Sabeel Wave of Prayer

 June 7th, 2018

An Israeli sniper shot and killed a 21-year-old Palestinian female paramedic, Razan Ashraf al-Najjar, as she was treating injured protesters during the demonstrations along the Gaza border with Israel. Since the “Great March of Return” began in Gaza on March 30th, 119 Palestinians have been killed, including children and journalists, and thousands of Palestinians have been injured.

  • Lord, may your spirit comfort us as we continue to receive  distressing news from Gaza. We pray that the demonstrations remain non-violent. We long for the Palestinians  to regain their freedom and be empowered to return to their land. We remember the family, friends and colleagues of Razan as they grieve for her loss. Lord in your mercy… Hear our prayers

There are hundreds of Palestinian prisoners who are being held under detention by the Israeli state without trial for up to six months (renewable), for ‘security reasons’.  These prisoners, held under ‘administrative detention’, are expected this week to launch a hunger strike against this Israeli policy. Palestinian prisoners held under administrative detention continue their boycott of the law courts as they have lost hope in ever receiving a just hearing in an Israeli court.

  • Lord, we continue to pray for the Palestinian political prisoners. May your spirit give them courage to stand steadfast and to depend on your justice… Lord in your mercy…

On Thursday the 24th of May 2018, three Israeli Supreme Court justices – Noam Sohlberg, Anat Baron and Yael Willner – ruled that the state may demolish the homes of the Palestinian Bedouin community of Khan al-Ahmar and transfer its residents forcebly to a different location.

  • Lord, the decisions of the Israeli judges appear quite merciless and the court proceedings seem iniquitous. We pray for the Palestinian people of Khan Al Ahmar that they will not be overwhelmed by  despair or by  the coercion of the occupiers. May your spirit Lord, move the Palestinian community, together with the international community, to stand firm with the people of Khan Al Ahmar to object to their forcible transfer. Lord in your mercy…

Once again, the United States has vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Israel’s use of force in seeking to stifle protests at the border with Gaza.  The US Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, rejected the Kuwaiti resolution – which sought ‘measures to guarantee the safety and protection’ of Palestinian civilians.

  • Lord, we give thanks for all the people who continue to pursue protection and justice for Palestinians. Dear God, grant the Palestinian people the strength to continue the struggle to achieve independence and freedom. Lord in your mercy…

The Israeli government has approved the construction of 2,070 new illegal settlement units in the occupied West Bank. Since US President Donald Trump came to office, Israel has permitted the construction of more than 14,000 settlement units.

  • Lord, we pray that Palestinians may not succumb to despair over the expropriation of their land. We pray for all the people of conscience who work as advocates for the Palestinian people around the world.  Renew their efforts to call upon their governments to respect and implement international law. Lord in your mercy…

This week marks the fifty-first anniversary of the beginning of Israel’s occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip.

  • Lord, this week we lament fifty one years of the occupation of Palestine that has brought so much loss, injustice and suffering to the Palestinian people. Please hear the cries of those who love you and who thirst for liberty. Lord, we ask that this year will be a time to speak truth to power, a time to break the silence surrounding injustice, a year for peace, a year for Palestine. Lord, in your mercy…


  • Lord, we join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland. Lord in your mercy

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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

May 31st, 2018

During the ninth consecutive week of the ‘Great March of Return’ more than 100 Palestinians, including seven children were wounded by Israeli snipers along the border in Gaza. There is a desperate shortage of drugs and medication for the treatment of the wounded in Gaza as a result of the ten year Israeli blockade.

  • Lord, we continue to pray for the safety of the Palestinian protesters and their commitment to non-violence. Dear God, we pray that those who have been injured in the protest may soon recover and that the families who are grieving for their loved ones may find solace. Lord in your mercy…Hear our prayer

The Israeli Knesset has proposed a new bill which would make it a criminal act to film or photograph an Israeli soldier on active duty. The bill is supported by the right-wing Israeli Defence Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, and if passed, those found in violation of the law could face a prison sentence of up to five years. Palestinian journalists view the law as an attempt by the Israeli government to ‘escape punishment and international justice’.

  • Lord, we pray for the safety of all people who risk their lives to document the human rights violations of the powerful. We pray that journalists may still be able to report the truth of all they witness in the occupied territories. Lord in your mercy

Last Friday, the Israeli Supreme Court rejected a petition from six human rights groups to declare that ‘the Israeli military’s regulations that allow soldiers to open fire at unarmed civilians is unlawful’.

