Sabeel Wave of Prayer

March 29th, 2018

 Land Day, on the 30th of March, marks an annual day of commemoration for Palestinians. In 1976 there was a general strike in Galilee in response to the Israeli government’s plan to expropriate thousands of acres of Palestinian land for “security” and “settlement” purposes. In subsequent clashes with the Israeli army and police, six Palestinians were killed, almost a hundred wounded and hundreds were arrested.
Forty two years later this day is still remembered on the West Bank and in Israel against a background of further land grab violations and illegal settlement building. This activity further encroaches on the borders of any future Palestinian state.

  • Lord of all, we lay before you the wrongs which have been committed in the past and which are still being committed today. It is becoming increasingly difficult to hope that things will ever change in the future. Help us Lord to continue to trust in your Word as we look forward to the joy of Easter Sunday. We ask that you would renew the courage of those in positions of power to help them to speak out against injustice and to work for a just peace. Lord, in your mercy

Last week, an Israeli settler was filmed releasing his dog, a pit-bull terrier, near a flock of sheep belonging to a Palestinian herder in the southern region of the West Bank. Pictures from Ta’ayush, a left-wing Israeli movement, showed that several of the sheep had had their tails bitten off entirely by the dog.

  • Lord, we pray for an end to the Israeli occupation that continues to spread hatred and evil in our troubled land. We remember the Palestinian shepherds who continue to fall victim to the aggressive behavior of Israeli settlers.  Dear God, grant our people, animals, crops and trees the peace we long for. Lord in your mercy

Christians who follow the Gregorian calendar will celebrate Easter this Sunday, marking the events of Christ’s crucifixion, death, and resurrection. There will be much rejoicing and excitement in Jerusalem and in the surrounding areas. There will be many processions through the Old City and up on the Mount of Olives, to remind us of the paths Jesus walked on these holy days.

  • Lord God, we are filled with hope at the announcement of your Sons resurrection at Easter. The celebrations of this day remind us that the victory has already been won, and that in the end good will triumph over evil. However, for Palestinians living here, it can be hard to see the light of the resurrection when every day they are surrounded by the darkness of the grave. Grant them fresh hope in their hearts and the strength to persevere in how they live for Your glory. Lord, in your mercy

Benjamin Ladraa, is walking from Sweden, across Europe and all the way to Palestine to raise awareness of the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

  • Lord, we give thanks for all who advocate for justice and peace around the world. We pray for the safety of Benjamin in his pilgrimage; may his witness help the people he meets to hear and understand the cry of Palestinians for justice and peace. Lord in your mercy…  

Ahed Tamimi, 17-year-old Palestinian activist , who was imprisoned in December for slapping and kicking an Israeli soldier, has received an eight month sentence in an Israeli military prison.Ahed Tamimi and her mother, Nariman, should both be released in July.

  • Lord our children continue to be treated mercilessly and unjustly. We pray for Ahed and for all Palestinian children who are subjected to prosecution in military courts and are sent to serve harsh sentences in military prisons. Lord in your mercy…

On Saturday Reem Banna, the Palestinian artist and well-known singer died of cancer. Reem, who was born in Nazareth in 1966, was known for her freedom songs and for her modern interpretations of traditional Palestinian music and poetry. Reem worked day and night to strengthen the cultural identity and memory of the Palestinians through her music.

  • Lord, we remember the family of Reem, specially her three children. We give thanks for the contribution of Reem to strengthen our resilience and determination to restore our freedom. Lord in your mercy

The United Nations Human Rights Council has adopted four resolutions for Palestine last week:

  1. Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, are illegal.
  2. The Palestinian people have the right of self-determination.
  3. Condemning Israel for the abuse of human rights against Palestinians in the Occuipied Palestinian Teritorry (OPT), including East Jerusalem.
  4. Demanding accountability and justice for all violations of international law in the OPT, including East Jerusalem.
  • Dear God, we give thanks for all the people of conscience who continue to bring attention to the injustice in Palestine. We pray for the day that the international community will implement the many resolutions they pass on Palestine.  Lord in your mercy…

Last Friday, seven thousand Palestinians and internationals from around the world participated in the sixth annual “Palestine Marathon- Freedom of Movement” in Bethlehem. The objective of the Marathon is to open the eyes of the world to the situation of the Palestinians and their limited freedom of movement.

