February 9th, 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Thousands of Palestinian and Jewish Israelis rallied in Tel Aviv on Saturday in protest of home demolitions targeting the Palestinian citizens of Israel. Demonstrators called the Israeli state’s demolition campaigns against its Palestinian citizens “racist” and an act of “incitement”.

  • Here in Palestine and Israel, Lord, we feel constant aggravation as we continue to endure the frustration deep inside our hearts. We ask you to give us even more steadfastness to carry this burden in a world blind to injustice. We ask you not to let violence escalate and that both peoples in this land would continue, jointly, to resist and challenge injustice nonviolently. Lord, in your mercy…

Preparations continue for the Sabeel 10th International Conference to be held in March 2017. Participants continue to register for this important conference from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, England, Fiji, France, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Palestine, Scotland, South Africa, Sweden, USA and many other countries.

  • We pray for Sabeel’s upcoming 10th International conference. We remember the 200 participants, speakers and those behind the scenes as they make final arrangements; we pray for safe travels, smooth entry and blessed experiences throughout the 10 days of preconference and conference encounters. We pray that each person involved in the conference will grow in faith and knowledge.  May we all be challenged to make a difference with what we experience and learn.  Lord in your mercy…


Sabeel is preparing for a two-day training course this week for about 35 persons to come and learn how to be Bible study facilitators. The participants come from various churches and denominations within Palestine, and will learn firsthand from biblical theologians in order to implement new contextual Bible study programs within their local communities.

  • God, we thank you for community leaders who are hungry to get to know you more and who wish to spread what they know to others. Send your Spirit to guide this training, and allow it to be both educationally and spiritually fulfilling for those who attend. Lord, in your mercy…

  • Lord, the beginning of the year marks a time when we begin anew with plans and projects. We pray for the arrival of two new staff members beginning their ministry with Sabeel Jerusalem/Nazareth. We pray that their transition goes smoothly, that grace will abound as they learn new responsibilities, and that they fulfill their tasks knowing the fullness of your presence. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries ofAndorra, Italy, Malta, Portugal, San Marino, Spain and Vatican City. Lord in your mercy…