August 31st, 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer


This month, Israel revoked the citizenship of hundreds of Israeli Arab Bedouins and left them stateless. Over 500 citizens lost their citizen-status with a single keystroke and with no further explanation.

  • Lord, we pray for equality and justice for all the citizens of Israel. Dear God, may your spirit guide the Israeli government to treat all its citizens with respect, equal rights and to put an end to its discrimination of its non-Jewish citizens.
    Leader: Lord in your mercy…
    People: Hear our prayers

Muslim Palestinians with millions of Muslim worshipers from around the world, are on their way to Saudi Arabia to perform the annual Muslim pilgrimage of Hajj.  At the end of Hajj, Muslims prepare for Eid al-Adha, the most important holiday in the Muslim calendar which falls this weekend.

  • Lord Jesus, with those who build bridges of interfaith understanding, we pray for our Muslim brothers and sisters that they may celebrate Eid al-Adha next week in peace. We also pray for the safety of those who make this pilgrimage of prayer and devotion. Lord in your mercy…


Last week, Israeli authorities stormed the Silwan neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem and demolished a Palestinian home for the second time. The same home, 60-square-meters, had just been demolished on August 15th, 2017, by the Israeli army. With the help of fellow Jerusalemites, the family rebuilt a temporary home made of tin sheets, which Israeli forces came to destroy on Tuesday 22nd of August 2017. The family and their friends are already working to rebuild the house for the third time.

  • Lord, we pray for all the people of Jerusalem who resist the evil of the Israeli occupation. May the people of Palestine continue to plant hope by building what the occupation attempts to destroy. Lord in your mercy…

A Palestinian brand-new primary school in Jubbet Al-Dhib was razed by Israel just as the new school year was set to begin. The six newly installed steel terrapin cabins were erected in the village of Jubbet Al Dhib so that local children do not have to walk for an hour to get to school. A total of 55 West Bank schools are currently threatened with demolition and “stop-work” orders.

  • Lord, our enemy has lost all semblance of humanity. We pray for all children to be able to exercise their right to education and knowledge. May Palestinian teachers continue to be blessed with courage and wisdom as they commit, under difficult circumstances, to educate another Palestinian generation under occupation. Lord in your mercy…

This Saturday, Sabeel is organizing a field trip to Bethlehem for 50 young Palestinians from the area of Nablus, Burqin and Tubas. The young people are committed members of three Bible-Study groups that meet on a weekly basis. The purpose of the trip is to visit the Church of the Nativity and build fellowship among the members of the three groups.

  • Lord, we pray for all the Sabeel Bible-Study groups, for all their members, and especially the group facilitators. We pray for safe travel for the young people and a successful event. May all the work of Sabeel glorify your name. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Cape Verde, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Senegal.  Lord, in your mercy…


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August 24th, 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

The impact of the Gaza electricity crisis on people’s access to water is life threatening. The current crisis is caused by Israel’s decision to cut electricity supplies to Gaza by 40 per cent, at the request of the Palestinian National Authority. The Palestinian Authority and the Hamas Government in Gaza are in dispute over who should pay the electricity bills.

  • Lord, we hold the people of Gaza in our prayers. May your spirit bring justice to the people on the margins who suffer at the hands of the powerful decision makers. Guide us Lord to continue to work to end the injustice and hold Israel responsible for the people they hold under siege. Give us courage to challenge both the leadership in Ramallah and Gaza who have failed to bring unity.
    Leader: Lord in your mercy….
    People: Hear our prayers

According to a study released, the husbands of 38% of female cancer patients in Gaza file for divorce. The reasons for divorce varies from thinking that cancer is contagious, the high cost of cancer treatment or fear from the side effects of cancer on their wives body.

  • Lord, women deserve better. We pray with indignation for your enlightenment for the many men in Gaza who lost their humanity. Help us Lord to courageously diagnose the deadliest disease of ignorance, hardheartedness and all attitudes and actions that dehumanize women.
    Lord in your mercy…

This Monday, the Israeli army destroyed a child daycare center close to Al Azarieh suburb of Jerusalem. The daycare was a project funded by a number of European governments as support to the Palestinian local community.

