Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

This week’s Kumi Now online meeting at 6pm (Jerusalem Time) will consider Israel’s attempt to change the status of Jerusalem. The international community rejects Israel’s claim to legitimate authority over the city, as it imposed military occupation of East Jerusalem in 1967. However, the Israeli government continues to claim sovereignty over East and West Jerusalem, in contravention of international law. It also enforces discriminatory practices with a view to increasing the Israeli communities, while reducing the numbers of Palestinians living in East Jerusalem.

  • Lord Jesus, you lamented over Jerusalem before your arrest and crucifixion, ‘Would that you, even you, had known on this day, the things that make for peace!’(Luke19:42).  We pray for justice and peace for Palestinians living in East Jerusalem. We pray for an end to Israel’s contempt for international law in the way it is attempting to annex East Jerusalem and to force many Palestinians to leave the city. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

In the past week the people of Gaza have been attacked by the Israeli military and the Israeli navy. On Saturday, the 16th of January, Israeli soldiers based in military watchtowers along the border, east of Khan Yunis, fired shots at farmers working in their fields. Fishermen sailing within the prescribed limits off the northern shores of Gaza on Tuesday, the 19th of January, were forced to return to land when the Israeli navy attacked them with powerful water cannons.

  • Lord, we bring to you the people of Gaza, struggling to survive during this thirteen year blockade. We pray for an end to the blockade and to attacks from the Israeli military. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

The chairman of the Palestinian Central Elections Commission, Hanna Nasser, announced that national elections are due to take place for the Palestinian people this spring. Two million Palestinians in East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza will be able to take part in the first elections to be held in the past fifteen years. Talks between the different Palestinian factions will be held in Cairo this coming week to ensure that any obstacles to the elections can be overcome.

  • Dear Lord, we are thankful that Palestinians will soon be given the opportunity to participate in  the democratic election of their governing representatives.We pray that the different political factions will work hard to ensure that free and fair elections are held in the spring. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

Israeli forces have issued demolition orders on a primary school and a mosque under construction in the Masafer Yatta area, south of Hebron. The Israeli authorities cite the lack of building permits, although they rarely grant permits to Palestinians in the occupied territories The school is one of seventeen schools built by the Palestinian Authority, with funding from the European Union, to serve marginalised rural communities.

  • Lord, we pray that the demolitions in Masafer Yatta will not be carried out by the Israeli authorities. We pray that international lawmakers and governments will challenge Israel’s widespread policy of  demolishing Palestinian buildings and  denying building permits to Palestinians. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

 On Sunday, the 17th of January, Israeli settlers attacked the village of Madama, south of Nablus. An eleven year old girl, Hala Mashhour al-Qat was on her way to her uncle’s home, close to her own home in the village, when settlers started throwing stones at her and tried to abduct her. Her screams brought her mother and her uncle running to help and they managed to stop her being taken by the settlers. She was traumatized by the incident and was left with cuts and bruises to her face.

  • Lord, we are so shocked by this attempt by settlers to abduct a young and defenseless girl. We are thankful that her family responded so quickly to her cries for help and that she was rescued. We pray that the Israeli government will recognize the escalation in brutal settler violence and prosecute the perpetrators. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

Two Palestinian prisoner advocacy groups have reported the unexplained death in Israeli custody of Maher Saasa. Maher had been in prison since 2006 and was suffering from several chronic illnesses. He was given a coronavirus inoculation the day before his death.

  • Lord, we pray for the family of Maher, including his six children, as they grieve his loss. We pray that the circumstances of his death in an Israeli prison will be fully investigated, particularly whether he was granted proper medical care during his incarceration and whether he was subjected to any inhumane treatment. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Cyprus, Greece and Turkey. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer


This week’s Kumi Now online meeting at 6pm (Jerusalem Time) on Tuesday, the 19th of  January, will focus on the work of the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolition, (ICAHD). Jeff Halper, the founder of ICAHD, will discuss the refusal of the Israeli authorities to grant building permits to Palestinians. Even if Palestinians wish to build on their own land, very few permits are granted. When Palestinians go ahead and build without the permits, their homes are demolished by the Israeli authorities. Many Palestinians are even forced to bulldoze their own homes to avoid paying demolition costs.