  • Lord, we give thanks to the creativity of the Palestinian people and their friends in raising awareness to the injustice in Palestine. We give thanks for another successful marathon and for all the people who helped to organize it, and who participated in it.

Leader: Lord in your mercy…

People: Hear our prayer

  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia. Lord in your mercy

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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

March 22, 2018

Last Friday, Sabeel hosted a community Easter egg hunt in Bethlehem for children living in orphanages with over ninety children taking part in the event.

  • God, we thank you for this opportunity to share joy with children whose lives have been blighted with sadness. We give thanks for the presence of your Holy Spirit for those who came on Friday and that they were able to find release from political cares and concerns to experience the fullness of joy in the good news Easter brings. Lord, in your mercy…Hear our Prayers 

Sabeel is organizing their annual walk along the Contemporary Way of the Cross, in readiness for the holy season of Easter. This walk joins together the sufferings of Christ with the present-day sufferings of the Palestinians and connects the Stations of the Cross with contemporary issues of injustice in Israel and Palestine.

  • God, we ask that you be with those attending this years walk. Send your Holy Spirit to guide them as they remember the sufferings Christ experienced as he was being led to the cross, and as they draw links to the present sufferings of the Palestinian people. Remind them that the joy of Easter Sunday follows the pain of Good Friday, and that all injustice in the world will end, for our Lord has the final victory. Lord, in your mercy 

Israeli forces detained over 1,000 Palestinians, including 274 children, during the months of January and February.


  • Lord, the writer of Hebrews asks us to remember those in prison as if we were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if we are the ones suffering(Hebrews 13:3). We pray for an end to the Israeli Occupation that continues to hold our Palestinian community captive. Lord in your mercy 

This Sunday, Sabeel concluded a ten day educational visit for nine student activists from the African American and Native American indigenous communities. The visit included meetings with the local peace activists, exposure trips, meetings with Palestinian students and the Palestinian African community. The trip was jointly hosted with Diaspora Dialogue.


  • Lord, we give thanks for the new friendships which developed during this trip. We pray for the safe return journeys of the participants. May our friends go home feeling inspired and encouraged to continue their work for peace and justice for their communities, as well as sharing their witness for our troubled land. Lord in your mercy… 

With Palm Sunday this weekend, many Palestinian Christians living in the West Bank are still waiting to hear if they will obtain permits from the Israeli military to go to Jerusalem for the Palm Sunday procession, for celebrations and worship.

  • Lord, we pray that all Palestinians will have access to their places of worship in Jerusalem without the need for permits, and that the Holy City will be open to all faiths. Lord in your mercy 

Last Thursday, Sabeel co-hosted a workshop for over thirty Palestinian teachers to discuss the new Palestinian education curriculum which has already been introduced into schools this year. The workshop is the first step in a thorough review of the curriculum to ensure it conforms to the values of tolerance and peaceful co-existence aspired to in every healthy community.

  • Lord, we pray for our Palestinian schools, teachers and students.
    May your Spirit help those working in our school system to raise children who are kind to one another, faithful to their humanity, and committed to the cause of freedom. Lord in your mercy…

 Wednesday, March 21st is Mother’s Day, in Palestine and the Arab World.

  • We praise God for all the mothers, especially for Palestinian mothers who live under occupation; Lord you know they endure more than their fair share of trouble, often without recognition of their consistent efforts for the survival of their families and communities.  We give thanks for all people who nurture one another toward greater understanding, strength, and love of life.  Lord in your mercy…


  •  We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of   Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Lord in your mercy…

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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

March 15th,  2018

The Israeli parliament has passed a law that allows the minister of interior, Aryeh Deri,  to revoke the residency rights of any Palestinian in Jerusalem on grounds of “breach of loyalty” to Israel. Under the new measure, Deri, will be able to strip the residency of any Palestinian whom he deems a threat.