  • Lord, the Israeli government continues to attack our villages and towns with the intention to destroy every sign of hope. We pray for an end to this occupation that nourishes hatred and violence. We give thanks for the nonviolent resistance among Palestinians, Israelis and internationals that work for justice and peace and plants hope in the community.
    Lord in your mercy…

This week marks the beginning of the new school-year. It cheers the heart to see the hopeful faces of the school children as they go back to their school benches. 

  • We pray that this year will be a peaceful one, and that the children will be able to reach their schools safely and without delays, despite the obstacles in their way: the wall, the checkpoints, the searches, the gates and the closures.
    Lord in your mercy…

The Ramallah Annual Summer Festival, is an event that revives an old tradition and celebrates Ramallah’s history through various city venues and public places. This year’s festival was a great success that uplifted the spirit of the Palestinian people.

  • Lord, we give thanks for all the musicians and dancers who use their gifts to draw a smile on Palestinian faces. We pray for the safe journey back home for the international artists who participated in the festival. We ask for your spirit to protect and foster the numerous artists in Palestine.
    Lord in your mercy…        


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of  Liberia, Sierra Leone .  Lord, in your mercy…


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August 17th, 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

In Gaza, the ongoing humanitarian crisis continues to deteriorate drastically. This week, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) expressed their “deep concerns” for the intensifying humanitarian crisis.

  • Lord, we hold the people of Gaza in our prayers as they try to survive against all odds. It is true by bread alone one does not survive, but without bread and clean water they will perish. God, open the eyes of the decision makers of our world and soften their hearts to show mercy and grant Gaza justice. Lord in your mercy…

Four U.S. Senators, including Bernie Sanders, urged U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to monitor the case of Issa Amro, a prominent Palestinian activist from Hebron. Issa, was indicted by Israeli army prosecutors for a range of offenses, most of which occurred three years ago.

  • Lord, we give thanks for the steadfastness of Palestinian activists who continue to resist the evil occupation using nonviolence. We give thanks to the people of good will who refuse to be silent and question the actions of the powerful. Lord in your mercy…  

The annual tour of the Palestine Youth Orchestra, a flagship project of the Edward Said National Conservatory of Music, started in Amman, Jordan last week. Despite the difficulties and obstacles of bringing young Palestinian musicians from all over the world, concerts at Birzeit University and Al-Najah University were extremely beautiful and inspiring and went very smoothly.

  • Lord, we give thanks for the talents, enthusiasm and energy of those young musicians who uplifted the spirit of the audience and cast a mood of optimism and pride in the halls. Lord in your mercy…

 On Wednesday, the Jerusalem local planning and building committee removed the unjust proposal for the construction of 200 new housing units for Israelis on the ruins of the village Lifta. Lifta, is one of over 530 Palestinian villages that were depopulated in 1948 to pave a way for the establishment of the state of Israel.

  • Lord, we pray for all Palestinian refugees to be able to exercise their right of return to their homes. God, give us the needed strength to continue to raise awareness to the unjust actions of the state of Israel and for the state of Israel to respect and implement the United Nations resolutions. Lord in your mercy…

local and international criticism continue to mount against the Palestinian Authority(PA) restrictions on the freedoms of expression in the occupied West Bank. Seven Palestinian journalists imprisoned by the PA have begun a hunger strike after being detained under the controversial Cyber Crimes Law, approved by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas last month. Although the Journalists have been freed, the law is still present.

  • Lord, help us, Palestinians, to convey to our leadership your words: “if we remain silent the stones will cry out”. We pray that the powerful may understand that freedom is neither negotiable nor compromisable, but is a God given right. We give thanks for the release of the journalists and pray for the freedom of speech in Palestine and every corner of this world. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger.  Lord, in your mercy…


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August 10th, 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer


Sabeel is organizing an international witness visit from the 1st of November to the 9th of November 2017 under the theme: Christian Zionism and Colonialism – A Response from Palestinian Christians. Sabeel Witness Visit trips provide participants with the unique opportunity to experience the reality of Palestinians living under Israeli Occupation.

  • Lord, we pray for an enriching and fruitful visit that will enable the participants to see and learn firsthand the situation on the ground.  We pray that they will go back inspired and encouraged to continue the work of justice and peace for this troubled land. Lord in your mercy…


The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, which is the second-largest landowner in Israel – Palestine, has sold a number of prime real estate to private Israeli investors, causing anger and frustration among Palestinian Christians. The deal was done without the knowledge of, and against the best interests of the indigenous Palestinian Christian community.

