Sabeel Wave of Prayer

January 18th, 2018

On Monday the 15th, Sabeel Jerusalem and Nazareth offices held a one day retreat in Bethlehem to strengthen fellowship among our staff and volunteers.

  • Lord, we pray for the staff and volunteers of Sabeel Jerusalem and Sabeel Nazareth. We pray for the Sabeel Board of Directors, Executive Committee and the General Assembly. We give thanks for all the Friends of Sabeel groups around the world. Bless their lives and work.
    Lord, in your mercy…Hear our prayers

Rev. Ibrahim Azar, Pastor of The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Jerusalem, was consecrated as Bishop of the Lutheran Church. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) is one of the Lutheran World Federation member Churches, serving approximately 3,000 local members.

  • Lord, we give thanks for the ministry of Bishop Dr. Munib A. Younan, and his long service of the Evangelical Church in particular, and for the entire Palestinian people in general. We also hold the new Bishop, Ibrahim Azar, in our prayers as he takes on the new position in your service. May your spirit, Lord, empower him to remain the humble, loving and honest good shepherd we know. Lord in your mercy…  

An Israeli settler was killed last Tuesday after he succumbed to wounds sustained in a shooting attack near the city of Nablus. On Thursday, two Palestinian teenagers were shot and killed by Israeli soldiers as violence continues in the occupied territories.

  • Lord, as we pray for all the families who have lost their loved ones, we pray for the safety of our families and our own loved ones. We pray for justice and the end of oppression. Grant us Lord the gift to see peace and the end of violence in our country. Lord in your mercy…

“The Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms “(MADA), documented a total of 84 violations committed by the Israeli occupation against Palestinian journalists during the month of December.  Also during December, five journalists have been injured from stones thrown by Palestinian demonstrators during clashes with the Israeli occupation army.

  • Lord, we pray for the safety of all journalists, especially for the ones who work in conflict zones.  We give thanks to the people who dedicate their lives, cameras and pens to inform the world of the untold story. Lord in your mercy…

Sabeel is organizing an international witness visit from the 28th of February to the 8th of March 2018 under the theme: The Forgotten Faithful – A Window into the Life and Witness of Christians in The Land of the Holy One. Sabeel Witness Visits provide participants with the unique opportunity to experience the reality of Palestinians living under Israeli Occupation.

  • Lord, we pray for an enriching and fruitful visit that will enable the participants to see and learn firsthand the situation on the ground.  We pray that they will go back inspired and encouraged to continue the work of justice and peace for this troubled land. Lord in your mercy…

  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. Lord in your mercy…


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Wave of Prayer

January 11th, 2018

A Palestinian teen, Musaab Firas al-Tamimi, was shot and killed by Israeli forces on Friday near the Deir Nitham village, northwest of Ramallah city. Musab’s killing makes him the first Palestinian to be shot dead by Israeli occupation forces in 2018.

  • Lord, we remember the family of Musaab Firas Al-Tamimi as they mourn their loved one. We pray for an end to the Israeli occupation that continues to feed our graves with our children. Lord in your mercy…

On Saturday, Palestinian Christians came out in harsh opposition to the Christmas visit of the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, Theophilos III, to the city of Bethlehem. Theophilos III, is accused of orchestrating the sale of Palestinian land, belonging to the Arab Orthodox Church, to Israeli entrepreneurs belonging to Zionist and settler groups.

  • Lord, we pray for all people who demand reform and transparency in the world, especially in the Church. May the cries of the people remind the powerful that YOUR message of righteousness and justice still echoes in our hearts. Lord in your mercy…     

According to the “Israeli Peace Now” movement – a watchdog on Israeli settlements – the Israeli Civil Administration’s “High Planning Committee” is expected to approve the promotion of at least 1,329 housing units in illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.

  • Lord, the greed of the Israeli occupation continues to dispossess our people of their lands. We pray for the international community to continue to condemn and act against the illegal actions of Israel and stand for our Palestinian rights. We give thanks to all the people of conscience in Israel who continue to expose the aggressive actions of their government. Lord in your mercy… 

On Sunday, Israel published a list of 20 global organizations whose members will be barred from entering the country due to their support for the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel’s occupation.

