knowing Jerusalem ” Young Women’s “

On May 15, 2014, around 10 young women gathered together for a tour in the Old City,to walk and visit some of the buildings that were designed by women throughout history.For many of the women, it never occurred to them that women were in this role of empowerment many years ago, and they also realized how important these buildings are in our time today.
Our tour started in the Holy Sepulchre; Saint Helena was the first woman to design any kind of architecture, and the church was the first one.Seeing this gave our women the motivation and strength that they can be an influence on their communities and societies, and this makes them look forward filled with hope.
The tour lasted around one and a half hours,and after wards the group went for a light dinner at Versave Restaurant in the Old City.Here they got the chance to discuss and reflect what they heard and saw during their walk inside the ancient city walls, and recommended more tours like these in the near future.