  • Lord Jesus, we come before you with hearts full of grief as we think of the Palestinian families forced to watch the destruction of their own homes. Lord, you experienced a harsh life under occupation during your ministry on earth, with nowhere for you to lay your head, (Matt.8:20). We pray for an end to this deplorable practice of home demolition in the occupied Palestinian Territories. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian affairs (OCHA) have reported that Palestinian hospitals have been targeted by the Israeli military in three separate incidents over the past two weeks. Palestinians were injured on the 26th of December, inside hospitals, in Gaza City and on the following day in Ramallah. On the 4th of January Israeli soldiers broke into a hospital in Tulkarm, in the north of the West Bank. They fired stun grenades in the hospital ward and caused panic among the patients.

  • Lord, we pray that Israeli military attacks on Palestinian hospitals will cease on humanitarian grounds. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

Five human rights’ organisations came together to petition the Israeli Supreme Court on Sunday, the 10th of January. They are challenging the Israeli Public Security Ministers’ decision to withhold covid-19 vaccinations from prisoners held in Israeli prisons. The decision of the Israeli minister of Public security, Amir Ohana, contravenes a directive from the Israeli Ministry of Health that the entire prison population in Israel should be vaccinated against COVID-19.

  • Lord we pray that all prisoners in Israeli jails, Israeli and Palestinian, should be vaccinated as many struggle with  poor health and overcrowded conditions. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

Critical public health information has not been made available to the Palestinian community in Israel, according to human rights’ organisations. After almost a year of the pandemic, information about the coronavirus and emergency help has not been translated into Arabic.

  • Lord we pray that important information about the pandemic would be made available to all who live in Israel in their own languages, including the Arabic language for the Palestinians who live inside Israel. After almost a year of the pandemic, information about the corona virus and emergency help has not been translated into Arabic. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

The Israeli government approved the construction of 800 new settlement units in the occupied West Bank on Monday, the 11th of January. This political move is seen as an attempt to secure as much settlement expansion as possible before President Trump leaves office.

  • Lord, we pray for international powers and governments to speak out against the plunder of Palestinian land and the rapid expansion of illegal Israeli settlements. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

An Israeli district court banned any further screening of the film ‘Jenin, Jenin’ on Monday, the 11th of January. The film sheds light on Israeli army violations against Palestinians at the Jenin refugee camp in the northern West Bank in 2002. The director, Muhammad Bakri has been required to compensate the Israeli soldier plaintiff and to cover all the legal costs of the long drawn-out case.

  • Lord, we thank you for the courage of film-makers who continue to exercise their right to freedom of expression by focusing on contentious issues. We pray that the Israeli judiciary will respect the freedom of expression in their land and call to account any violations committed by the Israeli military or other authorities. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

This week Kennett Larsen, a Norwegian friend of Palestine sadly died at the age of 66.

Kennett had worked as a trade unionist and journalist in his own country and had participated in delegations to the West Bank and Lebanon. He set up a store in Oslo called Handala, which promoted Palestinian products.

  • Lord, we thank you for the life and witness of Kennett Larson and grieve for his loss to his family and friends. We give thanks for his willingness to work as an advocate of justice for the people of his own country and for  the Palestinian people. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the Yemen. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

Sabeel Wave Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer


On Friday, the 1st of January, hundreds of Palestinians gathered for a peaceful protest in Deir Jarir, northeast of Ramallah. They were objecting to the Israeli settlement expansion which threatens large tracts of Palestinian land near their village. The Israeli military used rubber-coated steel bullets and tear gas to disperse the demonstrators and one Palestinian sustained a head wound.

On the same day, Palestinian herdsmen were attacked by Israeli settlers in the Masafer Yatta area, in the district of Hebron. The illegal settlers attacked the herders and their sheep with clubs and stones and barred their way to the grazing pasture.