  • Lord, we continue to depend on your mercy and justice as Israel validates the use of violence against Palestinians through legislative means. We pray for the protection of those who exercise their right to protest against the occupation. Lord in your mercy

On Thursday, Avigdor Lieberman, the Israeli Defence Minister, said in a statement that he plans to seek approval for the construction of 2,500 Israeli settler homes in the occupied West Bank.

  • Lord, the Israeli government continues to demolish the homes of Palestinians and ruin their crops as well as appropriating their land to build illegal settlements for Israelis. We pray that the international community would undertake to hold the Israeli government to account for flouting international law. We ask that due process would be brought to bear on any attempts to colonize the West Bank. Lord in your mercy

Last Sunday, May 20th, the Palestinian residents of the village of al-Aqaba received demolition orders from the Israeli forces. They were informed that twenty homes would be demolished within a period of sixty days as they were alleged to have been built without the requisite Israeli construction permits.
Over the weekend, Israeli settlers raided Palestinian vineyards in the Hebron area and used electric saws to cut down over 1700 vines. The settlers also spray-painted threats on the walls around the vineyards.

  • Lord, Palestinians continue to fall victim to the policies of the Israeli army and politicians. We pray for the safety of Palestinian villages and for renewed strength for the farmers who have lost their vines just months before the grape-h Have mercy on the Palestinian people Lord, as they grow weary. Lord in you mercy

Three toddlers were found dead in the Palestinian town of Bethany east of Jerusalem. Initial investigation by the police shows that the three children, two sisters and a friend, trapped themselves in an abandoned car while playing and died as a result of suffocation during a heat wave.

  • Lord, we pray for the families of Youssef, Raneem and Rahaf as they mourn the deaths of their beloved children and ask that they would find comfort in their grief. Lord in your mercy

A Palestinian teenager died on Wednesday after succumbing to wounds sustained during protests in Ramallah.  Adi Abu Khalil was only fifteen years old when shot in the stomach by an Israeli soldier last week.

  • Lord, the Israeli occupation continues to target Palestinian children and teenagers. We pray for your spirit to comfort the family of Adi as they grieve for their loss. We pray that soldiers firing live ammunition at children would, one day, be held accountable for their action. Lord in your mercy

  • Lord, we join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Angola and Mozambique. Lord in your mercy

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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

May 24th , 2018

A massacre occurred in Palestine on Monday, the 14th of May. Sixty one Palestinians were killed by the Israeli forces in one day, as reported by the Gaza Ministry of Health. Among those who died were eight children.
Over the period of two days of protest, 2771 Palestinians were injured by the Israeli forces, including 225 children and 86 women, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health. The people of Gaza have reached an unbearable level of hardship and despair, on top of which, came the moving of the US embassy to Jerusalem which coincided with the 70th anniversary of Al Nakba.

  • Lord, we confess that we feel overwhelmed with anger. We pray that your Spirit will work in our hearts to help us continue working for justice and to persevere in our efforts to call for peace and reconciliation. Dear God, we ask that you would grant your mercy and comfort to those grieving for their loved ones. Lord in your mercy…Hear our prayer

During the last momentous week, Palestinians have been forced to witness the removal of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem on the day before the seventieth anniversary of the Nakba. Many Christians have spoken out in protest over the bloodshed suffered by those protesting in Gaza . The Catholic Church in the Holy Land tolled church bells to mourn for all the Palestinians who died. Many international and local churches have published statements expressing their outrage at the provocative embassy move and the carnage in Gaza. In church services across the world believers have prayed earnestly for those who suffer in Palestine and others have taken their protest to demonstrations in the streets.

  • Lord, we give thanks for the prophetic voices for justice and peace around the world. May their prayers continue to echo throughout the houses of worship, until the land we call the Holy Land is once again a safe place for all who call it home. Lord in your mercy

The United Nations’  Human Rights Council has voted to send a team of international war crimes investigators to probe the deadly shootings of Gaza protesters by Israeli forces. The resolution was adopted by twenty nine votes with only two members of the Council voting against it, namely the USA and Australia.

  • Lord, we place our trust in your righteousness and divine justice. Please help the Palestinians to keep faith in the international community as they attempt to support them. We pray that the Israeli officials who made the decisions and the soldiers who followed the orders to kill the peaceful demonstrators will be held to account for their actions. We pray that international laws would be respected in Palestine and Israel. Lord in your mercy

An Israeli soccer team, Beitar Jerusalem, wants to add ‘Trump’ to it’s name to honor the US President’s decision to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem. It is the only Israeli team which has never signed an Arab player. The fans are notorious for adopting the slogan ‘Death to Arabs’ and for singing anti-Arab chants.