  • Lord, we pray for all human rights organizations of the world who stand firmly for justice and peace in Palestine and Israel. May this action by the State of Israel only serve to embolden those human rights defenders to continue their work for justice and peace. Lord in your mercy…

Last Thursday, hundreds of Palestinians protested in the Gaza Strip against electricity cuts and worsening economic conditions. Gaza’s two million residents have been subjected to a brutal, decade-long blockade by Israel.

  • Lord, we pray for the world to stop living in darkness regarding the deteriorating humanitarian conditions in Gaza. We pray for strength to continue to speak truth to power and set the Gaza Strip free from this evil blockade. Lord in your mercy…

The USA administration is threatening to cut aid funding to the Palestinians if they do not submit to the dictates of the USA and Israel.

  • Lord, you have taught us: “One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God”. We pray that the Palestinian leadership and our people do not submit to the bullying of the rich and powerful, but remain determined to assert their national and human rights. Lord in your mercy…  

In response to a request from the Friends of Sabeel France, the Chief of Cabinet of the President of the French Republic assured them that President Emmanuel Macron never misses an opportunity to affirm his commitment to the two-state solution and the status quo over the holy places of Jerusalem. “France, a Friend of both Israel and Palestine, firmly condemns the illegal build-up of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East-Jerusalem.”

  • Dear Lord, every commitment of a Chief of State to put an end to the unlawful colonization of Palestinian territory by Israel is a source of hope for all of us. May deeds follow promises, and peace with justice become, at last, a reality for all the inhabitants of Palestine and Israel. May the project of President Macron to reactivate the peace process take shape quickly, for the sake of the dignity, the rights and the responsibilities of all people of the region. Lord in your mercy… 
  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Iran, Iraq and Syria. Lord in your mercy…

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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

January 4th, 2018

Nine people have been killed in two attacks on Coptic Christians in Helwan district, south of Cairo, Egypt. The so-called Islamic State (IS) has claimed responsibility for the church attack.

·         Lord, we cry out to you to strengthen the Church in Egypt as it continues to loose innocent lives by the demons of extremism. We remember the families of the victims and pray for the recovery of all the injured. May this evil attack bring the people of Egypt closer together to confront exclusivity with inclusivity. Lord in your mercy…

In 2017, 6500 Palestinians were arrested, of whom 1600 were minors and 170 women. 2100 of the Palestinians arrested are Jerusalemites.

·         Lord, we pray for all the Palestinian prisoners, especially the children. May this year, be the year that all the captives are set free, and the unsustainable Israeli military occupation come to an end. Lord in your mercy…

Last Thursday, Israeli naval forces opened fire on Palestinian fishing boats off the coast of Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip. The Israeli naval forces detained two fishermen, Sameh al-Quqa and Shawqi Bakr, and confiscated their boats.

·         Lord, the Israeli occupation generates storms that deny our fishermen and their boats  a safe journey back to shore. We pray for all the prophetic voices in the world to continue to speak truth to power and make the Israeli military siege come to an end. We pray for the release of the fisherman, the bread winners of their families, to be reunited with their loved ones. Lord in your mercy…

On Sunday, about 1,500 members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud ruling party voted  unanimously to impose Israeli sovereignty over the occupied West Bank. The non-binding resolution also called for the unlimited construction of settlements in the occupied West Bank.

·       Lord, the extremists in Israel are determined to steal our Palestinian land and deprive us from what is rightfully ours.  We pray for all the people of conscience in Israel to exert pressure on the Israeli politicians to abandon greed and colonialism and recognize international law. Lord in your mercy…  

A new report, by the Israeli human rights organization, B’Tselem, revealed how Israel exploits the West Bank to treat waste –  including hazardous waste – generated in Israel. In so doing, Israel abuses its power as an occupying power. It exposes the Palestinian residents – who are excluded from the decision-making process –  to environmental and health hazards.

·       Lord, we continue to be overwhelmed by the unjust and abusive actions of Israel. We ask for your spirit to give us the strength to continue the nonviolent resistance to bring the insanity of the Israeli occupation to an end. Lord in your mercy…

According to a new study carried out by Dar al-Kalima University in Bethlehem, the Israeli occupation of Palestine is the main factor behind the exodus of Palestinian Christians from the region.

