Potluck / Women Program

On the afternoon of Thursday the 19th of July, Sabeel organized a potluck gathering in the garden of St. Andrew’s Church in West Jerusalem. Twenty-one young women attended the event. For ten of them, it was their first encounter with Sabeel.

While sitting around the tables, each one of them introduced herself in a few sentences. Then it was time for the second icebreaker, the mirror game. Two wrapped boxes were placed on a table away from them. The first box had a mirror in it, and the second box had multi-colored pieces of paper with the verse from Ephesians 2:10 written on them, “For we are what He has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of li

They were told that inside the box there was something very special, something unique that God gave to the world as a special gift. The gift God gave to the world is so unique, it is one of a kind.

Each lady was asked to walk to the table, to look inside the first box and to pick a piece of paper from the second box and think about God’s gift after reading the piece of paper. This was followed by a short reflection about how we are God’s masterpiece of art.

Later they were given a short description about Sabeel’s work, its vision, mission and activities, and the need for their energy and input in order to enhance our Palestian roots in Palestine.

We all joined together in the Lord’s Prayer, and then enjoyed the food that they had all brought with them.

The program ended with requests for more such gatherings, and for brainstorming for future agendas.