  • Lord, we pray for Your spirit to guard the Church against every form of greed. Our Teacher, remind the Church leaders of your parable of “the rich fool” and its lesson that one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. Lord in your mercy…

In recent months, the Israeli Ministry of the Interior has drastically increased its hostile policies towards East Jerusalem residents. Many Palestinians wait months to schedule an appointment and waste valuable resources on dealing with the added bureaucracy.

  • Lord, we give thanks for the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in East Jerusalem and pray for an end to the hostility shown to them.
    Lord in your mercy…

In Hebron, an Israeli settler was caught on camera trying to bully and steal a Palestinian ten-year old boy’s bike. Local human rights activist, Issa Amro, interfered and was able to return the bicycle to its rightful owner. Also in Hebron, the heroic Palestinian filmmaker Imad Abu Shamsiyya, was arrested after recording a local youth being harassed at a checkpoint.

  • Lord, in the rest of the world children have fun and enjoy riding their bikes. In segregated Hebron, bike rides are a dangerous thing. Lord, we pray you would help the children being bullied by the Israeli settlers and army, and strengthen the community in Hebron to defend them. Lord in your mercy…


Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem continue to be the target of Israeli settler organizations. Jewish settlers are stepping up their attempts to acquire new property through deceitful and violent means. Also in Isawiya village in East Jerusalem, 200 families received demolition orders of their homes.

  • Lord we pray especially for Palestinian communities in Silwan, Shiekh Jarrah and Isawiya who suffer the most. We pray for the families who try to appeal their case in unjust courts that serve the greed of extremist settlers. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the Republic of Congo, Gabon, and Sao Tomé and Principe.  Lord, in your mercy…


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August 3rd, 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer



Although Israel continues to impose restrictions on access to Al-Aqsa Mosque, there have been some victories as a result of the protests, including that the metal detectors and some cameras have been removed. There were prayers inside the mosque on Friday, with as many as 10,000 worshippers participating. Sabeel and Kairos Palestine led a delegation of Christian leaders to meet with Muslim leaders and protest together at Al-Aqsa mosque, emphasizing that increased Israeli control at Haram al-Sharif is a concern for all Palestinians, regardless of religion.

  • Lord, we thank you for the successes that have come from the nonviolent protests in Jerusalem, and for the unified stand Muslims and Christians against the occupation in general, and in East Jerusalem in particular. We pray that the nonviolent protests will continue and Israel will end its control over East Jerusalem and all of the occupied Palestinian territories.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer…

In March 2016, an Israeli soldier named Elor Azaria killed Abdul Fatah al-Sharif in Hebron. Al-Sharif was wounded and already incapacitated after attempting to stab another soldier when Azaria shot him in the head. This week, an Israeli court denied Azaria’s appeal of his 18-month prison sentence amid calls by Israeli leading figures for his pardon.

  • Lord, we lament the killing of Abdul Fatah al-Sharif. We mourn a climate which Palestinian attackers are extra judicially executed while Israeli attackers are given minimal sentences.

Lord, in your mercy…

Twenty-year-old Mahdi al-Saadi was chased and shot to death, at close range, by Israeli police in his hometown of Jaffa while unarmed. This is another incident in the consistent mistreatment of Palestinian citizens by Israeli police. In response, there have been protests and clashes with police in Jaffa.

  • Lord, we mourn for Mahdi al-Saadi and all the other young people who are killed by police as a result of racial profiling and prejudice. We lament that Palestinians and Israelis who are accused of crimes are treated so differently, and pray that police officers would protect people rather than mistreating them.

Lord, in your mercy…

In Amman Jordan, an Israeli embassy security guard killed two Jordanians, one of them a bystander. The security guard was welcomed as a hero in Israel, including by Prime Minister Netanyahu, who hugged him and praised his behavior, saying it was self-defense from an attempted stabbing. The Israeli investigation is still ongoing, but most likely will be superficial.

  • Lord, we lament the culture of violence in which claims of self-defense allow Israelis to shoot and kill people with few consequences or questions. We mourn the deaths of the two people who were killed in Amman.

Lord, in your mercy…

We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the Republic of Congo, Gabon, and Sao Tomé and Principe.