·       Blessed Redeemer, of all the earth, we pray for your Church in Palestine. Stand with your Church and protect it from all evil and disintegration. May the women, men and children who are your body in this land continue to shine forth with the light of your love, truth and grace. Lord in your mercy… 

 Last Thursday, sixty-three Israeli teenagers have published an open letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu, declaring their refusal to join the Israeli army due to their opposition to the occupation.

·         Lord, we give thanks for all our friends in Israel who refuse to take part in the sin of the Israeli military occupation. We pray that the voices of these brave young Israeli teenagers are echoed among many others Israelis. May love triumph fear and justice prevail for all the people in our land. Lord in your mercy…    

In a late night debate, lawmakers pass an updated bill that makes it harder to divide Jerusalem without Knesset approval. This latest Israeli law trumps president Trump’s declaration that Jerusalem boarders are negotiable.

·         Lord, the powerful continue to abuse their power in order to deprive the occupied Palestinian people of their inalienable rights under international law. Loving God, only your power of love can sand in the way of the power of arrogance. Lord in your mercy


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of  Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and the Occupied State of Palestine. Lord in your mercy…

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Sabeel Wave of Prayers

December 28th, 2017


Last Thursday, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly adopted a resolution rejecting US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and his plans to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The world stood united and refused the bullying of the United States of America.

  • Lord, we give thanks for the adoption of the United Nations resolution rejecting the unjust recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel by the USA. May the resolution be a reminder to all the oppressed in the world that Justice is not dead and that freedom is coming. Lord in your mercy…

Ahed Tamimi, a prominent 16-year-old Palestinian activist, has been detained during a pre-dawn raid on her home by the Israeli army and border police in the occupied West Bank. Ahed, a blond girl with piercing eyes, was caught on camera slapping an Israeli soldier after he refused to leave the premises of her home.

  • Lord, we pray for all the Palestinian teenagers living under the Israeli military occupation. We ask for the day to come that our youth enjoy a normal life that allows them to seek and fulfill their dreams they have. Lord in your mercy…

Shiekh Saiah Al Toury, the leader of Al Araqib Village, was sentenced for 10 months in an Israeli jail. Israeli forces have destroyed Al Araqib, a village in the country’s southern Negev region for the 119th time, yet its community continues to defy the Israeli government by rebuilding their village.

  • Lord, we remember all prisoners, especially the Palestinian political prisoners who advocate for justice and freedom. We pray that Israel realizes that the way for peace is not made by demolishing our villages nor by silencing our leaders. Lord in your mercy… 

Pope Francis and Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, used their traditional Christmas Day message to make oblique criticism of Donald Trump over the Jerusalem decision.

  • Lord, we give thanks to all the prophetic voices in your Church. During this blessed season of Christmas, may the kings who rule our world accept that the message of the baby in the manger will never be hushed. Lord in your mercy…

On Monday, Member of Kenesset, Oren Hazan of the right-wing Likud party ( Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s party), intercepted and boarded a bus of Palestinian families travelling to Nafha prison. The Ultra right-wing Israeli representative verbally insulted Palestinians from Gaza as they travelled to visit their imprisoned relatives, hurling abuse at the women calling their sons “dogs.”

  • Lord, we echo the scripture: “And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.” Mathew 15:27.  We pray the racism and abuse of Israel ends and we, who are seen by our neighbors as unworthy, be granted equality. Lord in your mercy… 
  • As 2017 draws to a close and the New Year begins, we take time to remember the events of this past year. The difficulties, the tragedies, and the hardships are fresh in our minds, especially as we think of Syria, Iraq, Egypt, and Gaza. But Lord, please remind us of your daily mercies, your grace, and your promise of peace; though we have trouble in this world, remind us to continually take heart, for you have overcome the world. Lord in your mercy… 
  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Japan, North Korea, South Korea and Taiwan. Lord in your mercy…


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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

December 21st, 2017


Mohammed Tamimi, a 14-year-old Palestinian boy, has been placed in a medically-induced coma after Israeli soldiers shot him in the face with a rubber bullet during a protest against a US decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

  • Lord, we pray for a miracle that will heal the child Mohammed Tamimi. We remember the family of Mohammed and ask for your Spirit to be with all the victims of injustice and violence in the world. Lord in your mercy…

Last Friday, Ibrahim Abu Thurayya, a well known 29 year old Palestinian activist was shot in the head and killed by Israeli forces during clashes along Gaza’s border with Israel. Abu Thurayya had lost both his legs in an Israeli airstrike in 2008. Abu Thurayya washed cars in Gaza to support his 11-member family.

