Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

25th October 2018

The ‘Great March of Return’ continues along the Gaza border. Among the thousands legitimately protesting, one hundred and thirty persons were injured including Journalist, Fady Thabet. Israel has announced that it plans to start a ‘zero tolerance’ approach, using live fire on protestors further away from the fence.


  • Lord we pray for those who take a stand for justice and raise their voices in legitimate protest against oppression. Protect those who make a stand to let the world know what is happening in Gaza. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.


Israel has suspended the demolition of Khan al-Ahmar for “several weeks”. This comes amid increasing violence from Israeli occupying forces who used tear gas, pepper gas and stun grenades on locals and internationals last week.


  • O Lord, grant that the Israeli authorities will take time to realise that this place is a home built by wisdom, established by understanding, and filled by knowledge (Proverbs 24:3). Give peace to the families at Khan al-Ahmar and strength to those standing in their defence. Lord in your mercy…


The Kumi Now initiative launches this week. This initiative of over sixty organisations encourages everyone to rise up together for justice through short, simple, nonviolent actions.


  • Gracious Lord grant us the strength to rise together with others around the world in nonviolent action alongside the people of Palestine. Lord in your mercy…


Sabeel is holding a bible study for women at Ein Kerem this week.


  • Lord, we are thankful for the continuing Sabeel contextual bible study sessions with the community in Palestine. We, specifically, raise before you the commitment of the women who will meet at Ein Kerem. Lord in your mercy….


On November 1st , the Palestinian authority plans to start enforcing the first comprehensive social security system to cover all private sector workers . The Palestinian authority states that, the purpose of the social security system is to provide protection to the workers of the Palestinian private sector in case of old-age, disability or death, employment injury or maternity. Tens of thousands of Palestinian workers have been taking to the streets to demonstrate against parts of the law which they see as unfair, many protestors have expressed their mistrust of the Palestinian authority and its intentions.


  • Lord, we pray for all the Palestinian workers who are on the margins. We also give thanks for the demonstrators who stand up for the rights of the people and express their concerns with nonviolence and a creative call for justice. Grant the Palestinian authority open ears to hear the concerns of the people and humble hearts to serve the Palestinian people in a fair and transparent way. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for The Caribbean: Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Cuba, Curaçao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Sint Maarten, St Kitts-Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago

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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

18th October 2018


This Friday the ‘Great March of Return’ continued through its 29th Friday with at least 252 legitimate protestors (including fifty children) injured and seven killed, including two teenage boys, by live fire from Israeli occupying forces. The protestors continue to demand their right to return to their homeland, which they were forced to leave seventy years ago and the brutal siege of Gaza.


  • Good shepherd, no refugee is a stranger to you and no one is ever far from your loving care. We pray that you would watch over the legitimate protestors as they continue in their efforts to return home. We pray for healing of the hearts of refugees who have endured unimaginable tragedy and trauma. Lord, in your mercyhear our prayer.


Ahed Tamimi has been on a tour of Europe and Turkey over the past few weeks. Palestine is full of prophetic voices who need an opportunity to be heard.


  • Lord, teach us to speak prophetic words when our world is out of balance; when the needs of the poor are shunned and the cares of the voiceless go unheard. Teach us to speak prophetic words when hope is in short supply; when our best efforts still fail; when events occur, which seem senseless and without meaning. Lord, in your mercy


Aisha Muhammad Talal al-Rabi,a mother of eight children, from the Bidya village near Salfit in the northern occupied West Bank, was killed and her husband was injured, after Israeli settlers hurled rocks at their vehicle near the Zaatara checkpoint in Nablus.


  • Lord, we pray for the protection of all people from the violent and racist attacks of illegal Israeli settlers. We ask for your spirit to guide us towards a path of liberation from the evil occupation which fosters hatred and conflict. Lord, in your mercy


Lara Alqasem, a 22-year-old American student, accepted to study at the Hebrew University, was refused entry to Israel despite having been granted a visa by the Israeli Embassy in America. The Tel Aviv District Court refused her appeal; however, she has now placed an appeal with the Supreme Court and awaits a decision. The refusal was based on the grounds that she is a supporter of the Boycott, Disinvestment and Sanctions, (BDS), movement.