  • Lord, help us remain loyal and faithful only to your commandment of love, justice and equality. We pray for Jerusalem and its people, we especially pray for the change of heart of the Israeli decision makers to abandon their terrorizing ways to silence our cry for freedom. Lord in your mercy…Hear our Prayers

Israeli forces have arrested Omar Kiswani, president of the student council at Birzeit University, near Ramallah. Online video footage showed six Israeli special forces, dressed in civilian clothing, pinning Kiswani to the ground, kicking and beating him while firing gunshots on campus.

  • Lord, we pray for our Palestinian schools and universities who continue to operate under the harsh reality of occupation. We remember all Palestinian students who are currently in the Israeli military jails for committing no other sin, but the sin of having dreams of a better future. Lord in your mercy….

Last week, Sabeel Nazareth held a one day workshop on the challenges that women face in society and Church. Also Sunday, Sabeel Jerusalem held a one day educational visit for women from Jerusalem to the North of the West Bank for the purpose of networking with their sisters.

  • Lord, we give thanks to all the women of the world who refuse to give up hope for change in structures that have placed them on the margins of the community. Lord, the women gave testimony to your resurrection, that the impossible has occurred, and we all believed. Dear God, help the world put an end to the obstacles it creates for women so that they may enjoy equal rights. Lord in your mercy…

Khalida Jarrar, a Palestinian feminist, human rights activist and a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, is being held in an Israeli military Jail, for over eight months, without charge or trial.  Khalida is currently tutoring 10 Palestinian female prisoners and preparing them for the General Certificate of Education.

  • Lord, we give thanks for the determination of our Palestinian people as they pursue their right for education. May the Israeli military comprehend that they can only hold our bodies captive, while our minds and spirits are already liberated. Lord in your mercy…

In the Gaza Strip, teenager Hussam Qasim, 16, made his own drum set using basic iron and plastic materials. Qasim overcame many challenges despite the difficult conditions his family is facing. Hussam’s story is a source of hope in the midst of hopelessness. The Gaza Strip’s deteriorating humanitarian conditions are causing an increase in cases of suicide among young people.

  • Lord, we continue to pray for Gaza and its people. May your spirit, provide the enclave of Gaza with more springs of hope. We pray especially for the teenagers of Gaza who are in desperate need to experience justice and peace. Lord in your mercy…

In Jerusalem, the Israeli Ministry of Interior has drastically increased its hostile policies towards East Jerusalem residents. Many Palestinians wait months to schedule an appointment and waste valuable resources on dealing with the added bureaucracy.

  • Lord, we give thanks for the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in East Jerusalem and pray for an end to the hostility shown to them. May our people continue to be resilient to the Israeli harassment and overcome the tyranny of the powerful. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Lord in your mercy

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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

March 8th ,  2018

The darkness in Syria continues. Hundreds of thousands are dead, millions are displaced and refugees continue to seek safety from a land that once was their home.

  • Lord, we pray for your spirit to move us as we have become apathetic to Syria. The storms of evil continue to blow in Syria leaving only ashes and smoke. Brothers turned against each other, the people are broken and the cities and villages are burned to the ground. Dear God, we long for the moment the words of your prophet Isaiah become a reality “They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks (Isaiah 2:4)”. Lord in your mercy…

The Gaza Strip is on the brink of a humanitarian crisis as a result of the Israeli blockade. The blockade caused over 1000 victims, a ruined economy and an enclave that lacks all the basic needs for life.

  • Lord, we hold the people of Gaza in our prayers. May your spirit bring justice to the people on the margins who suffer at the hands of the powerful decision makers. Guide us Lord to continue to work to end the injustice and hold Israel responsible for the people they hold under siege. Give us courage to challenge both the leadership in Ramallah and Gaza who have failed to bring unity and lead us towards liberation. Lord in your mercy….