  • Lord, may the people of conscience remain firm in their support for the values of equality, human rights and justice. We give thanks for people around the world and especially for Israelis who are prepared to challenge the discriminatory policies of their government. Lord in your mercy

The Bethlehem Bible College is hosting its fifth ‘Christ at the Checkpoint Conference’ in Bethlehem next week, with hundreds of international and local participants. This conference calls on Evangelical Christians to stand in solidarity with Palestinian Christians, and to work together to bring an end to the occupation.

  • God, we lift this conference up to you, and ask that you would send your Spirit to be with each and every one of the participants gathered there. Grant them attentive ears to hear, and tender hearts open to the witness of their brothers and sisters living in Palestine. Lord, in your mercy 
  • Lord, we join the World Council of Churches in praying for the islands in the Western Indian Ocean : Comoros, Madagascar, the Maldives, Mauritius and the Lord in your mercy


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Sabeel Wave of Prayer in different languages

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

May 17th 2018

Friday May 11th, marked the seventh week of the ‘Great March of Return’ protest in Gaza. Thousands of Palestinians are demonstrating at the borders with Israel to call for the right of refugees to return to their homeland. At least forty eight Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces since the protests began on the 30th of March.

  • Lord, we pray for the safety of those taking part in the protest and we long for their cries to be heard. We pray too that the international community would speak out in support of the right of Palestinians to return to the land they were forced to leave. Lord in your mercy…   

This week, our Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine, Israel, and around the world will start observing their holy month of Ramadan.

  • Lord of all, we remember our Muslim brothers and sisters as they begin to observe the holy month of Ramadan.  We pray that this time of fasting will draw them closer to you, to each other and to all your children. Lord, in your mercy…

 The Sabeel Wave of Prayer ministry enables local and international friends of Sabeel to pray over regional concerns on a weekly basis. The Wave of Prayer is sent to Sabeel’s network of supporters and is used in services around the world. It is also used in the ecumenical Ministry of the Word service held at Sabeel’s East Jerusalem office each Thursday at 12 o’clock noon. The Wave of Prayer is available in seven different languages, including Arabic, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean and Swedish.

  • Lord, we give thanks for all who write, edit, translate and distribute the Sabeel Wave of Prayer. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers and cries for justice and peace in the troubled land of Palestine.

Sabeel Nazareth organized a one day workshop on ‘The Nakba’, the catastrophe that befell the Palestinian people in 1948. During this time more than 750,000 Palestinians were forcibly driven from their homes and 530 Palestinian villages and towns were destroyed.

  • Lord, we continue to pray for perseverance for the people of Palestine as they struggle to live their lives. We give thanks for those who are willing to stand up and call for justice, even under threat of reprisals. Lord in your mercy

There are a number of chapters of Friends of Sabeel around the world who are committed to echo the cry for the liberation of the Palestinian people. There are established groups in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, the UK and the USA . There is a new development with three more groups starting up in the countries of Ghana, Japan, and the Philippines.

  • Lord, we give thanks for all the people who are committed to taking a stand for justice and peace. We pray that the burden for the oppressed may be laid on the hearts of your children across the world. Lord in your mercy

 The governments of Hungary, Romania and the Czech Republic blocked the release of a statement by the European Union which rejected US plans to officially open its USA embassy in Jerusalem on Monday, May 14th.

  •  Lord, the Palestinians continue to suffer at the hands of the powerful who subvert international law and justice. We pray for strength for those who work to challenge the abuse of power and the denial of human rights. Lord in your mercy

Last Thursday, the 11th Palestine International Book Fair opened under the slogan “Palestine, the homeland, Jerusalem, the capital”, with the participation of more than 500 publishing houses. The exhibition is held on the grounds of the Palestinian National Library on an area of 5000 square meters. In August 2017, the Palestinian Authority decided to transform the presidential hospitality palace into the first national library in the Palestinian territories.