  • O Lord we pray that those wishing to visit, study, or work in Palestine and Israel should have equal opportunity to do so. We pray that Israeli lawmakers may rule that those students who support Palestine do not necessarily pose a threat to thestate of Israel. Lord, in your mercy …


The olive harvest has started in Palestine. Many Palestinian communities, who earn their living from this harvest, are unable to reach their olive groves due to the separation wall, or their proximity to illegal settlements, or due to the threat of military intervention.


  • God, we lift our prayers for those Palestinian farmers who undertake great risks to harvest their produce. We give praise to you Lord God, who through the mouth of your prophet proclaimed that one day ‘..they shall sit under their own vines and under their own fig trees and no one shall make them afraid’ (Micah 4:4) Lord, in your mercy


Sabeel continues to hold weekly services on Thursdays. Visitors are always welcome for a time of fellowship and to pray together the ‘Wave of Prayer’.


  • Lord, we are so thankful for your promise that, ‘where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them,’ (Matt 18:20)Lord we welcome you amongst us today and celebrate the gift of life that you have lavished upon each of us.  We ask that you would open our ears so that we may hear your voice. Lord, in your mercy


  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico.


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Sabeel Wave of Prayer


As the ‘Great March of Return’ continues into its 29th week, Israeli forces have continued to use live fire against peaceful protestors, leaving over 370 injured and a three Palestinians dead including a twelve-year-old boy. Occupying forces have, once again, entered into Gaza and razed land metres beyond the fence. This ongoing practice has destroyed much of the agricultural land in Gaza.


  • O Lord, we pray for the peaceful protesters as they continue to resist the Israeli occupation, abuse of power and destruction of land. In particular we pray for the children and young people caught up in the conflict beyond their understanding or control. We pray for those who have been killed or maimed and for the bereaved families; those who have had their future torn away from them; those whose lives are bleak, lacking opportunity, freedom of movement and hope. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.


The demolition of the Bedouin village of Khan al-Ahmar is expected imminently after an Israeli court gave the residents until the 1st of October to evacuate their homes. On the 2nd of October Israeli settlers from the illegal settlement of Kfar Adumin, east of Jerusalem in the occupied West Bank stormed the village and flooded the area with wastewater from a tanker.


  • Protecting Lord, we pray that you may place your hand of protection over the people of Khan al-Ahmar. Be with them and those showing a protective presence as they stand firm against the constant threat of demolition by Israeli forces and abuse from Israeli settlers. Lord, in your mercy…


Several Palestinians suffered injuries after being assaulted by dozens of Israeli settlers in Jerusalem before dawn on Monday, the 1stof October. Israeli settlers stormed the al-Musrara Street, Damascus Gate and al-Wadi Street in Jerusalem City and began to assault Palestinian residents with verbal and physical abuse by shouting curses at them, repeatedly beating them, and damaging vehicles.


  • We pray for an end to the occupation of Jerusalem and across Palestine. May the Israeli authorities recognise their responsibility to act and not to keep turning a blind eye to the crimes committed by settlers. Lord, in your mercy…


The Israeli Mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, announced on Thursday, the 4th of October, that he plans to remove the services of the United Nations› agency for Palestinian refugees, (UNRWA) from occupied East Jerusalem. He has accused UNRWA of ‘operating illegally and promoting incitement against Israel’. Following the announcement, the Jerusalem Municipality confirmed that UN schools, which serve about 1,800 students, would be closed by the end of the current school year.


  • Lord of the oppressed, open the minds of the Israeli authorities to realize that UNRWA is a United Nation Agency and cannot be closed as long as the Palestinian refugee problem persists. Grant them the conscience to see that they cannot ignore international law or the plight of refugees. Lord, in your mercy…


This week Sabeel announces the ‘Kumi Now’ advocacy initiative. It is a project, in partnership with dozens of organisations, aimed at allowing people all over the world to rise up in support of Palestinians through simple, effective actions.


  • We pray for the ‘Kumi Now’ initiative as it is announced this week. We give thanks for the Sabeel staff, volunteers, and the organisations involved in this initiative. Lord, in your mercy…


While we focus on the suffering in Palestine we also remember the plight of all those caught up in the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami in Sulawesi, Indonesia.


