Wave of Prayer

Wave of Prayer: This prayer ministry enables local and international friends of Sabeel to pray over regional concerns on a weekly basis. Sent to Sabeel’s network of supporters, the prayer is used in services around the world and during Sabeel’s Thursday Communion service; as each community in its respective time zone lifts these concerns in prayer at noon every Thursday, this “wave of prayer” washes over the world.

Wave of Prayer
June 29, 2016

Forty seven church-run Arab schools in Israel, who serve about 33,000 Christian Muslim and Druze children are in danger of financial collapse. These schools launched a strike in protest of the Israeli Education Ministry’s diminished funding of their institutions last year; the strike ended with Israeli promises that never materialized.

  • God, you have given us a mind to think and a desire to learn. We pray that Israel’s discriminatory policy against these schools will end so that all children can enjoy their natural right to education equally. Lord in your mercy.

Yusra Mardini and her sister Sarah fled their home in Syria with 20 others, by boat. Thirty minutes into their journey, the motor stopped and the boat almost capsized. Yusra, Sarah and another woman got into the water, pushing and pulling the dinghy until they reached the shore in Greece. This August, 18-year-old Yusra will be one of 43 swimming athletes across the world who will be vying for the chance to compete in the Rio Olympics.

• Thank you lord for the inspiring story of Yusra and Sarah as they start a new life in Germany. O God, be with all the refugees who are fleeing the Herods of today, hunger, war, persecution and drought. Lord be also with the people who remain in their countries, unable or refusing to leave, as they see their land continue to lose its amazing human gifts, now called refugees. Lord in your mercy.

The month of Ramadan has witnessed beautiful stories of Christian-Muslim fellowship in Palestine. Fr. Manawel Mussalam from BirZeit, hosted freed Palestinian prisoners who were held under administrative detention, at his home, for breaking-the-fast meal. Christian Young adults in Nablus, Ramallah, Nazareth and Bethlehem, distributed food and water to Muslim brothers and sisters stuck at checkpoints or in road traffic at the time for breaking the fast. Also a Palestinian Christian in Akka volunteers to go around the city at dawn to wake up Muslims for a meal before their 16-hour fast.

  • Lord, we thank you for all the people who refuse to surrender to fear and isolation. We are grateful for the witness of your church members who stubbornly remain faithful to you and build bridges in the community of your children. Lord in your mercy.

Fr Pierbattista Pizzaballa OFM has been elevated to the position of Archbishop and appointed Apostolic Administrator of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem upon the retirement of Patriarch Fouad Twal.

  • God, we give thanks for the work of your church and the ministry of Patriarch Fouad Twal. Continue, dear Lord, to be with the Church and with Fr Pierbattista Pizzaballa at this time of transition. Lord in your mercy.

Wave of Prayer

Wave of Prayer: This prayer ministry enables local and international friends of Sabeel to pray over regional concerns on a weekly basis. Sent to Sabeel’s network of supporters, the prayer is used in services around the world and during Sabeel’s Thursday Communion service; as each community in its respective time zone lifts these concerns in prayer at noon every Thursday, this “wave of prayer” washes over the world.

Wave of Prayer
June 23, 2016

Palestinians in the occupied West Bank are being deprived of their most basic need – access to water – as the Israeli national water company Mekorot restricted the water supply to villages and towns in the northern West Bank. Palestinian homes have had no running water for more than two weeks. Factories have been shut down, gardens and plant nurseries have been ruined and animals have died of thirst or been sold to farmers outside the affected areas.

  • Lord, open the heavens and let your mercy rain down upon our fields and mountains in this dry land, as our neighbors have stolen our water and left us thirsty yet we will never despair of your mercy. Lord in your mercy…

Five Palestinian athletes will represent Palestine at the Summer Olympics in Brazil August 5th – August 21st. Palestine has been participating in the Summer Olympics since 1996.