Thursday March 8th, is International Women’s Day, where we celebrate the accomplishments of women everywhere, and also recognize the need to continue pushing for gender equality worldwide. We remember specifically on this day the women of Palestine, who often bear the brunt of the violence of the Israeli Occupation. It is the women who must remain strong when their husbands and children are arrested, the women who are often left to rebuild their houses after the military demolishes them, and the women who struggle to hold the community together in the wake of continued oppression.

  • Dear God, we thank you for women everywhere, and pray for their continued perseverance and courage. Lay your hand upon them and guide them in their constant struggle towards peace and justice, for themselves, their families, and their countries. Lord, in your mercy…

Rawabi, the first Palestinian planned city, is the largest private sector project ever carried out in Palestine. The city integrates international planning principles, sustainable environmental practices, regionally-suited architecture, state of-the-art infrastructure and ease of access for both residents and visitors. The city council of Rawabi has launched a competition among Palestinian architects to design the Church of the city.

  • Lord, we pray for Palestine and all its people. We give thanks for the wonderful interfaith relationships in our communities and the witness of love. May the qualities of hospitality and kindness remain the foundations of Palestinian villages, towns and cities. Lord n your mercy…

The Sabeel Witness Visit comes to an end, after spending 9 days with the living stones in the land of Christ.

  • We pray for the safe travel of all the participants. May they return home refreshed by the truth, and may they be inspired to share their witness with others so that they can open their eyes and hearts to the harsh realities of the occupation. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Ireland and the United Kingdom. Lord in your mercy

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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

March 1st,  2018

 Last Wednesday, Israeli forces demolished three structures and a home in the Shufat and Beit Hanina neighborhoods of occupied east Jerusalem, leaving a family of 6 homeless.

  • Lord, we continue to pray for the people of Jerusalem as they live under Israeli occupation. We remember the family that has lost its home, especially the children, during this winter season. Lord in your mercy…

Last Thursday, a Palestinian man died while being held in Israeli custody. Yassin Omar al-Saradih , died shortly after being detained by Israeli forces from his home in the occupied West Bank city of Jericho.

  • Lord, we remember the family of Yassin as they weep for their beloved son. We pray for an end to the occupation that deprives our people from their basic rights. Lord in your mercy…

In Jerusalem, the different Church leaders have indefinitely shut the church of The Resurrection (holy Seplechure) in protest against discriminatory Israeli policy, aimed at weakening Christian presence in the holy city.

  • Lord, we pray for the Church in Jerusalem that is in danger. We ask for your spirit to stand with our community of faith who are vulnerable and unprotected from Israeli injustice. Lord in your mercy…

The United States has announced that it will move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem on May 14th to coincide with Israel’s 70th Independence Day.

  • Lord, we pray for strength to overcome the unjust decisions of Washington. Dear God, help the people of conscience around the world to unite and stand for human rights and international law, and put an end to the Israeli occupation. Lord in your mercy…

Last week, the “Ramallah Friends School” prom for the Class of 2018 was held. The students of the graduating class voted a peer with Cerebral Palsy, another with Social Cues Disorder and ADHD as prom king and queen. RFS is one of the first schools in Palestine to properly integrate support services for students with different learning abilities.

  • Lord, we pray for all Palestinian schools and especially the students. May your spirit guide the new generations of Palestinians towards a future where justice prevails and all people are appreciated and respected. Lord in your mercy…

On Sunday, Israeli settlers took over 120 dunums (40 acres) of land near the village of Jalud, to the south of Nablus in the northern West Bank.

  • Lord, we pray for the Palestinian farmers who have lost their land to the settlers. We pray for an end of the Israeli occupation that allows such crimes to occur. Lord in your mercy… 

On Wednesday, February 28, Sabeel Nazareth will launch the book, 100 Years Marking the Balfour Declaration, by the Palestinian historian Johnny Mansour.

  • Lord, we pray for the Sabeel Nazareth staff, volunteers and local committees who continue to work hard for justice, peace and reconciliation in our troubled land. We pray that the event will be informative and well attended. Lord in your mercy…

Sabeel is organizing an international witness visit from the 28th of February to the 8th of March 2018 under the theme: The Forgotten Faithful – A Window into the Life and Witness of Christians in The Land of the Holy One. Sabeel Witness Visits provide participants with the unique opportunity to experience the reality of Palestinians living under Israeli Occupation.