  • Lord, in your mercy…



July 27th, 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Since last Friday, there have been mainly nonviolent protests in Jerusalem as a result of Israel’s decision to impose new security measures on worshippers entering Al-Aqsa mosque, changing the status quo of the site. Palestinian Muslims have refused to enter the mosque and are nonviolently praying in the surrounding streets. Israeli police have responded violently, injuring at least 300 protesters and killing three. Some protests have also turned violent. One Palestinian was shot by a settler and three Israelis were killed in their home.

  • Lord, we thank you that the majority of the protests were nonviolent, and we are grateful for our brothers and sisters in the Muslim community who are using the power of prayer to protest injustice. We mourn for all people who have been killed or hurt. Although it is often difficult to act with nonviolence in the face of injustice, we pray that the protesters will have the courage to continue in prayer and nonviolence rather than returning evil for evil.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer…

Palestinian Christians have been joining in protests by praying with Muslims in the streets of East Jerusalem. There was also an interfaith protest in front of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.  Participants emphasized that they are protesting increased Israeli control which is meant to assert Israel’s sovereignty over occupied East Jerusalem, including Al-Aqsa mosque, something that concerns all Palestinians and which is not primarily a religious conflict.

  • God, we thank you for interfaith protests and prayers that resist attempts to divide Palestinians along religious lines. We pray for an end to the occupation which affects all Palestinians regardless of religion.

Lord, in your mercy…

Palestinian  political factions, including Fatah and Hamas, have agreed to join together in creating a Palestinian unity government shortly after both parties called for unity in response to increased Israeli control of Al-Aqsa. There have been other actions of solidarity around the world, including protests in Jordan and Lebanon, and prayers in the United Kingdom.

  • Lord, we thank you for actions of unity and solidarity. We pray that the unity government devotes itself to helping the oppressed and working against injustice rather than using power for personal gain.

Lord, in your mercy…

Over 20 million people in Yemen are in need of humanitarian assistance, according to UN estimates, and many do not know where their next meal will come from. Additionally, over 800,000 people have been affected by cholera, and almost 2,000 have died.

  • God of all people, especially people in need, we mourn for the people who have died in this epidemic. We pray that the epidemic will end and that people will be able to get the food and medicine they need. Comfort the people who have lost loved ones and help the government of Yemen and the international community respond to this great need so that people do not die because they lack resources.

Lord, in your mercy…

We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Rwanda.

  • Lord, in your mercy…

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July 20th, 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Last Friday, three men from the Palestinian town of Umm al-Fahm inside Israel were killed after shooting and killing two Israeli Druze police officers at the checkpoint at the entrance to Haram Al-Sharif. As a response, Israel has implemented collective punishment through actions like closing Al-Aqsa mosque, requiring that worshippers go through metal detectors before entering it, and closing the Old City.

  • Lord, we lament all violence and mourn the deaths of all those killed this weekend. We pray fervently for an end to the injustices which feed the cycle of violence. We pray for a day when the freedom of movement and access to religious sites becomes a reality for Palestinian communities, and when Palestinians as a group are not held responsible for the actions of a few people who use violence.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer…

The results of the tawjihi exams were released last week, and many families have been celebrating with parties and fireworks. These exams, which are taken at the end of high school, are very important because they determine whether students are accepted into universities.

  • God, we pray for the thousands of young people who are celebrating their achievement and we remember the students who did not reach their target grades. May the students of Palestine use their education to better their communities and to strengthen the society in which they live.

Lord, in your mercy…

The Knesset is considering amending one of Israel’s Basic Laws to make it more difficult to divide Jerusalem in a potential peace deal. This law is intended to solidify Israeli control over all of Jerusalem, including occupied East Jerusalem.

  • Lord, we lament the efforts of the Israeli government to further control Jerusalem in violation of international law. We pray for an end to the illegal occupation of East Jerusalem, and we pray that leaders will seek to work for peace with justice rather than against it.

Lord, in your mercy…

The electricity crisis in Gaza continues to worsen. Due to the shortage of fuel, the last power plant in Gaza has been closed. There have been power outages lasting as long as thirty hours, leaving people without relief from the heat and relying on candles for light.

