Prayers for Our Brothers and Sisters in Gaza

Around 150 people – Biships, clergy, diplomats, nuns and laypeople – filled up the Dominican Church in Jerusalem on July 22 during Sabeel’s Ecumenical Prayer Service for the people of Gaza. The event highlighted a homily by Patriarch Michel Sabbah and brought together clergy of different denominations including: Bishop Atallah Hanna (Greek Orthodox), Bishop Munib Younan (Lutheran), Bishop WilliamShomali (Latin), Canon John Organ (Anglican), and Fr. Michel (Franciscan). Some of the clergy said prayers, as did several laypeople – in Arabic, English, French, and Aramaic.
In his homily, Patriarch Sabbah said there is a need for the transformation of leaders, that they need a change of heart and vision to see that all humans are equal and deserve freedom, dignity and security.
The people litcandles as they prayed for the end of violence and the war crimes against the Gazan people, especially the children. They prayed for an end to Israel’s illegal blockade in Gaza, and for peace, human rights and justice to prevail in this suffering region.
The people also lifted up a prayer for the minority Christian population in northern Iraq who are fleeing their homes in fear of death from ISIS.
Some news agencies present at the event interviewed Rev. Naim Ateek, Director of Sabeel, and Ms. Hind Khoury of Sabeel.Donations were collected during the prayer service. The money will be distributed by the nuns of Mother Tarrasa to the people of the Gaza.