On Friday, December the third, Sabeel held a virtual meeting to launch six booklets which Sabeel’s Founder and Director Rev. Naim Ateek wrote and compiled during the pandemic in 2020 and 2021. The booklets include new writings by Reverend Ateek as well as lectures he has delivered at conferences and meetings about liberation theology as applied to Palestine, Jerusalem, and Christmas. The booklets are available in three versions: electronically as a pdf, e-book on the Sabeel website https://sabeel.org/2021/12/03/booklet-downloads/ or Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA) website [link to https://www.fosna.org/fosnabookstore.
The booklets are also available in hard copy, which can be ordered by sending an email to sabeel@sabeel.org.
Approximately 100 people from around the world attended the launch. The discussion centered on looking back on our struggle for human rights, justice, and freedom as well as forward to the future.
In the coming months, Sabeel will be publishing more booklets of Reverend Ateek’s writings and lectures.