  • We rejoice that the Palestinian flag will be raised and five Palestinian athletes will participate in the 2016 Summer Olympics; their persistent excellence in the face of significant obstacles to their dreams serves as a model to all young Palestinians. May the games be a safe and joyous time which inspire and unify participants and spectators alike. Lord in your mercy…

On June 20 each year, the world commemorates the strength, courage, and resilience of millions of refugees. World Refugee Day was first marked in 2001. Tens of thousands of people around the world take time to recognize and applaud the contribution of those forced to flee

  • Compassionate God, our refuge and defense, we remember before you those made refugees for so long in the camps of the West Bank and Gaza, in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and those dispersed throughout the world. Strengthen the will of the international community to work for their repatriation and compensation, for the sake of the One who was made a refugee, and now lives and reigns forever. Lord have mercy…

The Israeli cabinet voted Sunday in favor of an increase in the budgetary supplement for West Bank settlements due to their “unique security situation.” The addition of $18.6 million joins another ($87.9 million) already allotted to settlements as part of coalition agreements.

  • God of justice, we pray that instead of preserving the status quo and defending its occupation practices, Israel will set its eyes on peace, abide by international law and its illegal occupation and settlement building on Palestinian land. Lord in your mercy…
  • We pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the countries of Botswana and Zimbabwe. Lord, in your mercy…

Wave of Prayer: This prayer ministry enables local and international friends of Sabeel to pray over regional concerns on a weekly basis. Sent to Sabeel’s network of supporters, the prayer is used in services around the world and during Sabeel’s Thursday Communion service; as each community in its respective time zone lifts these concerns in prayer at noon every Thursday, this “wave of prayer” washes over the world.

Wave of Prayer

Wave of Prayer: This prayer ministry enables local and international friends of Sabeel to pray over regional concerns on a weekly basis. Sent to Sabeel’s network of supporters, the prayer is used in services around the world and during Sabeel’s Thursday Communion service; as each community in its respective time zone lifts these concerns in prayer at noon every Thursday, this “wave of prayer” washes over the world.

Wave of Prayer
June 16, 2016

Students across Palestine and Israel have been putting all their efforts and hard work to complete successfully this school year as it comes to an end. Many of these students are taking the national exam that will be a turning point towards their future.

  • Lord, give these students serenity and focus despite all the difficulties that surround them. Brighten their future with hope and lead their ways in their best interest.

Lord in your mercy……

This week our Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine, Israel and around the world started observing the holy month of Ramadan. In Bethlehem, at the
Hospice of our Lady the Virgin Mary, we find a model of social cooperation and solidarity where a group of volunteers, Christians and Muslims collect foodstuffs donated by Palestinians, and prepare 3,000 meals per day for the needy and those with special needs.

  • God of love and mercy, let your mercy and compassion be among all people of this land so that they may live in peaceful harmony, share sorrows and joys, away from ways that lead to violence and conflict.

Lord in your mercy……

Last Sunday the funeral of Mohammad Ali took place. He was a great boxer and caring human being. Rabbi Michael Lerner, who spoke at his funeral, raised his voice loud and clear, for the cause of justice, and against the oppressive occupation of the Palestinians.

  • God almighty, let the power of the truth shine through, and let courage empower people to overcome fear of speaking the truth in the face of power, so that your justice will reign and your Kingdom come on Earth.

Lord in your mercy……

On Saturday Friends of Sabeel held a conference in the UK. Omar Haramy represented Sabeel Jerusalem as well as Robert Cohen and Sami Awad. They all spoke about peace, faith, justice, nonviolence and reconciliation in Israel/Palestine. Over 90 people attended.

  • Dear God, strengthen the hearts of these speakers and empower them to speak out with courage and truth, and may those who hear them be filled with your spirit in order to be your emissaries for justice and peace in this troubled land.

Lord in your mercy…

We pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the countries of Angola and Mozambique.

Lord in your mercy…

Wave of Prayer

Wave of Prayer: This prayer ministry enables local and international friends of Sabeel to pray over regional concerns on a weekly basis. Sent to Sabeel’s network of supporters, the prayer is used in services around the world and during Sabeel’s Thursday Communion service; as each community in its respective time zone lifts these concerns in prayer at noon every Thursday, this “wave of prayer” washes over the world.

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

June 9, 2016

The film “The Stones Cry Out” – is a Sabeel sponsored film that narrates the Palestinian struggle using Palestinian Christian voices. Recently we have made an Arabic version of the film to add to our existing English, German, Swedish, French, Italian, Dutch and Spanish versions.

