Sabeel Visit’s St. Vincent Home

Sabeel’s fourth joint Community and Clergy Lenten program was a visit of thirty two Sabeel community and clergy members to the Daughters of Charity St. Vincent home for girls. Sister Ursula briefly introduced the home and the services they provide for the children, who come from different parts of the West Bank, Jerusalem and Israel. In a home-like atmosphere, the children are provided with good living conditions as well as the opportunity to attend school. The Orthodox priest, Father Farah Badour, conducted biblical reflections on the importance of fasting and prayers at the home’s beautiful Church. The Lenten litanies were jointly read by a member of Sabeel’s young adult group and Sister Ursula. As the 5th of April is also Palestinian Children’s Day, Sabeel highlighted the importance of the day for the children and their right to celebrate and live as children. Towards the end of the program, Father Bolus from the Assyrian Church challenged the children with a couple of spiritual games that helped them understand the teachings and words of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Finally, before leaving the twenty six girls to finish their homework, everyone enjoyed the delicious cakes that were brought by one of our community members. It was a sweet ending for a meaningful gathering with those lovely children in a good home.

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