April 13th, 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer


Jerusalem is keeping Holy Week with prayer and meditation along the fourteen stations of suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ. This year, Easter Sunday falls on the same date according to all Christian Calendars, Eastern and Western.

We pray for cooperation and goodwill among the region’s various denominations. We hope that Easter can be a time of unity for Christians in Jerusalem and around the world. We pray that the risen Christ’s message of peace will inspire us all this Easter season.
Leader: lord in your mercy…
People: hear our prayers…

On Palm Sunday, bombs exploded at two Coptic churches in different cities in northern Egypt targeting worshippers during prayer. The terrorist attacks, claimed by the Islamic State, killed at least 47 people and wounded about 100.

Lord, evil and darkness continues to creep into our Churches killing our children, women, men and clergy. We long for the day when our churches and other places of worship are safe and not terrorist targets. Christians in the Middle East echo your cry: “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” We pray, Lord, that you will grant us the power you gave to Ananias, so we can open the eyes of our neighbors who persecute us.
Lord in your mercy…

On April 9th, Palestinians remember the Deir Yassin Massacre of 1948, when at least 107 Palestinians were killed in cold blood, including women and children. Later this month the Holocaust, the Armenian and Assyrian Genocides will be commemorated.

We pray desperately that these horrors will never be repeated. God, comfort all the survivors of these terrible events and lead us all out of cycles of violence into the way of peace and neighbourly love.
Lord, in your mercy…

Armed clashes have been taking place in the Palestinian refugee camp of Ein Al-Hilweh in Lebanon, leaving five dead and dozens more injured since Friday. The fighting is taking place between Palestinian factions trying to protect the camp from Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorists.

Lord, we pray for the safety of Palestinian refugees who remain displaced for sixty nine years. Strengthen us God so we continue to work for the return of our Palestinian brothers and sisters from living under harsh conditions to their rightful homes.
Lord in your mercy…    

Eyewitnesses reported that Israeli planes began spraying pesticides on farmlands near the Palestinian side of the “buffer zone” in Gaza, causing fear among farmers that their crops would be damaged, as has been the case in the past.

Lord we pray that the insanity of Israeli occupation will come to an end. We pray for the safety of the Palestinian farmers and their crops. We ask you God to protect our daily bread from every danger.
Lord in your mercy…

We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania.
Lord in your mercy…


April 6th, 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Last Friday, six thousand Palestinians and internationals from around the world participated in the “Fifth Annual Free Movement – Palestine Marathon” in Bethlehem. The objective of the Marathons is to open the eyes of the world to the situation of the Palestinians and their limited freedom of movement.

  • Lord, we give thanks to the creativity of the Palestinian people and their friends in raising awareness to the injustice in Palestine. We give thanks for another successful marathon and for all the people who helped to organize it.

Leader: Lord in your mercy…

People: Hear our prayer

Last Saturday, hundreds of Jews and Arabs took part in a Jerusalem march against the occupation. The rally is meant to “protest against the continued Israeli control over the territories and especially East Jerusalem, and in favour of a peaceful and just solution for both peoples”.

  • Lord, we pray for the amazing people who refuse to surrender to evil and work towards a better tomorrow. We give thanks for all Palestinians and Israelis who continue to walk together hand in hand so that your will is done.
    Lord in your mercy….

With Palm Sunday this weekend, many Palestinian Christians living in the West Bank are still waiting to hear if they will obtain permits from the Israeli military to go to Jerusalem for the Palm Sunday procession, for celebrations and worship.

  • Lord, we pray that all Palestinians will have access to their places of worship in Jerusalem, and that the Holy City will be open to all faiths. Lord in your mercy…

Sabeel is organizing its annual walk along the Contemporary Way of the Cross, in preparation for the Holy season of Easter. This walk joins together the suffering of Christ on the Cross with the suffering of Palestinians in the present, and connects the stations of the Cross with contemporary issues of injustice within Israel and Palestine.

  • God, we ask that you be with those attending this year’s walk. Send your Holy Spirit to guide them as they remember the suffering Christ experienced as he was being led to the cross, and as they link the present suffering of the Palestinian people to your suffering. Remind them too, God, that the joy of Easter Sunday follows the pain of Good Friday. Lord we know the present injustices in the world will end and that the final word is yours.
    Lord, in your mercy…

Last Thursday, the Israeli security cabinet unanimously approved the establishment of a new settlement to house settlers evacuated from the illegal outpost of Amona. This is the first time in over 20 years that Israel has established a new West Bank settlement.