  • Lord, we give thanks to all the organizers of this event. May reading continue to provide imagination, inspiration and education to our people to gain back our freedom. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal. Lord in your mercy

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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

May 10th, 2018

According to U.N. documentation there have been one hundred and fifty nine raids carried out by the Israeli military forces in the Occupied West Bank between March 27th and April 9th. Before dawn on Friday, March 30th, a Palestinian mother in Hebron was assaulted by Israeli soldiers as she tried to prevent them from detaining her son. As a result of this assault, she has a broken arm. In separate incidents on Monday, April 2nd, at least twenty Palestinians were detained by Israeli forces, including a father and a son, in dawn raids in the West Bank.

  • Dear God, we pray for an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestine and for an end to the fear and misery it engenders. We remember the Palestinians detained in Israeli military prisons and long for their release. Lord in your mercy… Hear our prayers  

On Saturday May 5th another Palestinian youth died of the injuries he suffered at the ‘Great March of Protest’ in Gaza. Azzam Uweida was only fifteen years old when he was shot by Israeli snipers using live ammunition.

  • Lord, we pray for all the Palestinian families that have lost loved ones in this protest, especially for the family of Azzam. We also pray for the recovery of those who have been injured by the Israeli army. Lord in your mercy

Friday May 4th, marked the sixth week of the ‘Great March of Return’ protest in Gaza. Thousands of Palestinians are demonstrating at the borders with Israel to call for the right of refugees to return to their homeland.

  • Lord, we continue to pray for the safety of those taking part in the non-violent protest. May their cries be heard and international pressure brought to bear to recognise the right of Palestinian refugees to return to the land which they were forced to leave. Lord in your mercy…    

Palestinians will be commemorating the Nakba on May 15th. This date reminds them of the catastrophe which began seventy years ago, in 1948 when five hundred and thirty Palestinian villages and towns were destroyed and over seven hundred and fifty thousand Palestinians were forcibly driven out of their homes. A whole generation of Palestinians have now been constrained to live out their lives as refugees.

  • Lord we cry out for mercy even as we mourn the injustices suffered by the Palestinian people. We pray that you will keep hope alive in the hearts of those who suffer. So many living in occupied territories and abroad  under very difficult circumstances need to come back home. We pray that Palestinians will persevere in their work for peace and that they will remain steadfast in the face of oppression.Lord in your mercy…

For many young Palestinians education is still a source of hope for a better future. This week, students across Palestine and Israel are finishing the school year and many students are sitting their final examinations.

  • God, please give students clarity of mind and confidence to do their best, despite the uncertainties which surround them, and may the summer holidays be a welcome rest for all the children. We pray especially for our high school students as they take important examinations .  May our young people never lose their vision for a future of freedom and peace. Lord, in your mercy

The official opening of the new US embassy in Jerusalem is scheduled for Monday, May 14th.  The ceremony will be attended by over a thousand dignitaries, among them two hundred and fifty Americans.

  •  Lord you hear those who are distressed. We continue to pray for justice as we see the powerful conspiring against the Palestinians and denying them their human rights . May the powerful understand what makes for peace, the peace the city of Jerusalem desperately needs. We pray for the safety of people of dignity who will join the demonstrations calling for the observance of international law. Lord in your mercy…    

Israeli authorities demolished six housing units belonging to four small Palestinian communities in the South Hebron Hills. This demolition left families and children with no roof over their heads and no water to drink.

  • Lord, please help the Palestinian people to remain hopeful in the midst of hopelessness.  The drive to force them from their homeland appears to be relentless. We pray that those people around the world who care about peace and justice will continue to speak out against the Israeli occupation and the human rights violations perpetrated by the Israeli authorities. Lord in your mercy…  


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Lord in your mercy

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Sabeel Wave of Prayer 

May 3rd, 2018

Last Monday a young deaf man,Tahrir Mahmoud Wahba, (18 years old),died of the injuries he sustained during the ‘Great March of Return’ protest in the besieged Gaza Strip. The protest has continued for five weeks so far and during that time forty five Palestinians have been killed and five thousand five hundred have reportedly been injured.

  • Lord, we pray for all the families that have lost loved ones, especially the family of Tahrir. We also pray for the recovery of all those who have been injured by the military forces of the State of Israel. We continue to pray for the safety of those taking part in the non-violent protest. They are demonstrating for the internationally recognized right of Palestinian refugees to return to the land which they were forced to leave. Lord in your mercy…  

Last week, twelve Palestinian and Israeli teenagers died in flash floods which hit various cities in Palestine and Israel.