  • Lord, we pray for an end to the illegal Israeli settlement expansion in the occupied Palestinian Territories. We pray for a cessation of the violence from the Israeli military against Palestinian protesters. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

Palestinian residents of the village of Kafr Qaddum, near the city of Qalqilia, face daily attacks from Israeli settlers. On the 1st of January, 18 villagers were injured when the Israeli army used bullets and tear gas to disperse their protest against Israeli settlement expansion.

  • Lord, we pray for all Palestinians as they continue to protest against the theft of their land for Israeli settlements. Lord, you are ‘a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble’, (Ps.9:9). You promise, Lord that ,‘the needy shall not always be forgotten and the hope of the poor shall not perish forever.’( Ps.9:18). Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

Haroun Abu Aram, a young Palestinian was shot in the neck by an Israeli soldier in the village of al-Tuwanah in the Hebron district, on the 1st of January. His injury has left him paralysed from the neck down. He was helping some other villagers to prevent Israeli soldiers from taking their electric generator, as the army carried out another home demolition.

  • Lord, we pray for Haroun and his family as they face his devastating injury. We pray for the residents in his village who have had their homes demolished at this time of pandemic and impoverishment. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

On Wednesday, the 6th of January, Issa Amro was convicted by an Israeli judge at the Ofer military court for participating in peaceful demonstrations dating back to 2010. Issa is the co-founder of Youth Against Settlements, a group of nonviolent Palestinian activists based in Hebron. Amnesty International has called his charges ‘baseless’ and claim that the Israeli authorities are carrying out a ‘campaign of persecution’ against him.

  • Thank you, Lord, that there are still young Palestinians prepared to speak out against the injustices they see perpetrated in their occupied land. We pray for Issa Amro and pray that all charges are dropped against him, when his case is appealed. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

The Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem has caused outrage over his recent plans to sell 27 acres of land belonging to the Mar Elias monastery near Bethlehem. He plans to sell the land to two Israeli contracting firms, Talpiot Hadasha and Broeket Habsaga. The firms want to connect the large Gilo Israeli settlement, itself built on Palestinian land,  directly to the Talpiot area in the city of Jerusalem.

  • Lord we pray that any plans for the sale of the land of the Mar Elias monastery may be reviewed by the Orthodox Church authorities. We pray that full consideration may be given to how the land will be used by the Israeli authorities and to possible consequences for the Palestinians living in the area. Lord in your mercy……..hear our prayers.
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Iran, Iraq and Syria. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

‘united as One’ is the title of a new song which has been released by 23 young Palestinian refugees to express their faith in the future. With the help of six musicians they have worked together to compose this song. The project was sponsored by the United Nations’ Relief and Works Agency, (UNWRA).

  • Lord, we thank you for the musical expression of the young Palestinian refugees and we pray that, despite the many challenges they face, they will never lose sight of hope in their lives. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

Hundreds of Palestinian protesters gathered in the village of Beit Dajan, to the east of Nablus, to take part in a non-violent demonstration against Israeli settlement land theft on Friday, the 25th of December. The Israeli military dispersed them using tear gas and stun grenades.

  • Oh Lord, we pray for an end to the violence perpetrated against Palestinians by Israeli settlers and the Israeli authorities. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

Israeli air strikes on central and southern Gaza on Saturday, the 26th of December, injured two young Gazans and caused widespread damage to property. The Israeli military claimed the strikes came in response to two missiles being fired from Gaza which fell in open spaces in southern Israel, without causing injury. Israeli warplanes fired five missiles in the al-Tuffah neighbourhood of Gaza City. The properties damaged in al-Tuffah included a paediatric hospital, a centre for the disabled, and a sports club.

  • Lord, we pray for an end to the spiral of violence between Gaza and Israel. We pray that violence and oppression would be put away in Palestine/Israel and that all the people would seek justice and righteousness. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

On Saturday, the 26th of December, the Palestinian Ministry of Health spokesman, Kamal al-Shakhra, stated that the corona vaccine is expected to be made available in Palestine during the next few weeks. He also warned that the infection rate remained high as the virus had claimed 29 lives and infected 1,268 people in the previous 24 hours in the West Bank and Gaza.