  • Lord, the earth belongs to You, all that is in it and all who live in it are Yours’(Psalm 24:1). We pray for those impacted by disasters, both natural and man-made, wherever they are in the world. Grant swift comfort and relief to the survivors. Lord, in your mercy…


Sabeel is conducting a Bible study training course this weekend to help thirty-five people become Bible study facilitators. The participants come from 23 parishes in Palestine. They will be led in their studies by theologians to enable them to go back and teach new contextual Bible study programmes in their local communities.


  • Lord, we are so thankful that there is a hunger for your Word in the faith communities served by Sabeel. We pray that your Spirit would lead and guide this training and that it would glorify you and bless those taking part. Lord, in your mercy…


  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Panama. Lord, in your mercy…

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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

4th, October 2018

The ‘Great March of Return’ continued into its 27th Friday along the eastern border of the Gaza Strip. Seven Palestinians, including two children, were shot and killed by Israeli forces during protests across the eastern borders of the besieged Gaza Strip, on Friday afternoon.

  • Lord, we come before you ready to lay our anxieties and fears at your feet and ask that you would guard our hearts with your peace which surpasses all understanding. We pray for the peaceful protestors in Gaza and that others would be led to express their grievances using non-violent means. Lord, in your mercyhear our prayer.

During the recent UN General Assembly the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) received pledges of $118 million from several donor countries to help it overcome a financial crisis triggered by the United States’ aid cuts.

  • Lord of the refugee, we pray for those prevented from returning to their homes by the unjust laws of Israel and the USA. We pray that the international community will awake to this injustice and apply pressure to make their return possible and permanent. Lord, in your mercy

The Israeli authorities declared an eight day closure on the occupied West Bank and the besieged Gaza Strip starting late Sunday until Monday, the first of October, for the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. Rabbis for Human Rights announced that they have set up sukkah’s, which are temporary tents constructed for use during the week-long Jewish holiday of Sukkot, to show solidarity with the residents of Khan al-Ahmar and as a protest against Israel’s planned demolition of the village.

  • We pray that this Jewish celebration of return will open ears to current cries for freedom from the oppressive Israeli occupation. Even greater disruption and hardship is imposed on Palestinians during Jewish festivals like Sukkot, when checkpoints in the West Bank and Gaza are shut down. Lord, in your mercy

On Monday, the 24th of September, the Israeli military court of Ofer placed a 45-year-old Palestinian detainee under ‘administrative detention’ for six months. Ayman Nasser Karajeh is a legal co-ordinator for Addameer, a human rights group which focuses on promoting the rights of Palestinian prisoners.

  • Lord, your Word tells us that you lift up ‘those who are bowed down’ and that you ‘love the righteous’ (Psalm 146:8).We bring before you all those who risk their own life and liberty for the sake of others. Lord, in your mercy

Nour al-Din Shakarneh, a 20-year old Palestinian was injured before dawn on Sunday, after Israeli forces raided his family home and shot him while he was asleep in the village of Nahalin, in the southern occupied West Bank district of Bethlehem.
Twenty four year old Muhammad Rimawi, from Beit Rima near Ramallah, was beaten to death by Israeli occupation soldiers who raided his home in the early hours of the morning on the 18th of September. His body was returned for burial on the 1st of October.

  • Lord, protect those who face the daily threat of arrest,  injury or death by Israeli soldiers. Grant them your peace in their hearts and surround them with your powerful love . Lord, in your mercy

Mahmoud Abbas addressed the UN General Assembly last week. He spoke of the need for the US and Israel to abide by international law and for a peaceful Palestinian state to be recognized by the world.

  • We pray that the world community may come together and support Palestines legitimate cry for sovereignty. In the meantime the Palestinian people watch while illegal Jewish settlements expand around their communities, choking their movement, farmland and livelihoods. Lord, in your mercy

 Palestinians observed a 24 hour strike on Monday the 1st of October, in protest against Israel’s Nation State Law, against the demolition of Khan Al Ahmar and in remembrance of the 13 young people killed in cold blood 18 years ago during the Al Aqsa Intifada. This strike was observed by Palestinians inside Israel, in the West Bank-including East Jerusalem, the Gaza strip, as well as Palestinian refugees in the Diaspora.