  • Lord, we pray for the families of both communities as they mourn for their children. Dear God, only your Holy Spirit can give comfort to the hearts of the parents who have to bury their children. Lord in your mercy…

The Israeli government has scrapped a controversial plan to deport thirty six thousand African migrants after an Israeli High Court petition, filed by human rights groups, challenged the feasibility of the plan.

  • Lord, we give thanks that the refugees will not now be faced with deportation back to their troubled home-lands. We give thanks for the politicians and human rights organizations who challenged their government for the sake of the refugees. Lord in your mercy…

In many countries around the world the first of May is the day designated as Labour Day. In Palestine this date is an official holiday to remember and support their workers. Many Palestinian workers are underpaid and unemployment levels have risen to an all-time high in 2018.

  • Lord, we remember the Palestinian workers who struggle to secure their daily bread. We ask that the military checkpoints and the danger zones may be cleared to enable the Palestinian people to travel freely to and from their places of work. Lord in your mercy… 

Israeli authorities handed notifications on Saturday to confiscate forty two dunums, (over 10 acres), of Palestinian land in the village of al-Khader, to the south of Bethlehem in the Occupied West Bank.

  • Lord, we turn to you as the Israeli military forces continue to take possession of Palestinian land and confiscate their property. We pray for an end to the Israeli occupation which deprives them of their property and threatens their basic human rights. Lord in your mercy…

In May 2014 Nadim Nuwarra, a seventeen year old youth was taking part in a protest at the Beitunia checkpoint in the Occupied West Bank. Israeli border police officer Ben Deri was filmed shooting him dead, even though the lad posed no danger. Ben Deri has been sentenced to nine months in prison in a plea bargain with the Israeli Jerusalem District Court.

  • Lord, we pray for your justice as the Israeli military courts continue to provide protection for their military forces and to marginalize the rights of the Palestinians. We ask that the international community may have the courage to speak out and to help bring an end to the Israeli occupation and hold the Israeli army accountable for its crimes. Lord in your mercy…

On April 29th, 2018 the Samaritan community, the smallest religious sect in the world, celebrated the feast of Passover. Today seven hundred and fifty people constitute the small community which lives on top of Mount Gerizim, just a ten minute drive from the Palestinian city of Nablus.

  • Lord, we pray for the Samaritan community as they celebrate their sacred day. We give thanks for the mosaic of the Palestinian community and all its members. We wish the Samaritan community a happy and peaceful holiday. Lord in your mercy…

  •   We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Lord in your mercy

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Wave of Prayer

April 26th, 2018

Israeli settlers physically attacked a number of Palestinian students and ‘used foul language against them,’ as they were leaving school last Wednesday in the al-Salaymeh neighbourhood of the Old City of Hebron.
On Saturday, a group of Israeli settlers attacked a Palestinian family and attempted to take over two homes in the Hebron area.

  • Lord, we give thanks for all the international observers in occupied Palestine who expose and document the violations against defenseless civilians. We pray that the day will come that the people who attack Palestinian children and families will be held to account in international courts. Lord in your mercy

On the fourth Friday of popular protests in Gaza, Israeli forces killed four Palestinians. One of those who were killed was Mohammed Ayoub, a fifteen year old boy who was shot in the head by an Israeli sniper. This incident was caught on film. The UN Middle East Envoy, Nickolay Mladenov, expressed his anger over the killing of the teenager and the European Union has demanded a full investigation into his death

  • Lord, we give thanks for the non-violent protests which continue to challenge the siege conditions suffered by those living in Gaza. We pray for those who take a stand for justice and raise their voices in protest against the oppression they experience. We pray for an end to the occupation and the liberation of the Palestinian people. Lord in your mercy

Mohammad Al Radie, a Palestinian journalist from Gaza, was arrested by Hamas for a post on Facebook; whilst a Palestinian journalist from the West Bank, Hazem Nasser, has been arrested by the Palestinian Authority for his censure.

  • Lord, we are thankful that courageous journalists in different parts of the world, including Palestine, persevere in trying to expose the truth even when they face threats from the authorities. We pray for the immediate release of Mohammad and Hazem and that those responsible for their arrests may be held to account for their attack on the right to freedom of speech. Lord in your mercy…  

After the 1967 war Israel seized territory in the occupied West Bank and subsequently gained control over the water supplies in the area. For some considerable time now, Palestinians have maintained that they have not been receiving their agreed share of clean water. Human rights groups believe Israel is deliberately limiting the water supply to farmers in an attempt to force them off their land.

