Clergy wives meeting

Greek Catholic Church – Beit Sahour

Eleven women, wives of clergy members from the Jerusalem and Bethlehem area, attended an informational and fellowship meeting in Beit Sahour, Palestine at the Greek Catholic Church.
Mrs. Linda Touma, the wife of the Greek Orthodox priest in Jerusalem, gave reflection on John 8:32, “You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” She spoke about truth with love, and she also interpreted the meaning of freedom, and how we translate this into our daily lives. After her presentation, a lively discussion took place.
After a break in which the women enjoyed a tasty cake made by Mrs. Maha Ateek (wife of clergy member Naim Ateek), the meeting continued with a presentation by Mrs. Cedar Duaybis. Mrs. Duaybis is one of the authors of the KAIROS Palestine document, a statement which speaks “a word of faith, hope, and love from the heart of Palestinian suffering.” She helped the clergy wives to understand the contents of the KAIROS document and explained why it is important.
Sabeel staff discerns with community members which programs and topics are the most pertinent to discuss. A teacher and well seasoned public speaker, Mrs. Duaybis (who is also a board member at Sabeel) elaborated with appropriate examples and historical background which was important because most of the clergy wives were not familiar with the content or the significance of the KAIROS Palestine document. It was gratifying to see that this document was so well received by the women, who asked for additional copies to distribute and make available to a broader audience in Palestine.
The meeting concluded with a wonderful meal provided by the church.