  • God of all, we pray for perseverance of Palestinians who are trying, peacefully, to have their voices heard. We ask that you give the powerful, ears to hear and hearts open to understanding our struggles and concerns. Lord, in your mercy…
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Columbia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Lord, in your mercy

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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

September 27th, 2018


 The ‘Great March of Return’ continues with more Palestinians coming under live fire from the Israeli military forces. It has also been reported that Palestinian fishermen are coming under pressure from frequent arrests and live fire from the Israeli Navy. This constant pressure on the livelihoods of these fishermen means that 95% of the fishing industry in Gaza now live below the poverty line.


  • Lord, we continue to hold the protestors in our prayers; cast your net of protection over Gaza and its fisherman so that they may catch abundant fish without the threat of arrest or injury. Lord, in your mercy…Hear our prayers


Thirty-four Democratic senators, more than a third of the U.S. Senate, have signed a letter criticising the Trump administration’s recent decisions to withhold American aid from the Palestinians. The senators warned that these cuts, including the loss of aid to hospitals in Israeli-controlled East Jerusalem, will harm Israel’s security. Now, Democrats on Capitol Hill are calling on President Trump to reverse his decision to impose cuts, saying that they will contribute towards a humanitarian crisis in the region.


  • Lord, you never faint or grow weary. We pray for the efforts of lawmakers around the world who work for the powerless and the dispossessed. We pray that you would renew their strength and encourage them in their work for justice. Lord, in your mercy…


American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA) have recently completed work on a wastewater reuse project in Ramallah to increase the amount of water available for drinking by using wastewater for non-domestic uses including firefighting and irrigation of crops and gardens. Ramallah City, the West Bank, suffers from severe water shortages resulting from drought, population growth, and Israel’s limiting Palestinian access to groundwater resources.


  • God who called us forth from the dust and watered our lands with countless streams and great rivers, as we gaze upon this world that so thirsts for your water let it remind us of all the thirsts in this land: the thirst for justice, the thirst for peace, the thirst for opportunity, the thirst for reconciliation and the thirst for hope. Lord, in your mercy…


The Israeli Civil Administration announced an expansion plan of the Israeli settlement of Tina Omarim in the town of Dahriyeh, Hebron. The Land Research Centre, a Palestinian research centre, released a report on Monday, the 17th of September, which shows that the Israeli Civil Administration have published a plan that would change the classification of the Palestinian-owned land from agricultural to urban, in order to justify expanding the illegal Israeli settlement. The report said that the plan would lead to the seizure of 260 dunums, (64 acres), of Palestinian-owned land in the al-Thahriyeh town.


  • Lord, the Israeli occupation continues to dispossess the Palestinian people of their land. We pray that those who stand for international law and human rights would speak out and expose the illegal actions of Israel. Lord, in your mercy…


Sabeel continues to organise local Bible study groups in the community to help Christians to come together and reflect on what it means to follow Christ today, living under the oppressive constraints in the land of Palestine and Israel.


  • Lord, your words are life and light. We give thanks to all the lay leaders who help organise the Bible Study groups and prepare the material. Accept our prayers as incense offered to you, and our upraised hands as an evening offering (Psalm 141). Lord, in your mercy….


Several international groups are to participate in the Palestine Circus Festival, set to take place in 32 locations across the occupied West Bank, which will be held under the slogan “United for Freedom.”


  • Lord, we thank you for those willing to bring their creative gifts together to highlight injustice. May your innovative spirit bless all those involved with this project. Lord, in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in prayer for the countries of Bolivia, Brazil, Chile and Peru. Lord, in your mercy…

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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

September 20th, 2018
World Week of Peace for Palestine and Israel

As the ‘Great March of Return’ enters its 27th week, peaceful protests continue amidst the ongoing use of live fire by Israeli occupying forces. Shadi Abd al-Al, age 12 and Suhaib Abed Al-Salam Abu Kashef, age 16 have succumbed to wounds. More than 100 people were wounded including 14 children by live fire last Friday.

  • Lord of justice,give the Israeli occupying forces along the Gaza border the insight to see that their use of live ammunition against peaceful protesters is an unjustifiable crime. Bring comfort to the families of those who have been injured and killed, especially children, who have only just begun to see the wonders of your world. Lord, in your mercy…


 Since East Jerusalem was occupied and illegally annexed in 1967, the government of Israel’s primary goal in Jerusalem has been to create a demographic and geographic situation that will thwart any future attempt to challenge Israeli sovereignty over the city.