  • Lord, we pray for the farmers who struggle to keep the fields green, especially during the hot summer season in Palestine. Dear God, help us to remember our Palestinian communities who thirst for water and long for justice. Lord in your mercy

The Israeli-American actress, Natalie Portman was selected as the 2018 Laureate by the Israeli Genesis Prize Foundation, for achieving excellence and international renown. Last Thursday Portman’s representative notified the GPF that ‘recent events in Israel have been extremely distressing to her and she does not feel comfortable participating in any public events in Israel’ and that ‘she cannot in good conscience move forward with the ceremony.’ The Foundation expressed it’s sadness over her decision and cancelled the prize ceremony. It is worth noting that the prize amounts to one million US Dollars.

  • Lord, we give thanks for all the people of conscience who refuse to give their assent to the crimes of the occupation. We are grateful for the courage of those Israeli Jews who condemn the actions of the government and take a clear stand on human rights. Lord in your mercy

Nizar Jahshan, a fifty five year old man, sat down to enjoy a meal in a Nazareth restaurant. While he was eating, unknown assailants fired at him from a passing car and he died from a fatal head wound. Crime in the Israeli Arab communities is on the rise, while the Israeli government ministries neglect the basic needs of the Arab sector.

  • Lord, we pray for the family of Nizar as they grieve for him. We pray for an end to the rising tide of violence among Israeli Arabs which threatens to weaken communal ties. May your spirit, God, guide us to continue to seek equitable treatment for Arab communities from the Israeli government. Lord in your mercy

This week we remember the many killed during the Armenian genocide, and particularly lift up the Palestinian Armenian community as they commemorate the genocide of 1915.

  • Lord, may the Armenian community around the world, and especially in Palestine, feel your presence and comfort. As we commemorate this massacre, enable us to recognize injustice wherever it occurs and empower us to act as ambassadors for peace. Lord in your mercy

Last Thursday, thousands of Israeli Arabs gathered for an alternative march to mark the day Israel claimed its independence. The march is held annually to assert the Palestinian right of return to their villages and towns from which they were evicted, and to express the suffering they endure as a result of the creation of the state of Israel in 1948.

  • Lord, we give thanks for the Palestinian people who continue to speak truth to power. Help us to remember the millions of Palestinians still living in refugee camps. We pray that the day will come when the international resolution regarding the right of return for these refugees is respected and fully implemented. Lord in your mercy


  •   We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. Lord in your mercy



Sabeel Wave of Prayer

April 19th, 2018

 Since the protests of the ‘Great March of Return’ began on the 30th of March, thirty six Palestinians have been killed and over two thousand have been injured in Gaza  by the Israeli occupation forces.

  • Lord, we give thanks for the Palestinian people. We are grieved by those who lose their lives in their challenge against oppression. We pray for those  who trust that ‘ the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings’. (Malachi 4:2) Lord in your mercy…Hear Our prayers

Last Saturday, four Palestinians were killed and others were injured after an Israeli artillery attack targeted an auto rickshaw in the city of Rafah, in the southern area of the Gaza Strip. Haaretz, the Israeli news website, reported that the Israeli army is: ‘investigating the possibility that the shooting incident was a work accident.’ This  further incident now brings the death toll in Gaza to thirty six people, since the  protests began on the 30th of March.

  • Lord, the Israeli army continues to target the Palestinian people. We pray for an end to the Israeli occupation and to a full restoration of the rights of the Palestinians. Lord in your mercy

Late last Monday night, the Israeli forces demolished a Palestinian primary school in the district of Hebron in the southern region of the  Occupied West Bank .The demolition left forty two children without a place to learn. The school was opened on the 26th of March, together with six other schools in the area which were built to provide an education for children in vulnerable communities. In spite of the demolition, the school children still came to school the following day and their teachers taught their classes on the floor of the remaining structure, in the rain.

  • Lord, we pray for our students and schools especially when they are targeted by the Israeli occupying forces. Dear God, please strengthen us and help us towards fulfilling the right of every child to receive an education. Lord in your mercy

 Friends of Sabeel North America are holding a witness visit from the 13th to the 22nd of April 2018 in Palestine and Israel focusing on: Non-violent Resistance and Palestinian Liberation Theology. Sabeel Witness Visits provide participants with the unique opportunity to see for themselves how Palestinians are constrained to live under Israeli occupation.