• Lord, we thank you for the work of Yasmine Perni in her film about Palestinian Christians, “The Stones Cry Out.” We give thanks to all the youth groups and Churches that helped us to launch the film this week in Rammallah, Zababdeh, Al Lid, Jifna and Ailaboon. And we ask that film will continue to draw new audience. Lord in your mercy…

On Friday the Church on the site of Jacob’s Well in Nablus city was attacked by a group of lawless Palestinians. Due to the immediate Palestinian police intervention no physical harm was done to the Priest nor the Church property. The city of Nablus has been suffering from lawlessness for the past few months causing its inhabitants, Christians and Muslims alike, to feel unsafe.

• Lord, at Jacobs well you engaged the Samaritan woman and showed us how to build bridges and connections. Lord, empower the community of our troubled land to continue their steadfastness and solidarity with each other. God, grant the people of Nablus your living water to have security replace fear and let love triumph over hate. Lord in your mercy…

This week Palestinians commemorate the 1967 War marking Israel’s invasion and control of East Jerusalem, Gaza, the Golan Heights and the West Bank. For many Jewish Israelis, this week includes celebrations for Jerusalem Day, which marks the “unification of Jerusalem” in violation of International Law.

• Lord, we remember in prayer all those who became refugees during this Naksa, or “setback,” and those who continue to suffer under forty-nine years of illegal Israeli occupation. Our prayers and actions remain for a just resolution based on the 1967 borders, which has long been the basis for negotiations to ensure peace for everyone in this land. Lord in your mercy…

Sabeel this week launched its new English website with information regarding our upcoming conference in March 2017 themed: “Jesus Christ Liberator, Then and Now- Facing the Legacy of Injustice.

• As Bartimaeus, the poor beggar in Jericho, shouted louder to get your attention Lord, enable all marginalized people to be able to raise their voices. May the new website amplify our voice so many will be encouraged to act for restorative Justice.

• We pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the countries of Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland. Lord, in your mercy…


Wave of Prayer

Wave of Prayer: This prayer ministry enables local and international friends of Sabeel to pray over regional concerns on a weekly basis. Sent to Sabeel’s network of supporters, the prayer is used in services around the world and during Sabeel’s Thursday Communion service; as each community in its respective time zone lifts these concerns in prayer at noon every Thursday, this “wave of prayer” washes over the world.

Sabeel Wave of Prayer
June 2 , 2016

The French government is hosting a peace summit in Paris on Friday, June 3 which will be attended by foreign ministers from numerous countries, including the U.S. and Russia. This summit is in preparation for the international conference to be held later this summer in Paris, which will be an attempt to restart the Israel-Palestine peace talks.

God of peace, we live in hope. So many times we have been disappointed by the prospect of peace talks that have failed to bring peace. We know that throughout the world the Palestinian cause is being heard and that a solution is more earnestly being sought. Give these leaders wisdom, courage and the political will to bring about a just peace.

Lord, in your mercy…

The Israeli government is moving again ever farther to the right with the recent appointments to the positions of Minister of “Defense” and Minister of “Absorption,” bringing about warnings of a “black” time ahead for Israel.

Lord, we pray that your Holy Spirit will turn the hearts of those in power towards peace and not towards the implementation of policies that will cause further suffering not just for Palestinians but for Israelis as well.

Lord, in your mercy…

Lord of all, we remember our Muslim brothers and sisters as they prepare to observe the holy month of Ramadan. We pray that this time of fasting will draw them closer to you and to each other.

Lord, in your mercy…

Lord Jesus, you wept at the death of your friend Lazarus. Today we weep for the loss of two dear friends, Dr. Ken Bailey, a beloved New Testament scholar who helped us better understand your parables and teachings, and Suheil Bitar, husband of our dedicated long-time staff member, Sawsan, and a faithful servant of the Catholic community in Jerusalem. We thank you for their witness and service and pray that your presence and sustaining love will give comfort to family and friends.

Lord, in your mercy…

We pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the countries of Botswana and Zimbabwe.

Lord, in your mercy…

Wave of Prayer

PM Netanyahu has invited Avigdor Lieberman of the extreme right wing party, Yisrael Beiteinu, to step in as Defense Minister in an attempt to bring his party into the government coalition. One of Lieberman’s conditions is the implementation of the death penalty in military courts where Palestinians in the West Bank are tried but not in the civil courts which tries illegal Israeli settlers, which would, in effect, be a death penalty only for Palestinians. Another condition, pensions for Russian immigrants, is being debated but has not been approved.