  • God, Israel continues to steal our land and uproot our Palestinian people with no mercy. We pray that the international community will act courageously to enforce international law and put an end to the Israeli government’s greed and arrogance.
    Lord in your mercy…
  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of the Balkans – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia.
    Lord in your mercy…
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March 30th, 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Last week, the Israeli human rights organization, B’Tselem, published a video that showed Israeli forces in the city of Hebron abusing an eight year old Palestinian child. The video shows the army dragging the boy, barefooted, through a neighborhood in the city in order to identify other children who allegedly threw stones at a nearby illegal Israeli settlement. “The boy was wandering barefoot outside his house in Hebron looking for a toy he had lost, when a group of at least 15 soldiers seized him,” eyewitnesses reported.

  • Lord, the demons of the occupation continue to cast their powers over young Israeli soldiers and make them lose their humanity. We pray for the traumatized child as he pays the price for inhuman military orders. We pray for the people who work vigorously to put an end to the brutal Israeli military occupation so children can find their toys in peace.
    Leader: Lord in your mercy…
    People: hear our prayers

A video filmed by an eyewitness showed an Israeli police officer physically assault and injure several Palestinians in Jerusalem last week. The video shows a plainclothes police officer aggressively attacking both verbally and physically, 50 year old Mazen Shweiki, a Palestinian truck driver after accidentally hitting the officer’s car. Over the course of the nearly two-minute long video, the officer proceeds to headbutt, slap, punch, kick, and knee Mazin in the lower abdomen.

  • Lord, the humiliation and violence of the evil occupation is overwhelming. We pray for the steadfastness of Jerusalem and its people. May your spirit enlighten the Palestinians to transform our anger into hard work to achieve the long awaited peace that you have promised the city of your miraculous resurrection. Lord in your mercy…

Thursday, March 30th, marks Land Day – a day commemorated by Palestinians for the expropriation of their land inside Israel in 1976. Palestinian citizens of Israel demonstrated against this confiscation of thousands of acres of their land. Six Palestinian citizens of Israel were killed and hundreds were wounded in these confrontations. This day is still remembered, inside Israel and in Palestine, 41 years later, as land grabbing and illegal settlement building continues to erode the borders of a future Palestinian state.

  • God of all, wrongs done in the past continue to be done in the present, and it becomes hard to believe that things will somehow change in the near future. As we remember Land Day and the events that occurred then, help us to believe that there is a way forward through this. Give those in power the courage to speak out against these injustices, and work towards a peace that is long overdue.
    Lord, in your mercy…

This Friday Sabeel will host a community Easter egg hunt in Bethlehem for children living in orphanages. Over 90 kids are expected to participate, and the weather is predicted to be sunny and warm.

  • God, we thank you for this opportunity to share joy and happiness with children whose lives have not allowed for much of that. Be present with those who come out on Friday, and let it be a moment for them to forget the current political struggles, and instead rejoice in the good news Easter brings.
    Lord, in your mercy…
  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries: Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia. Lord in your mercy…

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March 23rd, 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer


Tamir Pardo, Israel’s ex-Mossad chief said publicly that the Israeli occupation is Israel’s only existential threat. Pardo said that Israel is sticking its head in the sand regarding the conflict with the Palestinians: ‘the conflict won’t resolve itself’

  • Lord, we give thanks to all voices that continue to speak the unpopular truth. God, grant the needed courage for Israeli leaders of conscience who are still in power to set the Palestinian people free.

Leader: Lord in your mercy…

People: Hear our prayer

The USA is planning to boycott the United Nations meeting to discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. US Ambassador, Nikki Haley, said the US will vote against any item the Human Rights Council puts forth on Israel.

  • Lord, we give thanks for all the people who continue to work to bring forward the plight of the Palestinian people on the agenda of the world. We pray for an end to the arrogance of the United States administration that continues to be a stumbling block to peace in the land we call holy.
    Lord in your mercy…

Israel’s Strategic Affairs Minister, Gilad Erdan, wants to set up a database of Israeli citizens who are involved in promoting and supporting boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel or the illegal Israeli settlements.

