December 8th, 2016

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Kairos Palestine is celebrating its 7th anniversary on the 8th and 9th of December in Dar Annadwa International Center of Bethlehem under the title ‘Faith, Sumud, Creative Resistance!’ (Sumud means steadfastness in Arabic.)

  • Lord, we pray for the Kairos Conference in Bethlehem that it may be a reflective and motivating time for its local and international participants. Lord in your mercy…

 We are grateful to have the chance to experience another Advent, and celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ into the world.

  • Lord we pray that the Christmas Message we published this week will inspire action and conversations around the world this holiday season (Available at Lord in your mercy…

Sabeel will hold several local programs during the Advent season: a) an Ecumenical Worship in Nazareth, b) Community Bible Studies, c) two solidarity visits to homes for children and the elderly, and d) an Ecumenical dinner in Jerusalem bringing together the Christian Community to celebrate Christmas.

  • Lord, we thank you for the beginning of Advent this weekend – for valuing humanity enough to become one of us, for taking on flesh and teaching us how to love.  God, we ask for your guidance so that we not only reflect on this time with hope, joy, peace, and love, but also act upon it.    Lord in your mercy…

 This week in Bethlehem, Ramallah, Nazareth, Shefa ‘Amre and other towns and cities in Palestine and Israel, Christmas tree lightings were held for the whole community to enjoy. The tree lightings included the many Christian pilgrims visiting the Holy Land to rejoice in the birth of Jesus Christ.

  •  Lord, as we reflect on Advent and the love of God, we pray that the pilgrims’ eyes will be opened to the reality around them, where the Palestinians suffer from occupation and oppression by the State of Israel.  We pray that your love will give light to the darkness.  Lord in your mercy…

  •  We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Liberia and Sierra Leone. Lord in your mercy