  • Lord, we pray for an enriching and fruitful visit that will enable the participants to see and learn firsthand the situation on the ground.  We pray that they will go back inspired and encouraged to continue the work of justice and peace for this troubled land. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Lord in your mercy…


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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

February 22nd, 2018

Israeli authorities have completed the construction of a watchtower/checkpoint at the entrance of Damascus Gate, the main gate into occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City.

  • Lord, we pray that your spirit will watch over the people of Jerusalem as they make their daily visits in and out of the Old City of Jerusalem. May the powerful who insist on living by the sword, understand that “what makes for peace” is justice and equality, not control and dominance. Lord in your mercy… Hear our prayer

Palestinian youth in Hebron held their 9th annual “Open Shuhada Street” campaign last week. The campaign included nonviolent demonstrations, art exhibitions, and cultural events to raise awareness about the 24 years of increasing restrictions on Palestinians living in Hebron and the human rights violations they suffer.

  • Lord, we cry out at the injustices experienced by those living in Hebron, particularly the economic and social violence caused by the sustained closing of Shuhada Street. We pray for healing of the land, and for peace to those who must currently live with so much fear and persecution. Lord, in your mercy…

Two Palestinian teenagers were found killed in the southern area of the besieged Gaza Strip following waves of Israeli air raids. Israel said it had targeted 18 Hamas positions, in response to an “improvised explosive device”, that detonated near the border with Israel last weekend, wounding four Israeli soldiers.

  • Lord, we pray for the besieged Gaza strip, and its suffering inhabitants. We also pray for an end to the violence that continues to harvest lives, the violence that will never deliver peace. May people of good will around the world help to set Gaza free.  Lord in your mercy…  

In France, Israel’s embassy will boycott the March 13 opening ceremony of the Israeli Film Festival. During the festival, the Israeli film director Samuel Maoz’s movie, “Foxtrot”, will be screened. The movie depicts the Israeli army covering up the deaths of Palestinian teenagers.

  • Lord, we give thanks for all people who use all forms of culture and art to shed light on the injustices in our world. We pray for the movie screening to be well attended and successful. Lord in your mercy…  

On Sunday, Israeli settlers assaulted a Palestinian bus driver who works for the Israeli transportation company Egged, near Hebron. The driver, identified as Salah Abu Jamal from occupied East Jerusalem, was severely beaten by fanatic settlers near illegal Kiryat Arba settlement. Settler violence against Palestinians, and their property is routine in the West Bank and is rarely investigated by Israeli authorities.

  • Lord, we pray for the speedy recovery of Salah and for his attackers to be brought to justice. Dear God, grant us the courage and determination to focus on our liberation and not to give in to the temptation of hatred and violence. Lord in your mercy…

Last week, more than 450 Palestinian administrative detainees in Israeli jails began a general and open-ended boycott of all Israeli courts. The administrative detainees are held without charge or trial for prolonged periods of time that sometimes reaches many years.

  • Lord, we pray for all our Palestinian prisoners who are deprived of justice. In the name of the Holy One, who was a prisoner in Roman jails, we pray for the release of our freedom activists and the dismantling of the corrupt Israeli military courts. Lord in your mercy… 


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of France, Germany and Monaco. Lord in your mercy…

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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

February 15th,  2018

The blessed season of Lent has begun around the world. Last Friday, Sabeel hosted an event in Jericho that brought 101 people from Nazareth and Jerusalem to connect and reflect on the meaning of Lent in Palestine and Israel.

  • We pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide participants of the programs and that over the season of Lent opportunities will arise to share about this experiance with others in the Churches of Nazareth and Jerusalem. May the hearts and minds of local Christians be open to Lent and be prepared for your resurrection.  Lord, in your mercy…Hear our prayers

On Saturday, Israeli forces prevented a celebration from taking place for retired Palestinian teachers in occupied East Jerusalem. The event was organized by the Palestinian Directorate of Education, with the Palestinian Minister of Education, Sabri Saidam, and several ministry officials set to attend.