  • Lord, the Israeli occupation tolerates no resistance. We pray for our Palestinian people not to lose hope and continue to seek their freedom. Empower us Lord to do the possible, to make the occupation tumble. We remember the family of Abu Thurayya who have become completely dependent on your mercy…

Palestinian officials refuse to meet US Vice President Mike Pence. Peace talks between Israel and Palestine have become superfluous with the US abandoning International law by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

  • Dear Lord, people of power tend to ignore their responsibility to be just and fair in their dealings. Lord we beseech you to please enter the hearts and minds of the politicians everywhere to strive towards true Justice and Peace. Lord in your mercy ……….


  • Lord, we give thanks for the fellowship experienced last Saturday during the Sabeel Annual Ecumenical Christmas Dinner. We are grateful for the amazing Al Rua’ Choir, the dedication of our Jerusalem committee and for our many friends who made the Christmas dinner a success. We ask for the ecumenical spirit to be strengthened in the world “so in Christ we who are many are one body” Romans 12:5. Lord in your mercy…


Mohamed al-Taweel, a 14 year old Palestinian boy, affected by Down Syndrome, was arrested while protesting against U.S. President Donald Trump’s illegal decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Turkey-based International Down Syndrome Federation denounced the arrest by Israeli soldiers.

  • Lord it is truly astonishing that soldiers can become so hard-hearted as to arrest a young person of 14 with special needs. What is going on in this land lacks moral ethics. Dear Lord please let your teachings of  ‘love your neighbor’ become a reality here. Lord in your mercy …

Last week, Virginia Theological Seminary board of trustees voted unanimously to award Rev. Naim Ateek an Honorary Doctorate in Theology. The university received many letters from the local and International communities acknowledging the work of Rev. Naim Ateek.

  • We thank you Lord for Rev. Naim and for your inspiration in his work. We are grateful for the recognition of a leader whose life time has been spent seeking justice for the Palestinians. Lord in your mercy …


The U.S. vetoed a UN resolution seeking to reaffirm Jerusalem’s status as unresolved, after 14 UN Security Council members voted in favor of the resolution Monday, in response to U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize it as Israel’s capital.

  • Lord, the Palestinian people are running out of options leaving only the “stones to cry out”. We give thanks for the brave countries of the world that refused to disrespect international law and challenge the unjust decisions of the United States Administration. We pray that the powerful give up on their useless efforts to maintain the Israeli military occupation. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of China, Hong Kong and Macau.Lord in your mercy…

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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

December 15th, 2017

 This week marks thirty years since the beginning of the first Palestinian intifada. The Palestinian uprising, that was mostly nonviolent, which is considered  a model of grassroots resistance all over the world.

  • Lord, we give thanks for the resilience and steadfastness of our Palestinianpeople. We pray that the people of Palestine continue to prove that Justice is mightier than the sword andrenew their commitment to nonviolence. Lord in your mercy…


While we continue to follow on from the repercussions of the United States recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, the people of Jerusalem  try to keep their attention and hope on the Baby in the manger in anticipation for salvation and liberation from the darkness of the Israeli occupation.

  • We pray for the Sabeel Jerusalem Christmas dinner on Saturday. Local clergy from different denominations, international workers, and community members from all walks of life will gather for fellowship, food and song. We pray that God will be glorified by our celebration. Lord in your mercy…


Israeli Housing Minister,Yoav Galant,is promoting a plan to build 14,000 new settlement units in the occupied city of Jerusalem.  According to media analysts, 7,000 settlement units are expected to be approved this week.

  • Lord, the foolish Israeli decision makers continue to build settlements on sand ignoring your will for justice. We pray for the Palestinian people who continue to be bombarded by Israeli injustices and theft of land, that they will not surrender to hopelessness and despair. Lord in your mercy…

The U.S. administration’s announcement to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has been met by hundreds of demonstrations across the world, the United Nations condemnation and statements of solidarity from the four corners of the world.