  • Lord, we pray for an enriching and fruitful visit that will enable the participants to experience first-hand the situation on the ground. We pray that they will return home with a rekindled desire to restore peace and justice to Palestine.  Lord in your mercy…

On Saturday,  three government sites in our neighbouring country of Syria were bombed by the United States of America, Britain and France. According to the three governments, the move is in response to a suspected chemical attack on the town of Douma last week which killed dozens of Syrians. Russia has condemned the U.S.-led strike against Syria, warning of unspecified ‘consequences’. These announcements  have alarmed those living in the area and aggravated fears that the conflict could escalate.

  • Lord, we pray for the people of Syria who continue to fall victim to unimaginable violence. We confess that we may not have done all in our power to promote peace in Syria. We remember the families grieving for the people who have been killed or injured and the ones who have become refugees as a result of the conflict. Lord in your mercy…  

Jarah al-Hawamdeh is a Palestinian refugee living in Jordan. He lost one of his legs as a result of cancer.  He is determined to reach the summit of Mount Everest  to raise funds for his destitute school. Al-Jufe School is located in Jordan and  is run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees .UNRWA  is currently facing severe budget shortfalls after the Trump administration announced a large cut in U.S. payments earlier this year.  Jarah has already begun the mountain ascent walking on crutches.

  • Lord, we give thanks for the dauntless spirit of the Palestinian We pray for the safety of Jarah during his journey. We ask that every step that Jarah takes on the mountain will help to open the eyes of the international community  to the plight of Palestinian refugees. Lord in your mercy
  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Belarus, Moldova, Russia and the Lord in your mercy

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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

April 12th, 2018

 Last Friday in Gaza, tens of thousands of protesters took part in the second mass protest of the ‘Great March of Return’. This protest calls for the right of Palestinian refugees to reclaim the land they were driven out of by Israel during the 1948 war, known as the Nakba. At the rally on Friday seven Palestinians were killed and a thousand were injured by the Israeli army.
B’Tselem, an Israeli human rights organization, launched a campaign urging soldiers to refuse to carry out orders to shoot Palestinian Gaza protesters.


  • Lord, we pray that the Palestinians in Gaza may continue to express their protest in a non-violent way. Our on-going prayer is for all Palestinian refugees to be restored to their homelands. We remember the Palestinian families as they grieve for those who have been killed and care for those who have been injured. We give thanks for the people of conscience who are prompted to cry out for justice and restitution in the face of the powerful. Lord in your mercy…Hear our prayers 


Ms. Fatou Bensouda, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), said in a statement reacting to Israel’s recent killing of Palestinian protesters at the Gaza border ,“Violence against civilians, such as Israel’s use of lethal force against protesters in Gaza, could constitute a war crime.”


  • Lord, we give thanks for all people of courage who take a stand when they see injustice perpetrated. We pray that the international community will thoroughly investigate the crimes against the Palestinians and hold to account those responsible for the crimes. Lord in your mercy… 


Israeli forces killed Yaser Murtaja, a Palestinian journalist covering the Gaza rally after being shot during last Friday’s protest, bringing the Palestinian death toll to thirty one since March 30.


  • Lord, your resurrection reminds us that in the end the truth will come out and justice will prevail. We pray for journalists committed to revealing the sober truth about the conditions suffered by the oppressed. We remember the family of Yaser as they mourn their loved one. Lord in your mercy 


The Israeli authorities have recently deported a Palestinian mother, who is married and was living with her Jerusalemite Palestinian husband and children for the past sixteen years. Ibtisam Obeid, was  repeatedly denied her applications for residency in the occupied city of Jerusalem by the Israeli authorities. Ibtisam is the latest victim of Israel’s discriminatory policies against thousands of Palestinians and their spouses in occupied Jerusalem. These policies divide families by denying them residency and family unification documents.


  • Lord, grant our people faith in your justice as the persecution continues in Jerusalem. We pray for the Obeid family which has been torn apart by the Israeli policies. We pray for an end to the Israeli military occupation and their restrictions on who the Palestinians marry and where they live. Lord in your mercy… 


The Palestinian Authority has gone back on last years’ decision to consider Easter Day as a Palestinian national holiday. The main impact of this decision is that Easter Day will now be considered a normal working day for all Palestinians, except those who are Christians, and they are exempt from work without penalty. Christmas Day is still recognized as a holiday for all Palestinians and is celebrated in both Christianity and Islam as well as among the seculars.


