Dec. 29th, 2016

Palestinian prisoners Ahmad Abu Farah and Anas Shadid announced the suspension of their 90 day hunger strike on Thursday, following an agreement with the Israeli military prosecution that the two would be released after one final renewal of their administrative detentions.

  • Lord, we remember Palestinian political detainees and prisoners in Israeli jails. Administrative detention contravenes International Humanitarian Law. It is the right of every prisoner to be charged and tried. Help us Lord to set the captives free, put an end to the occupation and proclaim your will to the world. Lord in your mercy…

The UN Security Council (UNSC) made a stand for justice last week. However, Friday’s UN resolution condemning Israel’s settlement policies may not result in immediate changes on the ground, as the Israeli Jerusalem zoning committee is expected to approve construction permits for hundreds of new Jewish-only settlement homes in East Jerusalem.

  • Lord, we give thanks to all the people in the world who still believe that peace is possible between Palestine and Israel. We remember all our Israeli friends, international advocates and Palestinian activists who are working vigorously to dismantle all obstacles to ending this evil occupation. Lord in your mercy…

In the midst of the fear of extremism and terrorism in the world, tolerance prevailed in Palestine as hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Muslims joined with their Christian brothers and sisters in their Christmas celebrations.

  • Lord, we give thanks to your spirit that brings your children together all year long. The Bible quote “Do not be afraid” continues to be echoed out loud in Palestine by the actions of our neighbors, friends and our wonderful Palestinian community. Lord in your mercy…

Members of St George’s Church in Bartella, Iraq, entered their church for the first time since it was liberated from ISIS. The Christian community in Bartella immediately began to worship in the churches of their ancestors after ISIS was driven out. Despite their hometown’s having been recently freed from ISIS, the Christians of Iraq are still in a state of mourning during this blessed period of Christmas.

  • Lord, many in the Middle East continue to yearn for the sound of Halleluiah and bells ringing in their Churches. We are given warmth by the church candles, strength from communion and steadfastness as we read your Gospels. Lord, be with the Middle East as we try to recover again from the ashes of war. Lord in your mercy…

  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Ghana and Nigeria. Lord in your mercy…