  • Lord we give thanks for all the people of conscience who cry out that Justice is not dead. We pray for the hundreds of thousands of Jews, Muslims and Christians who marched together to show Palestinians that international law and human rights are still respected and must not be ignored even by the powerful. Lord in your mercy…

 At least, four Palestinians have been declared dead in the besieged Gaza Strip during clashes along the border areas with Israel, and when Israeli airstrikes targeted alleged Hamas military positions.  Over one hundred Palestinian civilians have been injured in the West Bank. The clashes erupted in response to the United States recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

  • Dear God, we pray for the speedy recovery of all the wounded, and for your spirit to comfort the families of the people killed. We pray that the Palestinian people do not give in to the temptation of violence and commit to nonviolence as the only means to gain self-determination. Lord in your mercy…

 Students across Palestine and Israel are preparing for their mid-year school exams this week.

  • Lord, please give them clarity of thought, quick recall of information, and peace to finish the school term in this period of political uncertainty and unrest. Lord in your mercy…
  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries ofCambodia, Laos and Vietnam.Lord in your mercy…

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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

December 7th, 2017

Last Sunday, offset the beginning of the blessed season of Advent around the world. Many Churches in Palestine started their preparations for Christmas.

  • Lord we are reminded that this is the land you chose to come to, bringing your love and tidings of your Kingdom. We pray for the many Churches in our land, that your Spirit will be with us all, as we prepare to welcome you anew this Christmas.
    Lord in Your mercy …..

Last Thursday, Qusra, a village in the Nablus district of the occupied West Bank has expressed outrage over the killing of a Palestinian farmer, while working on his own land, by an Israeli settler.

  • Lord we pray for the family of Mahmoud Odeh; especially for his ten children, that you will comfort them in their sorrow and loss. We ask you Lord to provide for their spiritual and practical needs. We pray for an end to the Israeli occupation that continues to harvest innocent lives.
    Lord in your mercy…

This week, The Center for Environmental Education is holding its 8th Palestinian Conference for Environmental Awareness and Education: Green Education: yesterday and today.  Also this week, Kairos Palestine is celebrating its 8th anniversary in a conference under the title “The Palestinian Christians: The Reality & The Role”

  • Lord please be with our different Palestinian organizations as they work to reflect on the challenges that face us, explore solutions and share experiences in a land troubled by injustice.
    Lord in your mercy….

Opposition is growing in the world to an expected announcement by Donald Trump that the US will recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

  • Lord, we pray for the city of peace, our city Jerusalem. May the powerful decision makers abandon tyranny and exclusivity and surrender to your will of justice and inclusivity. We pray for true peace in the city of Jerusalem, the city loved by all its children

Lord in your Mercy…

“Human Rights Watch”, emphasized again the urgency to publish the UN database of businesses that profit from Israeli settlements built on occupied Palestinian lands.

  • Lord we cry to you, and we cry to the world to help free us from the occupation. For the greedy, the love of money is stronger than ethics and justice.  Please be with us Lord that darkness may be overcome, please shine your light in our darkness and free us from this cruel unjust occupation.
    Lord in your mercy …

Israeli occupation forces have installed six caravans at a military outpost in Hebron city, expropriating  one and a half dunams of Palestinian land.

  • Lord, the Israeli army continues to humiliate and rob our people from the little we have left. We pray for an end to the Israeli occupation that provides the military with a license to commit injustice.
    Lord in your mercy …..


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Myanmar, Thailand. We especially remember the stateless Rohingyas from Rakhan State and other internally displaced people and refugees, so that they receive what they need: food, clothing, medicine, blankets, education, justice and security.
    Lord in your mercy…


Sabeel Wave of Prayer

November 30th, 2017

During Friday prayers in the Sinai Peninsula – Egypt, Islamic extremists attacked a crowded mosque settling off explosives, spraying worshippers with gunfire and killing over 300 people in the deadliest ever attack on Egyptian civilians by Islamic extremists.