  • Lord, we pray for our teachers, that they may have the freedom that others enjoy in other parts of the world. Dear God, we thank you for all teachers in the world who dedicate their lives to provide education to your children. We pray for the city of Jerusalem and it’s residents who continue to be deprived from a normal life. Lord in your mercy…

On Thursday, dozens of Palestinian school children in the occupied city of Hebron were exposed to high levels of tear gas as Israeli forces showered their school with the gas.

  • Lord, we pray for Palestinian students who continue to fall victim to the Israeli occupation and its crimes. We remember the terrified children and teachers as they try to recover from the trauma of this experiance. Lord in your mercy…

Less than three years ago, an Israeli military jeep flipped over and killed 21-year-old Abdallah during a raid in his village of Kufr Malek, north of Ramallah. This year, the family of Abdallah received a bill from Israel, demanding $28,000 in compensation for damages of the jeep.

  • Lord, we remember the family of Abdallah as they continue to be harassed by the Israeli army. Dear Jesus, as you have experienced humiliation by the Roman soldiers during your passion, before the resurrection, we ask you to help our people gain back their dignity and freedom. Lord in your mercy…  

On Friday, the Synod of the Melkite Roman Catholic Church, elected Bishop Yasser Ayyash as the patriarchal vicar for the Melkite Catholic Church in Jerusalem. Bishop Ayyash succeeds Bishop Joseph-Jules Zerey who has served the Church in Jerusalem since 2008.

  • Lord, we pray for your Church in the Middle East, especially your body in Jerusalem. We give thanks for the ministry and service of Bishop Joseph-Jules Zerey and ask for your spirit to guide Bishop Yasser Ayyash in his ministry. Lord in your mercy…

The Israeli Jerusalem Municipality will start collecting municipal property taxes from multi-purpose properties owned by the United Nations and many of the city’s churches. Last week the municipality blocked the bank accounts of the Armenian, Catholic and Greek-Orthodox churches for millions of shekels worth of debts in back taxes. These new regulations come while Ultra-Orthodox Jewish organizations enjoy a wide range of privileges and tax exemptions.

  • Lord, Israel continues to disregard the treaties and insists on treating the different Churches of the land with discrimination. May the Church in Jerusalem find solidarity and support from brothers and sisters around world to defend our rights and properties. Lord in your mercy… 

On Sunday, The UN office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) warned that 45 Palestinian schools are now facing demolition orders by the occupying Israeli military.

  • Lord, our oppressor have lost all semblance of humanity. We pray for all children to be able to exercise their right to education and knowledge, and may their teachers continue to be blessed with courage and wisdom as they commit, under difficult circumstances, to educate another Palestinian generation under occupation. Lord in your mercy…  

Bishara, a 14-year-old-boy in Nazareth, is battling cancer.  Bishara’s school, Saint Joseph Seminary and High School, sent him a comforting photo message made by his school mates: “Bishara, We are all with you”!

  • Lord, we pray for Bishara, as well as all patients of cancer and for the doctors and medical institutions who work day and night to find a cure for this evil disease. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Lord in your mercy…


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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

February 8th, 2018

Last Wednesday, the United Nations (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) released a report identifying 206 companies from around the world, that are doing business linked to Israeli settlements that are built in the occupied West Bank in violation of international law.

  • Lord, we give thanks for all the righteous around the world who expose the greedy who benefit from the suffering of Palestinians. May the companies who profit from Palestinian stolen resources repent and make their ways ethical. Lord in your mercy…Hear our prayers

Last week, Israeli forces shot and killed a 16 year old Palestinian during protests in the district of Ramallah. Layth Abu Naim, from the al-Mughayyer village, was shot in the head with live ammunition during clashes that erupted in the village.

  • Lord, we remember the mother of Layth as she weeps for her child. We pray for an end to the occupation that continues to deprive our youth of life and safety. Lord in your mercy…

Last Wednesday, Israeli settlers uprooted dozens of olive trees on Palestinian lands in the northern occupied West Bank district of Nablus.