  • Lord, during this blessed season of Lent we are free to prohibit ourselves from many material needs and privileges. We pray for the safety of Israelis who take the ethical stand to fast from products and services that benefit from the suffering of the Palestinian people.
    Lord in your mercy…

Rima Khalaf, head of a Lebanon-based United Nations agency that promotes development in Arab countries has resigned. Khalaf submitted her resignation after refusing to withdraw a United Nations report that concluded that Israel has established an “apartheid regime.”

  • Lord, we continue to hear loudly the voices of truth that break the silence demanded by the powerful of this world. We give thanks for all the people who make a firm stand with our just cause with no turning back.
    Lord in your mercy…

Fr. Michael Lapsley from South Africa, freedom fighter to healer, is launching his new book in Palestine this weekend. The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Jerusalem, the Tantur Ecumenical Institute and Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Centre in Jerusalem are planning a joint event this Saturday at the Church of the Redeemer to launch the book in Jerusalem. Sabeel Nazareth will also be launching the book this Sunday.

  • Lord, we pray for our friends in South Africa who continue to show solidarity with our Palestinian people. We pray for all people who continue to work against all the odds to keep hope alive and the light of your good message shining.
    Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
    Lord in your mercy…

March 9th, 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer
March 9th, 2017

2017 marks 100 years since the Balfour Declaration, a declaration that gave birth to the  injustice, suffering and dispossession of the Palestinian people. Sabeel does not want to this year to be only a time of looking back. Through our 10th International Conference this week, let us aspire to make 2017 a biblical year of Jubilee, a year in which we proclaim liberty to our land and for all its inhabitants. Inspired by this vision of Jubilee, we want 2017 to mark a time for moving forward and overcoming the challenges of Israeli occupation and extremism.

  • Lord, we the participants of the Sabeel conference cry out to you that this year

Will be the time for Palestine.
will be the time of justice for the Palestinians.
Lord in your mercy hear our cry…

  • Lord, we the participants of the Sabeel conference cry out to you that this year
    will be the time to respect human lives in the land called holy.
    will be the time for healing to begin in wounded souls.
    will be the time to end more than 100 years of conflict, oppression and fear.
    will be the time for freedom from occupation.
    Lord in your mercy hear our cry…
  • Lord, we the participants of the Sabeel conference cry out to you that this year
    will be the time for equal rights.
    will be the time to end discrimination, segregation and restriction on movement.
    will be the time for those who build walls and fences to put them up on their own property.
    will be the time to stop bulldozing the homes of one community and building homes for another on land that is not theirs.
    will be the to do away with double standards.
    Lord in your mercy hear our cry…
  • Lord, we the participants of the Sabeel conference cry out to you that this year
    will be the time for the international community to implement more than 70 years of United Nations resolutions.
    will be the time for people who have been refugees for more than 70 years to gain their right of return
    will be the time for self-determination for the Palestinian people.
    Lord in your mercy hear our cry…
  • Lord, we the participants of the Sabeel conference cry out to you that this year

Will be a time for pilgrims to visit Bethlehem and other Palestinian towns imprisoned by the wall.
will be the time to expose settlements in their comfort and refugee camps in their despair.
will be the time for people living under occupation for 50 years to feel stronger solidarity from people around the world.
Lord in your mercy hear our cry…

  • Lord, we the participants of the Sabeel conference cry out to you that this year
    will be the time to name the shame of collective punishment and to end it in all its forms.
    will be the time to voice rejection of violence against civilians and for civilians to be safe.
    will be the time for Israel to release Palestinian prisoners
    will be the time to reunite the people of Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
    will be the time for all parties to obey international humanitarian and human rights law.
    Lord in your mercy hear our cry…
  • Lord, we the participants of the Sabeel conference cry out to you that this year
    will be the time to share Jerusalem, with East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.

Will be the time for Muslim, Jewish and Christian communities to be free to visit their holy sites.
will be the time for olive trees in this land to flourish and grow old.
Lord in your mercy hear our cry…

  • Lord, we the participants of the Sabeel conference cry out to you that this year
    will be a time to speak truth to power.
    will be a time to break the silence surrounding injustice.
    will be the year for peace, the year for Palestine
    Lord in your mercy hear our cry…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Ireland; United Kingdom: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. Lord in your mercy…


March 2nd, 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer


Jubilant crowds gathered in the Palestinian towns on Saturday evening to watch the highly-anticipated announcement of the winner of the Arab Idol singing contest in Beirut, that has had millions of viewers fixed to their TV screens since November. Celebrations broke out in Palestine, as native of the town of Bethlehem, Yacoub Shahin, was announced as the winner Shahin is the second Palestinian to claim the title since the contest premiered in 2011.