  • God of justice and mercy, we pray for the people of Gaza, who are suffering from lack of water, electricity, and medical supplies. Give them hope for a better life for themselves, their children and their communities, and an end to their suffering. We pray that the blockade will be broken and the people of Gaza will not be forsaken.

Lord, in your mercy…

Across Palestine and Israel, children are going to summer camps which provide them with activities while school is out for the summer.

  • Lord, we thank you for programs which provide opportunities for children to have fun in the summer and live a normal life even in situations of occupation. We pray for the organizers and volunteers who are working to make this possible.

Lord, in your mercy…

We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Djibouti and Somalia.

  • Lord, in your mercy…


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July 13th, 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Ranan, a member of our Sabeel family who works at the office in Jerusalem, got married last Friday. Her wedding was a wonderful celebration with lots of friends and family members. She and her husband, Alex, will be leaving for their honeymoon in Sri Lanka next week.

  • Lord, we thank you for Ranan and Alex. Please bless and guide them as they begin their married life together, and give them safe travels on their honeymoon. We thank you also for this occasion to celebrate.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer…

Eighteen-month-old Abdul Rahman Barghouti died last Friday after being hospitalized for almost two months as a result of tear gas inhalation. The IDF shot tear gas into several Palestinian homes in the village of Aboud, near Ramallah, during mid-May protests related to the prisoners’ hunger strike. The IDF also blocked ambulances from reaching the Barghouti house, forcing medics to carry Abdul Rahman on foot to reach medical care.

  • God, we mourn for Abdul Rahman Barghouti, and we grieve the systems of oppression which devalue and end the lives of Palestinian children. We pray for a world in which children are not gassed in their homes and emergency medical care is not delayed. Lord, be with Abdul Rahman’s family and community as they continue to struggle forward through the depths of despair.

Lord, in your mercy…

UNESCO recently declared the Old City of Hebron/Al-Khalil a Palestinian cultural world heritage site. It was also placed on the list of endangered sites due to the Israeli occupation of Hebron. The government of Israel has protested this decision, calling it anti-Semitic, even though the Palestinian Authority explicitly stated that the Al-Ibrahimi Mosque/Cave of the Patriarchs is sacred to all three Abrahamic religions.

  • Lord, we thank you for organizations like UNESCO which seek to preserve cultural heritage for all people. We are grateful for UNESCO’s recognition that Hebron is occupied Palestinian territory.

Lord, in your mercy…

Since the beginning of July, three church bodies have passed resolutions in support of peace and justice for Palestinians. Mennonite Church USA passed a resolution to divest from companies profiting from the illegal occupation of Palestine and continue to support Palestinians and Israelis who are working for peace. The World Communion of Reformed Churches passed a resolution to start discerning ways to work for peace in Palestine and Israel, connect with Palestinian churches, and reject theologies which are used to justify the oppression of Palestinians. The United Church of Christ passed a resolution to advocate for the rights of children in Israeli military detention.

  • Lord, thank you for churches around the world who are standing in solidarity with Palestinians and working for an end to the occupation and other human rights abuses. Help them to be faithful in this work, and let them be an example for other churches.

Lord, in your mercy…

The Friends of Sabeel and Kairos Palestine in the United Kingdom have been working for over a year on a motion calling for investment practices consistent with biblical and moral principles to ensure that churches will not profit from the occupation of Palestine. They have been bringing the resolution to denomination leaders in the UK, and it has made substantial progress in the Church of England in the last week.

  • Lord, thank you for the diligent work of our friends in the UK who are encouraging church institutions to live out biblical imperatives by resisting illegal occupation and settlements. We pray that you will enlighten the hearts and minds of those in positions of influence and strengthen the resolve of people working for this resolution. We pray also that church leaders will not abandon this resolution through fear of accusations of anti-Semitism.

Lord, in your mercy…

We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Eritrea and Ethiopia.

July 6th, 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer


There continue to be new settlements approved in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. There are now plans to evict several Palestinian families from the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah in order to build new homes for settlers.

  • God of justice, we watch in anger and frustration as more Palestinian land is taken for illegal settlement construction and expansion, and as Palestinian communities in East Jerusalem are isolated from each other. We pray for the end of illegal settlement building, which threatens peace with justice in this land, and we pray for the families who are at risk of losing their homes.

           Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer…

The water shortage in the West Bank continues. This is a result of years of Israel’s discriminatory water policies. The amount of water allowed to the West Bank has not been increased since 1995, although its population has almost doubled since then. As a result, the average Israeli has access to 2-3 times the World Health Organization’s recommended minimum water allowance per day, while the average Palestinian living in the West Bank has access to only 75% of that minimum amount.

  • Lord, water is a source of life, and we pray for the people living in Occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem who continue to live with restricted water supplies, especially during this unusually hot summer, while others in Israel and in the settlements have uninterrupted access to water.

           Lord, in your mercy…

Palestinians from the West Bank who work inside Israel are subject to many forms of discrimination. This includes denial of permits, checkpoint closures preventing workers from getting to their jobs, and lack of enforcement of laws intended to protect the rights of workers.

  • God, we pray for the many people who pass through checkpoints for work, prayer, medical appointments, and to visit friends and family. We pray that the systems that separate people and restrict their movements will be dismantled, and that all people will be able to have equal opportunity to support their families.

           Lord, in your mercy…

We mourn for several tragic deaths that occurred recently. One tragedy was the death of a mother and her five children in a car accident on the way to Nablus. We also mourn the accidental drowning of a young man in Tiberias and the injury of his friend, who is still in the hospital.

  • Lord, be with those closest to the people who have died. Comfort their families in this time of grief. We also pray for a quick and complete recovery for the young man who is still in the hospital.

           Lord, in your mercy…

Today, Mennonite Church USA is voting on a resolution called “Seeking Peace in Israel and Palestine,” which proposes that the church commit itself to advocacy and economic actions such as divestment from companies which profit from the occupation.

  • Lord, we think of the Mennonite Church this week as they consider ways to support work for a just peace. Much careful and prayerful work has been done to bring the resolution to this point, and we pray that the delegates will have the courage to commit themselves and their communities to standing with people who are suffering from occupation, violence, and discrimination.

          Lord, in your mercy…

We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Sudan, South Sudan, and Uganda. Lord, in your mercy…

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June 29th, 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer


There have been a string of attacks by Israeli settlers in the West Bank recently, particularly in the region of Nablus. At the same time, the Knesset has just approved the preliminary reading of a bill to annex some of the settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, which would further solidify the system of applying Israeli civilian law to settlers and military law to Palestinians living in the same areas.

  • God, we lament the violence that comes from the settlements and the ways that the Israeli government excuses and condones this theft of land. We pray that the words of international law will be more than just rhetoric and that people around the world will act for justice and accountability. We pray that Israeli authorities will take responsibility to stop this violence, and that the eyes of the settlers who perpetrate this violence will be opened and that they will see the harm they are causing.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer…

In the past months, there have been many women who have been killed by their family members both in Palestine and Israel, as well as around the world. Some of these women had previously filed domestic violence complaints or asked for legal or social service help in other ways.

  • Lord, we lament the violent deaths of women around the world. We pray for legal and societal changes which will curb the tide of violence and discrimination against women, and that law enforcement and social services will be attentive to the needs of the vulnerable people who ask for their help. We pray that perpetrators of violence against women will be held accountable for their actions, and that no more men will see the lives of the women closest to them as expendable.

Lord, in your mercy…

Inside Palestine and Israel, freedom of the press is being restricted and news sources are being blocked. Many of the groups and organizations being restricted have been critical of their governments or associated with their political competitors. NGOs reporting human rights abuses are also particularly at risk of being suppressed.

  • Lord, freedom of the press has been threatened by both Palestinian and Israeli authorities. We pray that all journalists are able to tell their stories without fear of suppression, and we thank you for the work of people who try to provide the public with fair and accurate information and speak truth to power.

Lord, in your mercy…

Israel has restricted water access across the West Bank this month, with some areas, including Ramallah and Kufr Aqab, having been deprived of water for over two weeks. Many people have run out of stored water. At the same time, people living in nearby settlements have enough water to fill swimming pools.

  • Lord, many thirst and feel weak. We lament the water shortages caused by unjust distribution and misuse of limited resources. Access to clean water is the most basic and essential of human rights. We pray that the Palestinian people whose water is being stolen and denied to them will soon be able to meet their needs.

Lord, in your mercy…

We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Kenya and Tanzania.