  • Ten measures of beauty God gave to the world, nine to Jerusalem, one to the rest – ten measures of sorrow God gave to the world, nine to Jerusalem, one to the rest. So, pray for the peace, pray for the peace; pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Lord, in your mercy…

 Palestinians inside Israel

 Palestinians living within Israel suffer from treatment as second-class citizens on a daily basis. This unfair treatment was, until recently carried out quietly and without government recognition. With the recent passing of the ‘Nation-State law’ this treatment has been confirmed in Israeli law.

  • Righteous Lord stand with all those facing oppression on a daily basis. Give Palestinians citizens of Israel the strength to stand up to these laws designed to make them second-class citizens and to make their struggles clear to those in power around the world. Lord, in your mercy…


2018 marks 70 years since the start of the 1948 Nakba where 500 villages were razed to the ground. Palestinians continue to be treated as second class citizens, with little space to build homes due to loss of their lands.

  • Although the dark night of oppression lingers, the dawn of justice will break. May God work through the people of good will to bring about a genuine peace based on justice and mercy, so that forgiveness and reconciliation will prevail for all the people of Palestine and Israel. Lord, in your mercy…


In recent weeks there has been a move from the government of the United States to change the status of Palestinian refugees. This change of policy signals the removing of the ‘Right of Return’ from any Palestinian who was not one of the original refugees created by the Nakba. This move wouldfulfil a long-held wish of the Israeli government to ensure a majority Jewish population in Israel.

  • Almighty and merciful God, Jesus became a refugee and had no place to call his own, look with mercy on those who have fled and continue to flee today from danger, homelessness, and hunger. Bless those who work to bring them relief; inspire generosity and compassion in all our hearts; and guide the nations of the world towards that day when all will rejoice in your kingdom of justice and peace. Lord, in your mercy…

Occupation, Settlements & Home Demolitions

The Israeli government continues to occupy Palestinian land. Ongoing illegal settlement building along with the destruction of villages, such as Al Khan al-Ahmar are a daily occurrence.

  • Lord, hear us as we remember those affected by the occupation, settlements and land confiscations in Palestine. We pray for Palestinian families forced to leave their homes. We ask you to strengthen the hands of Palestinians and Israelis who work for an end to oppression and injustice. Lord, in your mercy…

Women against the occupation

Many women continue to stand against the occupation in various ways.

  • Lord our God, we pray that the women of Palestine and Israel may be inspired to live in peace by acting justly, loving tenderly and walking humbly with you, our God. We pray that your Holy Spirit will open their eyes and help them to see what hope your call holds for them. May they be firm in the hope they profess and always be ready to give the reason for the hope they have. Lord, in your mercy…

Child Prisoners

At the end of June 2018, 273 Palestinian children were held in Israeli prisons as security detainees and prisoners, including 3 administrative detainees. Another two Palestinian children were held in Israeli Prison Service facilities for being in Israel illegally. The Israeli Police Service considers that these children, both detainees and prisoners, are criminal offenders.

In addition, a small number of children are held in Israeli Army-run facilities for short periods of time.

  • Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.’(Luke18:16).We pray that these children may receive support andhelp to overcome these harrowing experiences and restore them to their families. We pray that the hearts of our childrenmay be full of hope and free from fear. Lord, in your mercy…


West Bank and Gaza strip residents constantly suffer severe water shortages due to the policies of Israel. Access to water and proper sanitation is a basic right enshrined in the United Nations Charter.

  • Lord, we are so thankful for your provision, that you make the sun rise on the land and that you send the rain to make the crops grow. We know that your mercy is over all that you have made. May we be merciful to one another in how we share your provision, ensuring that all our needs are met equitably and that none are left to hunger or thirst. Lord, in your mercy…
  • We join the World Council of Churches as they pray for the countries of Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay.

The themes and prayers for this week are adapted from the Sabeel Contemporary Way of the Cross.

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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

September 13, 2018

The Israeli Supreme Court turned down an appeal against the demolition of the Bedouin village of Al Khan al-Ahmar, which lies between two illegal Jewish settlements. This demolition if carried out, besides being a grave violation of human rights, will obstruct the establishment of a contiguous and viable Palestinian state.