  • Lord, we begin this week with a light heart and thanksgiving for the unforeseen fame of Palestinian Yacoub Shahinin the popular reality TV show, Arab Idol. We pray that you continue to bless him and use his voice to raise awareness for justice for the Palestinian people. Lord, in your mercy…

Mohammed al-Qeeq, the Palestinian activist and journalist, has declared an open hunger strike after being issued an administrative detention order by the Israeli occupation authorities on February 6th2016. Israeli occupation forces rearrested al-Qeeq on the evening of 15 January 2017 north of Ramallah. In 2016, al-Qeeq, 35 years old, engaged in a 94-day hunger strike against his administrative detention – imprisonment without charge or trial. Al Qeeq won his release in May 2016. Also, Jamal Abu Leil and Raed Mteir, from Qalandia refugee camp north of Jerusalem, started a hunger strike to protest their own administrative detention on February 16th.

  • Lord, we pray for Palestinians who are courageously choosing to resist injustice in various non-violent ways, like hunger strikes. We pray especially for the Palestinians who have been detained without charge or trial. Lord please sustain them and all fellow hunger-strikers. Lord, in your mercy…

Preparations continue for the Sabeel 10th International Conference to be held next week in Bethlehem, Hebron, Jerusalem, Nazareth, occupied Syrian Golan heights and the Sea of Galilee. This week, participants are preparing for their travels from many countries.

  • Our prayers for safety and wellbeing are with the international and local travellers and pilgrims to Bethlehem for Sabeel’s 10th International Conference. We continue to pray for the participants, speakers, organizers, staff and volunteers as everyone prepares in the last days before the conference. Lord in your mercy…

On Friday Israeli forces suppressed a crowded march in the Old City of Hebron, as local Palestinian residents and international activists demanded the reopening of closed streets and the removal of the illegal Israeli settlers from the city.The march was launched in line with the 23rd anniversary of the Ibrahimi mosque massacre, when Jewish-American settler Baruch Goldstein entered the Ibrahimi mosque in Hebron and shot dead 29 Palestinian Muslims during worship.

  • Lord, we cry out at the injustices experienced by those living in Hebron, particularly the economic and social violence caused by the sustained closing of Shuhada Street. We pray for healing of the land, and for peace to those who must currently live with so much fear and persecution.Lord, in your mercy… 

Hundreds of members of Egypt’s Coptic Christian minority have fled the Sinai Peninsula to Ismailiya city, 115km northeast of the capital Cairo, following a series of targeted killings by a local terrorist armed group.The assailant extremists have shot and killed at least seven Christians in separate attacks in Sinai’s El Arish city in February.At least 90 families have reached the Ismailiya governorate, according to an official of the Coptic Orthodox Church.

  • Lord, we pray that Egypt remains the safe haven that sheltered the Holy Family when they fled from Herod. We hold the Church of Egypt in our prayers, especially the faithful who are persecuted in your name. We also pray for your mercy and understanding as we fail to love our enemy.  Lord in your mercy… 
  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Lord in your mercy…


February 23rd , 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Last Sunday morning, Israeli occupation forces surrounded a primary school in the bedouin village of Khan al-Ahmar in the occupied West Bank and delivereda demolition order. The school was built in 2009 with the assistance of an Italian NGO, Vento Di Terra, using ecological methods including construction out of used car-tires.

  • Lord, we pray for the courage and steadfastness of the students, teachers and administrative staff of the primary school of Khan al-Ahmar. We remember the parents of the students as they have no choice but to send their children to school. We ask you Lord to be with all people of good will as they work day and night to advocate on behalf of the school to be spared and not become rubble. Lord in your mercy…

A Palestinian family of thirteen is left homeless after they were forced to demolish their own home in the neighborhood of Silwanin occupied East Jerusalem. The family demolished their own home in compliance with orders from Israel’s Jerusalem municipality to avoid extreme punishment. It is almost impossible to obtain a building permit for Palestinians living under the Israeli occupation, thus forcing the community to build without a building permit as an act of resistance.