  • Lord, death and violence continue to haunt the people in the Middle East. We pray for the families of the victims, the speedy recovery of the injured and for an end to extremism and hatred in our world. Lord in your mercy…

Last week, Sabeel Nazareth, launched the book “The History of Palestine, pre-Islam” by Fuad Farah.  The new book sheds light on the land and the history often neglected by many historians.

  • Lord, thank you for our sisters and brothers in Nazareth, and for their energetic and creative work. Please bless them with your Holy Spirit to lead them on and work in the hearts of those who hear your call. Lord in Your mercy ……

The Rosary Sisters Catholic High School in Jerusalem, staged a beautiful performance to celebrate the Palestinian declaration of independence.  The video released of the Dabka dance went viral on social media.

  • Lord we thank you for the creativity of our school children and their teachers. We ask you to bless them with safety and opportunity to thrive in their country. Lord in your mercy…

Last week, we have experienced rain that waters our fruits and makes it grow healthy and ready for picking.

  • Lord we thank you for the rain, so important to grow our Olives, Lemons, Oranges and other citrus fruits and crops. We thank you too for our farmers who work tirelessly through the harvest season to gather your bounteous harvest. Lord in your mercy…

Israeli police have arrested 17 Palestinians, accusing them of carrying out a population census in occupied East Jerusalem. The Israeli police claim this to be illegal work. The arrests are part of a campaign to limit the PA’s activities in East Jerusalem which Israel occupied in 1967 and proceeded to annex it in breach of international law.

  • Lord, Israel continues to disrespect International law and rule our people with an iron fist. We pray for the safety of all people who work for justice and peace in Palestine. Lord in your mercy ….

Hamas and Fatah, have agreed to hold general elections by the end of 2018. The choice of a final date for the elections has been given to the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

  • Lord, we continue to pray for reconciliation among the Palestinian people. May the elections come swiftly and fairly to reflect the visions and aspirations of our people. Lord in you mercy…..

November 29, the day of the UN partition of Palestine in 1947, is now the day that is observed by the United Nations as International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people.

  • Lord, our hearts are united with all people everywhere who say “enough” to the ongoing occupation and the violence and oppression that has kept its hold on this land for too long.  May this day not just heighten the world’s awareness of the injustice that is part of daily life in Palestine but also give those in positions of leadership the will and courage to act in ways that lead to a just peace. Lord, in your mercy…

  • We Join the World Council of Churches in Praying for the countries of  Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore. Lord in your mercy…


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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

November 23rd, 2017

The USA State Department has threatened to shut down the Palestine Liberation Organisation’s office in Washington DC. According to a State Department official, the decision follows moves by the Palestinians to bring Israel before the International Criminal Court.

  • Lord, grant us the power not to surrender to the bullying of empire, but the courage to challenge the tyranny of the powerful. We pray that the path towards Justice is not compromised for the sake of an office in Washington. Lord in your mercy….

Last Wednesday, Sabeel organized a tour for 15 of our Bible Study Facilitators in the City of Yafa. The trip’s purpose was to learn about Yafa and its history and to provide a chance to strengthen networks and friendships. Also Saturday, Sabeel Nazareth organized a solidarity visit to Hebron for 50 people from the community.

  • Lord, we thank you for the work of Sabeel and its different ministries. We pray for the well being of all our participants, our volunteers and the Sabeel staff. Grant us God the power to continue the work so we may contribute to the coming of your kingdom. Lord in your mercy…

Members of Congress have introduced a bill to prevent U.S. tax dollars from paying for human rights violations against Palestinian children during the course of Israeli military detention. Israel is the only country in the world that systematically prosecutes an estimated 500 to 700 children each year in military courts that lack fundamental fair trial rights and protections.

  • God of peace and justice, we are thankful for this intervention, and pray that reforms are implemented to end violence against our children. We pray for an end to this unethical Israeli occupation. Lord in your mercy …

Parliamentarians, legal experts, journalists, and activists, from 24 EU countries met in Brussels, for the first European conference on Israeli settlement activity. Settlements are illegal under International Law, and terminate all chances for a two-state solution. The conference accused Israel of establishing an “apartheid regime” in the West Bank, and called EU countries to match their words with deeds, and to reject Israeli policies of ethnic cleansing and apartheid.