  • O Lord, we weep at the injustice being carried out against the people of Al Khan al-Ahmar. Grant them the strength to resist the Israeli military occupation and to continue to make their plight clear to the world. We pray that the Israeli judiciary will see the error of its ways in the light of international pressure and allow the people of Al Khan al-Ahmar to ‘live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest’,(Isaiah 32:18). Lord, in your mercy… 

As the ‘Great March of Return’ continues, the Israeli military forces are still using live ammunition against the protestors, in contravention of international law, leaving some protestors dead while many others have sustained serious injuries. Recently a Red Crescent Ambulance, which was being used to help people at the fence, was damaged by live ammunition.

  • Lord of protection,we pray that those participating in peaceful protest have the courage to stand their ground in the face of the overpowering force used by the Israeli military We pray for the safety of all those who are trying to rescue those who have been wounded. Lord, in your mercy

Dozens of Palestinians suffered tear-gas inhalation on Wednesday, the 5th of September during raids by Israeli occupying forces on Al-Quds University in Abu Dis, East Jerusalem. The university campus was sealed off and classes were disrupted.

  • Lord, we pray for the Palestinian students trying to pursue their studies with frequent disruptions. May they not lose heart but persevere in their efforts. In your word we read that you ‘love justice and have established equity’,(Psalm 99:4). We pray for justice and righteousness for all who live in the land. Lord, in your mercy….

Israel has begun the construction of a 130km wall along its border with Lebanon. The Lebanese Government has raised concerns that portions of the wall are being constructed on Lebanese territory.

  • O Lord, grant the Israeli decision makers the wisdom to see that bridges are better than walls. We pray that the international community will hold Israel to account in how they recognize international borders. Lord, in your mercy… 

The Third Palestinian Open International Taekwondo Championships is due to take place in Ramallah this week. The organizers have been forced to postpone the competition for a few days as Israel delayed issuing permits to competitors.

  • Lord, we pray for the success of these sporting championships and that all competitors may be allowed to travel to Ramallah to compete. Lord, in your mercy…

 This week Muslims and Jews celebrate their New Year holidays, while the Druze community celebrate Nabi Sabalan day. Many Jews are visiting Jerusalem to pray at the Western Wall and to meet up and celebrate with family members. Israel has imposed a military closure on the West Bank and Gaza strip, leaving them trapped behind checkpoints and the separation wall. Palestinians will not have the opportunity to travel to worship or be reunited with their families.

  • Lord, we see oppression for the Palestinians living in this land. We pray that governments around the world may recognize the injustice they suffer and challenge the impunity of the Israeli government. Lord, in your mercy… 
  •  We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of  Ghana and Nigeria


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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

September 6th, 2018

The ‘Great March of Return’ continues into its sixth month. Peaceful protesters continue to be threatened by live fire from the Israeli military. Ibrahim Talalqa, a medic working at the fence takes his leave of his family every Friday before going away, anxious that he may not return home. 

  • God of the peacemakers, we ask that you stand with those who continue protest with non-violent means to achieve their rightful aims. Stand with those who risk life and limb to bring medical care to the injured and dignity to the dead in this dangerous place. Lord in your mercy… 

As the US announce that they are withdrawing all funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA),  in an attempt to dissolve it and cancel the Palestinian right of return, other countries, including Sweden, Germany and Japan, have decided to increase their funding to cover the shortfall.

  • Lord of all righteousness, you tell us in your word to ‘Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute’ and to ‘defend the rights of the poor and needy’, (Proverbs 31:8-9). We are thankful for governments around the world who are willing to step up and give funds to UNRWA as they support more than five million Palestinian refugees. Lord, in your mercy….

Like many places around the world, Israel and Palestine have a continuing issue of systematic violence against women. Whether this is through cultural background or home demolition, the abuse of women is pervasive in society.

  • Dear God, Jesus treated women with kindness and respect. Help us to emulate Jesus in all our ways and especially to respect them as individuals and to end the systematic violence in Israeli and Palestinian culture as well as across the world. Lord in your mercy…

The Israeli Civil Administration have announced the uprooting of around seventy olive trees in the Jordan Valley under the pretext that they are growing on an archeological site. These trees provide the main source of income for Najib Turki Faqha.