  • Lord, we remember the Palestinian farmers who continue to lose their source of income as a result of settler hatred and extremism. We pray for the theology of love to overcome hatred and extremism.  We continue to ask for your spirit to give us strength to replant trees of hope, regardless of the violence of our neighbors. Lord in your mercy…

On Sunday, Israeli forces demolished two classrooms in a Palestinian school near Jerusalem.  With a helicopter flying overhead, the Israeli forces brought down the two classrooms inside the school in the Abu al-Nawwar Bedouin community, which is surrounded on all sides by illegal Israeli settlements.

  • Lord, we pray that our children will be granted the needed education to support their steadfastness and resilience in their besieged village. We pray that the students, equipped with education, will get the chance  to pursue the dreams they have. May the actions of the Israeli forces awaken their conscience to the unjustifiable injustice they continue to inflict against our Palestinian communities. Lord in your mercy…


On Friday, Sabeel held a one day retreat for the Nablus, Rafidia and Jericho Bible study groups. The 40 young people visited the Jordan River, the Mount of Temptations and the home of Zacchaeus in Jericho.

  • Lord, we give thanks for the young people who continue to gather around your word and learn your teachings of inclusivity, justice and nonviolence. We continue to pray for all our Bible study groups and the facilitators who lead them. Lord in your mercy…

The Israeli government plans to deport more than 34,000 African refugees to Rwanda. In response, activists in Israel are promising to hide Africans threatened with expulsion in their homes. The activists have named their campaign to provide shelter the : “Anne Frank Home Sanctuary”, after the Dutch-Jewish girl who was sheltered with her family from the Nazis in Amsterdam.

  • Lord, we pray for all people who need help and safety. We give thanks for all the righteous in Israel who challenge their government’s decision and who seek your will and observe your commandments of love. We also pray for the 5 million Palestinians living in refugee camps who were made refugees by the Zionist militias and the State of Israel. Lord in your mercy…

Palestinians continue to react to Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital with street protests, but one refugee couple in the Gaza Strip has come up with an idea of their own, by naming their triplets: Quds, ‘Asima, Falasteen (Jerusalem, Capital and Palestine).

  • Lord, we give thanks for the safe delivery of the triplets and their mother. We remember the hope and joy in the birth of Emmanuel – God is with us –who brought down the powerful from their thrones and lifted up the humble and meek. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Andorra, Italy, Malta, Portugal, San Marino, Spain and Vatican City. Lord in your mercy…

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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

February 1st, 2018

A new book by Ronen Bergman, the intelligence correspondent for the Israeli Yediot Aharonot newspaper, chronicles Israel’s ‘2,700’ assassination operations. In his book, Mr Bergman raises moral and legal concerns provoked by state-sponsored killings.

  • Lord, we remember all the people who have been condemned to death by the Israeli government without a fair trial. We pray that the day will come that Israeli decision makers abandon the sword and are held accountable for their crimes. Lord in your mercy…hear our prayers

Israel Radio reported that Israel has prevented the Palestinian Authority (PA) efforts to obtain observer status at the UN Conference on Disarmament (UNOG). The Israeli Foreign Ministry has apparently been working behind the scenes with the United States, to prevent the PA’s accession to the international body this year.

  • Lord, we give thanks for all the people who continue to work with determination to have the Palestinian voice present at international bodies. May the attempts of the Israeli and US governments to silence Palestinians expose their fears of the truth of our narrative. Lord in your mercy…

Israel launches an unprecedented criminal probe against a Shin Bet interrogator. This is the first investigation to be opened since the establishment of a unit dedicated to complaints against Israel’s internal security service 10 years ago.

  • Lord, we remember all the Palestinian prisoners who have suffered torture in Israeli military jails. May this investigation open the eyes of the Israeli judicial system and public, to the injustices and crimes that are committed against Palestinian prisoners. Lord in your mercy…

Confidential documents obtained by Yedioth Ahronoth, the largest newspaper in Israel by sales and circulation,  reveal how Israel’s internal security service operated in the Israeli Arab school sector for years. The classified documents reveal how Israel’s internal security service meddled in Arab society’s educational system, firing teachers deemed ‘threats’ and employing Shin Bet agents in the Education Ministry.