God of justice, every day we see evidence of how some lives are valued more highly than others, not just here in Palestine-Israel but throughout the world. Open our eyes and our hearts to see the sacred value of all life and help us to create a world that places a higher value on human life than it does on economic concerns.
Lord, in your mercy…

After many discussions with those deeply involved with the politics of Israel-Palestine, prominent feminist historian, Prof. Catherine Hall of University College, London, declined to accept the Dan David Prize, one of Israel’s most prestigious academic awards worth $300,000. Earlier this year, Hebrew University professor David Shulman chose to donate the $20,000 he won for the Israel Prize to Ta’ayush, a Palestinian-Jewish Israeli NGO that works with Palestinians in the West Bank.

Lord, we thank you for these people of conscience who put justice above personal gain and prestige. May their actions challenge us to examine our own values to see where we might be asked to make sacrifices so that your justice will be done.
Lord, in your mercy…

God, in all things we look to you for hope. For Palestinian young people, education is also a source of hope, a hope for a better future. This week, as our children take their school exams we ask that you give them clarity of mind and confidence to do their best, and ask a special prayer for our high school students as they take the tawjihi, the exams that will determine their ability to enter university. May our young people never lose hope in a future of possibilities for a life of freedom and peace.
Lord, in your mercy…

Liberating God, we pray for the Community Retreat sponsored by Sabeel Nazareth being held at Maison d’Abraham in Jerusalem May 28 and 29. We ask your blessing on all participants and on the leadership of Cedar Duaybis and Assis Naim Ateek as they reflect on Liberation Theology and what it means for life today. May their time together be a source of hope and encouragement.
Lord, in your mercy…

We pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the countries of Malawi and Zambia.

Lord, in your mercy…

Past Wave of Prayers

Wave of Prayer

Wave of Prayer

This is Holy Week for Orthodox Christians, and many joyously celebrated Palm Sunday last Sunday, and will rejoice in Easter Sunday in just a few days. Unfortunately, it is challenging for many Palestinian Christians living in the West Bank to get permits to enter Jerusalem, where many of these celebrations and services take place. This is especially true when the Easter holy season collides with Passover, a holy week for Jews.

God of all, we join with our Orthodox brothers and sisters in remembering Christ’s death and celebrating His glorious resurrection. We also lament that the simultaneous occurrence of two religion’s holy days leads to fear and limitations on movement, rather than joy and an outpouring of peace. Please help us to see one another as all part of your future kingdom here on earth.

Lord, in your mercy…

The Israeli government has decided to build a new illegal settlement on Palestinian land behind the separation wall, within the West Bank. They are going to build 1,690 housing and industrial units on this land, which would further isolate occupied East Jerusalem from Palestinians living in the West Bank. This is problematic, because East Jerusalem is the desired capital for a Palestinian state, and this settlement construction would make that almost impossible.

God of justice, we watch in anger and frustration as more Palestinian land is taken for illegal settlement construction and expansion. We struggle to maintain hope, and are at a loss for what to do. Send us your spirit to walk alongside us during these dark days, and remind us that there will be light at the end of the tunnel.

Lord, in your mercy…

France is convening a preliminary meeting of foreign ministers on May 30th, prior to the scheduled international conference. This meeting will have neither Palestinian nor Israeli representatives there, but groundwork will be laid towards a future two-state solution that hopefully both sides can agree on.

God of mercy, we are cautiously hopeful about what the French Initiative might produce. Be present with those at the May 30th meeting – open their hearts and minds, and help them to not be blinded by politics or power. Inspire those at the peace summit to act in the best interests of all, and help them find a solution that could finally bring lasting peace to this country.

Lord, in your mercy…

Sabeel Nazareth took a women’s trip to Haifa on April 22nd to walk through the old city in memorandum of the Nakba. April 22nd is the exact day of the occupation of Haifa, and therefore a very significant day to remember those who suffered expulsion from their land and homes on that day.

God, we are grateful for the ability to remember, both the good and the bad. Help us continue to do so, and to not forget the pain experienced by those who have come before us. Let us learn from their experiences and work to create a future where those injustices will not be repeated

Lord, in your mercy…

We pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the countries of Djibouti and Somalia.