November 24, 2016

The Israeli High Court rejected the government’s request for another delay in implementing a court order to demolish Amona, an illegal Jewish settlement built on private Palestinian land. The justices ruled that Amona must be evacuated by December 25. Following threats on internet forums from extremist Israelis over Amona demolition decision, chief of Israeli Supreme Court received added security.

  • Lord, we give thanks for the people of conscience that have judged fairly. We pray for the Palestinian families as they rejoice in the hope of having their property returned. Lord in your mercy…

Ateret Cohanim, an organization that seeks to settle Jews in East Jerusalem, is seeking to evict seventy two Palestinian families living in the Palestinian neighborhood of Silwan. Nine families are under immediate threat of eviction.

  • Lord, the powerful and rich plot to evict us from our homes. Our Savior, we echo your words “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me (Luke 22:42)” for the sake of our children. Grant us lord the needed energy that we lack to overcome this threat. Lord in your mercy…

The students of the Rosary Sisters High School performed a magical dabkeh show in Jerusalem. All the students danced to mark the Palestinian day of independence.

  • Lord, as the boy Jesus amazed the people in the temple with his intelligent answers (Luke 2:47) we are amazed by the girls of Palestine. We give thanks for the creativity and hard work of the young people who lifted our spirits and showed us hope. Lord in your Mercy… 

On November 20th 1959, the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. On the same date in 1989, the UN General assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

  • Lord, we pray for the children of Palestine, who mostly know only wartime and occupation, that somehow they are able to imagine and work towards a world renewed.  We especially pray for Palestinian children between the ages of 10 and 18 who are arrested in the middle of the night, and imprisoned under harsh conditions, most often for crimes they did not commit.  We pray for these children and families who have been traumatized because of these extreme actions. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches by praying for the countries ofCameroon, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea. Lord in your mercy…