On Saturday 16 April, Sabeel and Friends of Sabeel North America with the help of other Friends of Sabeel and partner organizations around the world held a prayer service online. Holy Saturday Prayer Services, the day before Easter, started online during the pandemic, and hundreds of people have attended the services over the past two years.
Sabeel and Friends of Sabeel are very thankful to all of the different groups who co-sponsored the event. These include: Israel-Palestine Mission Network (IPMN), United Church of Christ Palestine Israel Network (UCC PIN), Episcopal Peace Fellowship Palestine Israel Network (EPF PIN), MennoPIN, United Methodist Kairos Response (UMKR), Disciples of Christ Palestine Israel Network DisciplesPIN), Alliance of Baptists: Justice in Palestine and Israel, Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace (PCAP), Global Kairos for Justice US (GJK-US), and Indiana Center for Middle East Peace (ICMEP).