Community Advent Report

“It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air.”- W.T.Ellis

On a Friday afternoon, we took a group of 36 participants to Bethlehem for the Advent. We left the Sabeel offices to Beit Al-Tifil (Children’s Home) where we met Fr. Marwan D’ides, who explained to us the establishment of the home. He said that it’s not an orphanage, but a warm home for children who come from an unstable environment (household violence, addictive parents, broken families, etc.). Some of them sleep there during weekdays and go back to their families during the weekend; and some other children go after school, do their homework and have lunch before going home. It’s amazing that the home still keeps in touch with the children who graduate high school, when they are young adults and not children anymore. They provide them with a warm, cozy home.

The group had discussions with Fr. Marwan about Christmas and read verses from the Bible. They discussed what is important in our lives, what determines the importance or the necessity of something we ask for from God, and the relativity of the matter and where this need or want comes in the ladder of priorities. After a good discussion with the participation of most of the group, the home offered us refreshments, homemade pastries and cookies. We met the children and had a tour around the house.

It was a short meeting; nevertheless, it was very fruitful! Every one enjoyed the quality time and looking at the decorations in Bethlehem, including the lighted Christmas tree. Joy was spread and pictures were taken.

Merry Christmas from the Community at Sabeel!