  • O Lord, we pray for Palestinian olive farmers whose livelihoods depend on their trees. The olive is a sign of peace, grant that peace to all who find their land under threat. Lord, in your mercy…

During August Israeli forces destroyed the Bedouin village of al-Araqib for the 132nd time. As well as destroying homes, livelihoods and dreams, the forces also arrested sheikh Siyam at-Touri, his son Aziz at-Touri and Salim Abu Ashraf as they tried to halt the demolition.  The demolition comes after the Israeli authorities decided to approve the construction of four new illegal settlements in the Negev area.

  •  Lord of resilience, stand with the villagers at al-Araqib and all Bedouin villages under constant threat from demolition. Support the community leaders as they strive to protect their communities, buildings and animals. We pray that this cruel policy of home demolition may cease and that the residents may be left alone. Lord in your mercy…

 UN schools for Palestinian refugee children opened on August 29th for the 526,000 students, despite cuts to funding. These schools are essential to meet the needs of every child to receive an education.

  • Lord, we pray for the teachers and staff who run the UN schools for Palestinian refugees. Be with the teachers and the children as they embark on this new school year. Lord in your mercy…

Our colleague and friend, Andraous, celebrated his wedding this week. We rejoice with him and  his wife, Diana, on this blessed occasion.

  • Lord, we ask you to watch over Andraous and Diana and to grant them every blessing as they start their life together as a married couple. Be with all couples and continue to bless them with love. Lord in your mercy…


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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

August 30th, 2018

 The ‘Great March of Return’ continues into its fourth month. On Friday the 24th of August, approximately 5000 people attended the demonstration and the Israeli army fired live ammunition and tear gas at the protestors. More than 189 people were wounded and at least fifty of those who were wounded, were hit by live ammunition.

  • We pray for the safety of the protestors in Gaza as they continue to use non-violent means to achieve their rightful aims. Lord, in your mercy…

In the wake of the protest over the Nation-State Law, which took place on the 14th of July in Rabin Square, Tel Aviv, the Likud party has proposed a new bill. On Wednesday the 22nd of August, it outlined  a bill which would prohibit the Palestinian flag, along with the flags of other ‘enemy nations’, from being raised in  any demonstration where more than three people had gathered. The ban would carry a sentence of one years’ imprisonment for anyone who raised the forbidden flag.

  • Lord, we continue to pray for the safeguarding of freedom of speech and the right of the people to resist injustice in Israel. We pray that those in positions of authority would be mindful of the rights of all their citizens and would work for the benefit of all the people living in Israel. Lord, in your mercy…

On Thursday the 24th of August, Pierre Krähenbühl, the Swiss national who leads UNRWA stated, ‘one cannot simply wish away five million people’, in response to attempts made by Israel and the US to dismantle the agency. He spoke of the impact of the US funding cuts of $300 million earlier this year which have caused cuts to community mental health services, job creation and food distribution in the Gaza Strip. He warned that any further cuts would risk undermining the security and the stability of the region.

  • O God of righteousness, who brings relief when we are distressed, ‘Lift up the light of your face upon us, O Lord,’( Psalm 4:6). Strengthen us, Lord, and help us to support those who seek to bring assistance to all those in desperate need in the occupied territories. Lord, in your mercy… 

On Thursday the 23rd of August Alistair Burt, the UK Minister for the Middle East, issued a statement condemning the Israeli governments plans to construct 2,100 new Jewish settlement units across the West Bank. He reaffirmed that these settlements would be illegal under international law and noted that they ‘remain one of the obstacles to a viable two-state solution’.

  • Lord, we pray for all those  around the world who speak up for the powerless and who use their authority to expose injustice. Lord, in your mercy….

Majd al-Mashharawi, a twenty four year old engineering graduate and entrepreneur from Gaza has been attempting to bring her SunBox solar energy kits into Gaza through the Karm Abu Salem crossing. The kit is an inexpensive and lightweight solar-powered system suitable for providing energy for small fridges, motorized wheelchairs, laptops and smart phones. She launched the initiative last month but was stopped by the closure of the crossing by Israel. Two weeks ago the crossing was reopened and she was finally able to bring 200 of the kits into Gaza.