  • Lord, the people of your city Jerusalem continue to be bullied and harassed by the Israeli occupation. We remember the family of Shweiki and acknowledge their pain. Comfort the family as they become homeless, not by their own hands but by the discriminatory policies of the evil Israeli occupation. Lord in your mercy…

Last Friday, on the 12th anniversary of the popular movement in the village of Bilin, demonstrations were held in the villages of Bil’in, BeitJala, Jabalia, Nilin andKafrQaddum in the occupied Palestinian territories. The demonstrations are held to protest the Israeli settlements and the separation wall. Bil’in is one of the most active Palestinian villages in nonviolent protests against the Israeli occupation policies.

  • Lord, even in the midst of despair thousands continue to resist the unjust powers that dominate. We give thanks to the organizations, leaders, community members and international supporters who continue to bravely march against an enemy that seems for many as undefeatable. Lord in your mercy…

Fifteen Christian organizations sent a briefing paper to all members of Congress and to the Trump Administration last week calling for U.S. policies that promote peace, justice, and equality between Israelis and Palestinians. full text is available here

  • On the “International Day for Social Justice” we give thanks for the prophetic, honest and brave stand of the fifteen Christian organizations. Lord, may this initiative open the door for other Churches and organizations to follow suit. Lord in your mercy…
  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of France, Germany and Monaco. Lord in your mercy…

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Feb. 16th, 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer


Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrives in Washington on Tuesday hoping to find in President Trump a kindred spirit and a compliant ally.

  • Lord Jesus, both Pontius Pilate & Herod Antipas conspired unjustly against you. Dear Lord, you alone faced the powers of injustice while your friends abandoned you. Please Lord, as you triumphed and had the final word, help the Palestinian people and their prophetic friends to remain steadfast and overcome the danger that awaits them. Lord in your mercy…

Over 250 European organizations (faith groups, political parties and trade unions) issued a statement last week, demanding justice and accountability from the EU and European states for the rights of the Palestinian people living under occupation. The more than 250 signatories pledged to intensify their actions in order to pressure the EU and European states to end their complicity with Israeli violations of Palestinian rights.statement here.

  • Lord, we thank you for the people of conscience around the world. Continue Lord, to bless all the nonviolent initiatives that speak truth to power. May this year be the year your will of justice, peace and reconciliation be done in our troubled land. Lord in your mercy…

Israeli authorities entered the al-Bustan area of Silwan in occupied East Jerusalem on Friday afternoon and delivered 16 home demolition notices to several Palestinian families. A day earlier, Israeli settlers occupied a room and an adjacent house of a 76-year-old Palestinian in the same neighborhood of Silwan. The Israeli municipality began issuing demolition orders to homes in Silwan in 2005 as part of the Israeli authorities’ plan to establish the Jewish tourism site “King David’s Garden”.

  • Lord, the neighborhood of Silwan continues to live in fear. We remember all the families of Silwan, especially the children, and pray for their safety. May your spirit Lord comfort the hearts of our people suffering under the Israeli military occupation. Lord in your mercy…

Israel’s parliament passed legislation last week that aims to legalize about 3,000 housing units built on private Palestinian land in the West Bank. The so-called “Regularization Law” passed the Knesset, in a 60-52 vote.

  • Lord, the darkness continues to fall over our land but we refuse to weep or to surrender to fear. Bless Lord the hands of Palestinian farmers as they continue to plant trees in the fields of their villages; bless the hands of the workers as they continue to construct Palestinian homes in our villages and towns; bless the women, children, youth and men who continue to protest the expansion of the Israeli settlements on our lands; continue to bless our nonviolent resistance Lord and nurture it. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Lord in your mercy…

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February 9th, 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Thousands of Palestinian and Jewish Israelis rallied in Tel Aviv on Saturday in protest of home demolitions targeting the Palestinian citizens of Israel. Demonstrators called the Israeli state’s demolition campaigns against its Palestinian citizens “racist” and an act of “incitement”.