  • Lord, we give thanks that truth always surfaces. We remember all the teachers who continue to be victims of the Israeli Secret Security Service. We pray for a healthy educational system that seeks to educate students about their rights rather than an educational system that is engineered to oppress and control. Lord in your mercy…

In the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Beit Safafa, Israeli settlers raided and spray-painted graffiti in Hebrew saying “Death to the Arabs” before setting a vehicle on fire. Many rights-groups have accused Israel of fostering a “culture of impunity” for Israelis committing violent acts against Palestinians.

  • Lord, we pray for the safety of our villages and families from the violent and racist attacks of Israeli settlers. We ask for your spirit to guide us towards a path of liberation from the evil occupation that fosters hatred and conflict. Lord in your mercy…

During the World Economic Forum in Davos, U.S. President Donald Trump, speaking alongside Israeli  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, dramatically changed the rules of the decades-long Israeli Palestinian peace process, saying that “we took Jerusalem off the table.”

  • Lord, the arrogant powerful do not know what makes for peace. We pray for the continuous resilience of the Palestinian people as we demand justice from the powerful. May the people of Jerusalem continue to teach the passing empires that justice is mightier than their sword and domination. Lord in your mercy…

  •  We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Western Sahara and Tunisia. Lord in your mercy…

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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

January 25th, 2018

Last Wednesday, an Israeli military court ordered that Ahed al-Tamimi, a 16-year-old Palestinian activist, remain in custody indefinitely, until she faces trial for charges relating to slapping and kicking an Israeli soldier after he refused to leave her house.


  • Lord, we pray for Ahed Tamimi, as she sits vulnerable in jail, awaiting the injustice of the Israeli military court. We ask for courage from all people of conscience to help Israel see that this is not the way to treat a child. Lord in your mercy…hear our prayers


In the village of Beit Iksa near Jerusalem, Israeli settlers vandalized Palestinian vehicles, in what appears to be a “price tag attack.”  The Israeli settlers, from the illegal Ramot settlement built on lands of the village, punctured the tires of several vehicles and spray- painted “racist slogans” on them.

  • Lord, our neighbors stole our land and continue to attack us. We pray for our communities who desperately struggle to keep their families and properties safe. Lord in your mercy…


On Sunday, vice-president Mike Pence, began a visit to Israel after meeting King Abdullah in Jordan.  King Abdullah appealed for an effort to “rebuild trust and confidence” shattered by US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. On Monday, while addressing the Israeli Knesset, Pence said that a new United States Embassy to Israel would open in Jerusalem before the end of 2019.

  • Lord, help the Palestinian people to continue to be persistent in demanding justice from the powerful. We pray for the long overdue peace that is based on justice , equality and international law for the people of Palestine. Lord in your mercy…


On Sunday, several dozen Israeli worshipers who visited an ancient tomb in the village of Awarta, hurled stones at Palestinian homes and vehicles, causing property damage. Hundreds of Israelis, guarded by the Israeli army, were said to have taken part in the prayers at the tomb. A field worker for the Rabbis for Human Rights NGO said five Palestinian cars were damaged due to the rock-throwing. He added that graves at the Palestinian cemetery adjacent to the Jewish holy site were also desecrated by the Israeli worshipers.

  • Lord, extremists continue to use violence in your name. We give thanks for the members of Rabbis for Human Rights that glorify your name through exposing the injustice perpetuated against our people. Lord in your mercy…


Breaking the Silence, an organization of Israeli veterans, is launching a new booklet of testimonies – “Why I Broke the Silence” – in which soldiers reveal the harsh reality in the Occupied Territories .


  • Lord, we continue to praise your name as we see Israeli soldiers lay down their weapons and confess their sins against our people. We give thanks to those brave Israeli soldiers who reinforce our hope that justice and peace are possible. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of  Cyprus, Greece and Turkey. Lord in your mercy…


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