  • We give thanks, Lord, when we hear of young people using their gifts to work for the benefit of their communities and to demonstrate their desire to conserve their environment even in adverse conditions. Lord, in your mercy…

On Saturday the 25th of August six activists from the Israeli-Palestinian anti-occupation group Ta’ayush were attacked by a group of at least ten settlers in the South Hebron Hills. The activists were documenting illegal construction in the unauthorized Israeli outpost of Mitzpe Yair. They were thrown to the ground, assaulted and their cameras were broken in the presence of Israeli soldiers. Four of the activists needed to attend hospital for their injuries.

  • Lord, we pray for all who are willing to risk their personal safety to expose illegal activities in the occupied territories. We pray that they may find the strength and commitment to carry forward their work. Lord, in your mercy…

 Despite the massive funding cuts, UNRWA has decided to open schools for Palestinian refugees after the summer break. It supports over seven hundred schools and educates more than half a million students. However the Commissioner-General warned that the agency only had enough funds to last until the end of September and is urgently seeking funding from other donors. He asserted, ‘It is crucial to protect the fundamental right to education for Palestinian refugee girls and boys and the community’s unwavering attachment to learning and the development of skills’.

  • Lord, we give thanks for the teachers and staff running the UN schools. We pray that provision will be found to keep the schools open and to enable the students to continue their studies. Lord, in your mercy…
  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Cape Verde, the Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau and Senegal. Lord, in your mercy……

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Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer
August, 23rd 2018


On Tuesday the 17th of August, two Palestinians, Saadi Abu Maamar and Karim Abu Fatair, were killed and 270 other protesters were injured by the Israeli army along the eastern borders of theGaza Strip. For over four months Palestinians have continued to take part in the‘The Great March of Return’ rallies.

  • Lord, we pray for the families of Saadi and Karim as they grieve over their loss. We continue to pray for the safety of the protestors and for them to continue to espouse non-violent means to achieve their demands. Lord, in your mercy…


Last week Israeli settlers attacked a Palestinian house and vandalised forty vehicles in the northern West Bank district of Nablus. Also Israeli settlers destroyed hundreds of olive trees in the village of al-Lubban al-Sharqiya, in southern Nablus ,while settlers uprooted dozens of olive trees in the Palestinian village of Arraba in the northern occupied West Bank district of Jenin.


  • Lord, you are a merciful and gracious God and you work for ‘righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed’(Psalm 103:6). Wecontinue to pray for the oppression of Palestinian communities who suffer repeated attacks. Lord, in your mercy…


The Israeli security agency, Shin Bet, has been detaining high-profile figures in the past few weeks as they travel in and out of the country.The Jewish American journalist Peter Beinart,  the Jewish activistSimone Zimmerman and  the Iranian-American author and CNN contributor Reza Aslan are among the people who have been stopped as they tried to enter the country and were questioned by Shin Bet for criticising  the policies of the Israeli government towards Palestinians.

  • Lord, we continue to give thanks for all the people of conscience who are willing to speak truth to power,even if they suffer a personal cost. We pray that human rights and freedom of speech would be  duly respected in Israel and Palestine. Lord, in your mercy….  


The Palestine Aquarium was opened in Ramallah at the end of July. It is the first aquarium

to be opened in Palestine and is a great attraction as many Palestinians in the West Bank are denied access to the coastline.The aquarium, which has 250 species, took more than a year to set up and was funded by a group of Palestinian investors. Israeli authorities tried to block parts of the project by denying access to the aquatic animals at the border, where some of them died in their containers.

  • Lord, we pray for all the Palestinian entrepreneurs who make ethical and creative investments in Palestine. We pray that this project may inspire joy and a sense of wonder at the beauty and diversity of your creation.  


Across Palestine and Israel, hundreds of thousands of children attendcamps which provide them with activities while their schools are closed over the summer.

  • Lord, we thank you for programmes which provide opportunities for children to relax and enjoy themselves, even while they continue to live under occupation. We pray for the organisers and volunteers who work to make this possible. Lord, in your mercy…


Palestinian Muslims,with millions of other Muslim worshippers from around the world, have travelled to Saudi Arabia to perform the annual Muslim Hajj pilgrimage. At the end of Hajj, Muslims prepare for Eid al-Adha, the most important holiday in the Muslim calendar, which falls this weekend.

  • We pray for our Muslim brothers and sisters, as some go on pilgrimage and as they celebrate Eid al-Adha this week.  Lord, in your mercy…  


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Liberia and Sierra Leone. Lord, in your mercy…

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