu Thurayya who have become completely dependent on your mercy…

Palestinian officials refuse to meet US Vice President Mike Pence. Peace talks between Israel and Palestine have become superfluous with the US abandoning International law by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

  • Dear Lord, people of power tend to ignore their responsibility to be just and fair in their dealings. Lord we beseech you to please enter the hearts and minds of the politicians everywhere to strive towards true Justice and Peace. Lord in your mercy ……….


  • Lord, we give thanks for the fellowship experienced last Saturday during the Sabeel Annual Ecumenical Christmas Dinner. We are grateful for the amazing Al Rua’ Choir, the dedication of our Jerusalem committee and for our many friends who made the Christmas dinner a success. We ask for the ecumenical spirit to be strengthened in the world “so in Christ we who are many are one body” Romans 12:5. Lord in your mercy…


Mohamed al-Taweel, a 14 year old Palestinian boy, affected by Down Syndrome, was arrested while protesting against U.S. President Donald Trump’s illegal decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Turkey-based International Down Syndrome Federation denounced the arrest by Israeli soldiers.

  • Lord it is truly astonishing that soldiers can become so hard-hearted as to arrest a young person of 14 with special needs. What is going on in this land lacks moral ethics. Dear Lord please let your teachings of  ‘love your neighbor’ become a reality here. Lord in your mercy …

Last week, Virginia Theological Seminary board of trustees voted unanimously to award Rev. Naim Ateek an Honorary Doctorate in Theology. The university received many letters from the local and International communities acknowledging the work of Rev. Naim Ateek.

  • We thank you Lord for Rev. Naim and for your inspiration in his work. We are grateful for the recognition of a leader whose life time has been spent seeking justice for the Palestinians. Lord in your mercy …


The U.S. vetoed a UN resolution seeking to reaffirm Jerusalem’s status as unresolved, after 14 UN Security Council members voted in favor of the resolution Monday, in response to U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize it as Israel’s capital.

  • Lord, the Palestinian people are running out of options leaving only the “stones to cry out”. We give thanks for the brave countries of the world that refused to disrespect international law and challenge the unjust decisions of the United States Administration. We pray that the powerful give up on their useless efforts to maintain the Israeli military occupation. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of China, Hong Kong and Macau.Lord in your mercy…

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