  • Here in Palestine and Israel, Lord, we feel constant aggravation as we continue to endure the frustration deep inside our hearts. We ask you to give us even more steadfastness to carry this burden in a world blind to injustice. We ask you not to let violence escalate and that both peoples in this land would continue, jointly, to resist and challenge injustice nonviolently. Lord, in your mercy…

Preparations continue for the Sabeel 10th International Conference to be held in March 2017. Participants continue to register for this important conference from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, England, Fiji, France, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Palestine, Scotland, South Africa, Sweden, USA and many other countries.

  • We pray for Sabeel’s upcoming 10th International conference. We remember the 200 participants, speakers and those behind the scenes as they make final arrangements; we pray for safe travels, smooth entry and blessed experiences throughout the 10 days of preconference and conference encounters. We pray that each person involved in the conference will grow in faith and knowledge.  May we all be challenged to make a difference with what we experience and learn.  Lord in your mercy…


Sabeel is preparing for a two-day training course this week for about 35 persons to come and learn how to be Bible study facilitators. The participants come from various churches and denominations within Palestine, and will learn firsthand from biblical theologians in order to implement new contextual Bible study programs within their local communities.

  • God, we thank you for community leaders who are hungry to get to know you more and who wish to spread what they know to others. Send your Spirit to guide this training, and allow it to be both educationally and spiritually fulfilling for those who attend. Lord, in your mercy…

  • Lord, the beginning of the year marks a time when we begin anew with plans and projects. We pray for the arrival of two new staff members beginning their ministry with Sabeel Jerusalem/Nazareth. We pray that their transition goes smoothly, that grace will abound as they learn new responsibilities, and that they fulfill their tasks knowing the fullness of your presence. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries ofAndorra, Italy, Malta, Portugal, San Marino, Spain and Vatican City. Lord in your mercy…


February 2nd, 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

On Friday, Donald Trump president of the United States, targeted seven Muslim-majority countries and refugees with a travel ban, excluding religious minorities. The ban is likely just a first step towards establishing a broader ban.

  • Lord, refugees are stranded, bombs are being dropped on their homes and walls are being built to keep them away from safety. We pray for our troubled countries in the Middle East to have peace so refugees will be able to go back home. We also pray that the walls and regulations that are being placed in the USA will stop the export of weapons and conflicts to our region. Lord in your mercy…

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking a parliamentary vote to legalize unauthorized Jewish settlements in the West Bank. The move comes as Netanyahu gets a diplomatic boost by Trump’s pro-Israel statements. All Israeli settlements are illegal in accordance to International law, but some Jewish outposts in the occupied West Bank are deemed illegal within Israeli Law.

  • Lord, the Israeli leadership continues to prolong the conflict by defying International law. We pray for the wisdom of the members of the Israeli Knesset to block this appeal. We also pray for the courage of the international community not to abandon our case; we continue to pray for the steadfastness of our people as we continue to seek a peace based on Justice. Lord in your mercy

Nineteen-year-old, Mohammed Abu Khalifa, was shot dead by Israeli soldiers at the Jenin camp in the occupied West Bank. Five other Palestinians were also wounded at the camp after clashes erupted when the Israeli occupation forces raided the camp Sunday morning.

  • Lord have mercy on our people as we continue to bury the victims of the Israeli military occupation. We ask you Lord to comfort the family of Abu Khalifa who grieves for the loss of their beloved son. We pray for an end of the occupation that continues to devour our children and the humanity of our adversaries. Lord in your mercy…

Israel’s Jerusalem municipality on Sunday approved permits for the construction of at least 566 new illegal Israeli settlement units in occupied East Jerusalem, after the plans were said to be put on hold until after US President Donald Trump was sworn in.

  • Lord, the greed of the Israeli government continues to grab our land and to displace our people. Enlighten us Lord, so we may find ways to open the eyes of our neighbors to our presence and human rights. May love trump hate, and the powerful bow down to your will. Lord in your mercy…

Six innocent people are dead and eight innocent people are injured after a shooting at a mosque in Quebec City. The attack, which took place at the city’s Quebec Islamic Cultural Center, is being investigated by police as an act of terrorism.

  • Lord, we pray in solidarity with the families of the victims and the fast recovery of the people who were injured in this evil terrorist attack. Help us Lord to echo your anger for the rhetoric of fear and hate that continues to spread around the world against “the other”. Lord in your mercy… 
  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Western Sahara and Tunisia. Lord in your mercy…