  • Lord, we continue to pray for an inclusive Palestinian society that respects all its members. Dear God, grant our people the power and wisdom to clearly express their disappointment with the Palestinian decision makers. We gratefully acknowledge that some of our Palestinian Muslim brothers and sisters openly disagreed with this decision. Lord in your mercy… 


On April 9th, Palestinians remember the Deir Yassin Massacre of 1948, when at least 107 Palestinians were killed in cold blood, including women and children. Later this month the Holocaust, the Armenian and Assyrian Genocides will be commemorated.


  • Lord, we pray desperately that these horrors will never be repeated. God, comfort all the survivors of these terrible events and lead us all out of cycles of violence into the way of peace and neighbourly love.
    Lord, in your mercy…



Sabeel Wave of Prayer

April 5th, 2018

It is now official that the United States of America has ceased to fund the Palestinian Authority (PA). This decision will not affect the budget which the United States provides for the Palestinian Authority’s security and intelligence forces, which is distinct from the funding which goes towards dealing with civilian issues within the PA.


  • Lord, we continue to suffer humiliation at the hands of the powerful as they force us to choose between charity and justice. Grant our people the courage to withstand coercion and to carry the cross towards liberation from the Israeli military occupation. Lord in your mercy…Hear our prayers

On the 26th of March , Rev. Naim Ateek, together with Rabbi Brant Rosen from Jewish Voice for Peace, spoke in Chicago, Illinois, and on the following day he spoke at Notre Dame University in South Bend, Indiana.

  • Lord, we pray for the students, professors, and others in South Bend and Chicago who received Naim Ateek’s message. God, open their ears to hear about the harsh realities of the occupation. Jesus, open their eyes to see the United States’ complicity in sustaining Israel’s military occupation, which continues to cause immense suffering for the Palestinian people. Holy Spirit, move their hearts to embrace the gospel message and inspire them with a desire to work for justice and peace.  Lord in your mercy…

On the 9th of April we celebrate Orthodox Easter with all Christians in Palestine and Israel and around the world.

  • Lord, we come to you with joy in our hearts as we have the opportunity to celebrate your resurrection. We hear the words proclaimed, “al-Mesih qam; hakkan qam!”, (The Lord is risen; He is risen indeed). And yet, while we rejoice in this glorious event, we are saddened too as we remember those who are unable to celebrate in their holy places as the Israeli authorities have denied them permits or imposed travel restrictions or ‘security’ measures. Lord, in your mercy…

 Israeli Border Police briefly detained a three-year-old Palestinian boy in Hebron for allegedly throwing stones. A video posted online shows the father asking for his child to be returned to him

  • Lord, the occupation makes young Israeli soldiers commit iniquitous acts. We pray for the dissolution of the military occupation as it debases the humanity of both the oppressor and the oppressed. Lord in your mercy…

 Tensions between Fatah and Hamas continue to escalate after the failed assassination attempt of the Palestinian Prime Minister earlier this month while he was visiting Gaza. As an African proverb states, ‘When elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers.’

  • Lord, we pray for an end to the divisions within the Palestinian political parties. We remember the Palestinian people who pay the price for poor leadership and factional fighting. Dear God, we pray that the Palestinian people will look for reform through exercising their right to free and fair elections.  Lord in your mercy…

 The beginning of April this year is an important time for all three monotheistic religions, with Jews celebrating Pesach (Passover), Christians celebrating the Resurrection of Christ, and Muslims celebrating Isra and Mi’raj, the two parts of the Muslim Prophet’s Night Journey to Jerusalem.

  • Lord, we pray for the followers of the three faiths and their special religious celebrations. May they grow in faith and learn the ways of justice, mercy and peace. Dear God, help us to remember that Jerusalem is a shared city and if one group attempts to subjugate the others, only suffering will ensue and this cannot reflect Your glory. Lord in your mercy…

 Last Friday, seventeen Palestinians were killed and more than a thousand Palestinians were wounded by Israeli fire as thousands of protesters marched to Gaza’s border with Israel. The protest on Friday, named the ‘Great March of Return’, was planned by several Palestinian civil society organizations and backed by all political factions to mark forty two years since the first commemoration of Land Day in Palestine.

  • Lord, on Friday we were again forced to recognize that the guns of the Israeli occupation forces continue to be louder than the resolutions of the United Nations. We pray for our people in Gaza, especially the 1.3 million refugees. We grieve for the families of the victims and pray for the recovery of the wounded. May the tens of thousands who marched with courage on Friday be a powerful reminder to those in positions of power of our cry for justice. Lord in your mercy…