  • Lord, we are thankful for all the people of good will who speak truth to power. We pray that the words of the participants of the EU conference will open the eyes of the Israeli decision makers that the world refuses to be silent towards the injustice in Palestine. Lord in your mercy ……

Following recent agreement between Fatah and Hamas, and in the run-up to a meeting of all Palestinian factions in Cairo on 21 November, the E U is continuing its support of current efforts to reunite Gaza and the West Bank under one single and legitimate Palestinian Authority.

  • God, please be with all parties as they approach the meeting on the 21st that your will of forgiveness and reconciliation be done. Lord unify thoughts and decisions, and invoke peace through the Spirit. Lord in your mercy …..

 The Israeli municipality in Jerusalem plans to demolish six large buildings, allegedly built without the impossible to obtain building permits. Hundreds of Palestinians will be evacuated from their homes in the neighborhood of Kufr Aqab, Demolitions come in light of a plan to build 10,000 settlement units on occupied West Bank lands adjacent to the neighborhood of Kufr Aqab.

  • Lord, the evil of the Israeli military occupation has no boundaries. Our Palestinian people continue to be displaced and pushed away from our rightful lands to make space for the greed of the Israeli settlers. We pray for more courage to continue resisting the racist decisions of the powerful in Israel. Lord in your mercy…
  •  We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries East Timor, Indonesia, Philippines. Lord in your mercy…


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Wave of Prayer

November 16th, 2017

26-year-old Mohammad Mousa left home in the small village of Deir Ballut, occupied West Bank, to renew his driver’s license and was shot in the back by Israeli soldiers, having unexpectedly met an Israeli “flying” checkpoint. Mohammad later died at Israel’s Beilinson Hospital. His sister, also with him, struck by a bullet in the shoulder, currently continues to receive treatment.

  • Lord, we bring before You the family of Mohammad Mousa and those that have had the devastating experience of having someone close to them suffer a sudden, violent and needless death. We pray that the violent Israeli occupation will come to an end. Lord in your mercy….

Human rights groups have condemned Israel’s decision to withhold the bodies of five Islamic Jihad members who were killed in an Israeli attack on a tunnel dug under the Gaza-Israel border last week. Israel plans to withhold the bodies in exchange for missing Israeli soldiers held by Hamas believed to have been killed during Israel’s offensive on the besieged enclave in 2014.

  • Dear God, steady the feet that rush into war and the finger poised on the trigger. Guide all those in positions of power—whether that power is political or physical or social—and give them wisdom to use their power for justice and peace. May all the dead be returned to their families for proper burial. Lord in your mercy ….

The Israeli government is planning to double the number of Israeli settlers in the Jordan Valley, occupied West bank, to reach approximately 12000.  The army has already ordered the eviction of Palestinians in different areas of the Jordan valley by issuing sixty military orders of eviction. Israeli settlements in occupied territories are illegal under International Law.

  • God, Israel continues to steal our land, evict our people and treat Palestinians as outcasts. We pray that the International community, specially human rights observers, hold Israeli decision makers accountable for their crimes.  Lord in your mercy…

According to prisoners’ rights group Addameer, 6,198 Palestinians were detained by Israel as of October. The group has estimated that some 40 percent of Palestinian men will be detained by Israel at some point in their lives.

  • God, most Merciful, have mercy on the Palestinian people as we continue to be harassed and arrested by the Israeli army. We pray for the day Israel understands that true security is the fruit of peace and not military might. Lord have mercy…

Sabeel has concluded its Fall Witness Visit on the theme of Christian Zionism November 2nd – November 9th 2017.

  • Following a week travelling with friends from several countries from abroad we thank you Lord for the opportunity of meeting them and for their witness to our land and its suffering as well as its blessings. We pray that this experience will speak truth to them and that your Holy Spirit will guide them on along your paths of justice, peace and love. Lord in your mercy …….

November 15 marks Palestinian Independence Day. Unfortunately, in the 29 years since the state was declared in 1988, independence is still not a reality.

  • Lord, we offer thanks for all the people and organizations working to bring about a just peace that will allow Palestine to experience actual independence. We pray for transformation and freedom in this land. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Aotearoa/New Zealand, Australia. Lord in your mercy…

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