  • Lord, we are thankful for the provision of vaccines to the occupied Palestinian Territories. We pray they would effectively curb the spread of the pandemic in these areas and in other countries around the world. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

The US Customs and Border Protection Agency announced on Wednesday, the 30th of December that all goods made in Israeli-controlled areas of the West Bank are now to be labelled ‘Made in Israel’. This policy shift from the Trump administration will cover products made in Israeli settlements, deemed illegal by international law. The Palestinian human rights’ organization, Al Haq, has written to the European Parliament to seek their support for the banning of trade with illegal Israeli settlements.

  • Lord, we pray that international lawmakers will challenge the Israeli government’s attempts to conceal the provenance of their products. We pray that governments around the world will bring pressure to bear on Israel to stop the rapid expansion and economic development of its illegal settlements. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

Hundreds of Israeli settlers gathered on Road no.1 in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem on Sunday, the 27th of December. Israeli police stood by as the settlers attacked Palestinians, Palestinian homes and vehicles in the area.

  • Lord, we pray that these frequent outbreaks of Israeli settler violence against Palestinians will cease. We pray that the Israeli authorities will no longer stand by and allow such attacks, but will intervene to maintain law and order in all communities. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

The Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem has been badly hit by the pandemic. It provides specialized maternity and neonatal care to vulnerable families throughout Palestine. Employees at the hospital have elected to take on 12 hour shifts to cover the workload. Protective clothing and masks are being supplied by entrepreneurs in southern Palestine. Oxygen supplies have been donated by well-wishers in Switzerland and the US.

  • Lord, we thank you for the dedication of the staff at the Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem. Please strengthen them as they continue to provide care for the mothers and babies in Palestine. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

Reverend Naim Ateek is to be appointed as the Honorary Canon of the Cathedral of St Andrew, Honolulu, on the 3rd of January. He will be joining the Cathedral liturgy virtually from Texas. Rev. Ateek is a canon of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and a co- founder of Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Centre in Jerusalem.

  • Dear Lord Jesus, we give thanks for the vibrant witness of Reverend Naim Ateek. We celebrate with him as he receives this honor in recognition of his work to seek justice and reconciliation in Palestine/Israel. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

The Kumi Now Initiative focuses on the work of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, ( ELCJHL). As well as being a place of worship for many Palestinian Christians, the church works to educate and help those who are experiencing economic hardship and are becoming overwhelmed by the lack of freedom and security in their land. Many Palestinian Christians have been forced to emigrate, leaving an estimated few hundred thousand in the Holy Land.

  • Lord we pray for the strengthening of Christian leaders and peacemakers in Palestine. Lift up the light of your face upon them, Lord and put joy in their hearts, ( Psalm 4:6). Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

In recent months Israeli settler attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinian civilians and their property has peaked, according to the United Nations. Attacks on Palestinian farmers and shepherds are often carried out with the collaboration of the Israeli military. Illegal Israeli settlers destroyed water pipes and trees in al-Lubban ash-Sharqiya village, south of Nablus, on Friday, the 18th of December. The following day Palestinian farmers and shepherds in Masafir Yatta in the southern area of the occupied West Bank were attacked and injured by illegal Israeli settlers.

•     Lord, we pray that this outpouring violence from illegal Israeli settlers against Palestinians will cease. We pray that the stranglehold of the Israeli occupation, which grows ever tighter on the Palestinians, will be released. Lord in your mercy… hear our prayers.

On Monday, the 21st of December, one of Israel’s main thoroughfares was blocked by Arab Israeli protesters They were drawing attention to the breakdown of law and order in Arab towns and cities, due to the failure of the Israeli authorities to allocate resources to stem the crime wave. A high number of fatalities among Arab Israelis has been recorded in 2020, with 98 victims.

  • Lord, we pray that the voices of the protesters will be heard. We pray that violence will not be allowed to run unchecked in Arab Israeli communities and that the Israeli government will tackle the problems. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

On Sunday, the 20th of December, a spokesman for Palestine’s Detainees and Ex-Detainees Commission stated, that so far this year a total of 140 Palestinian political prisoners have contracted COVID-19 in Israeli prisons.

•     Lord, we pray that international human rights’ organizations will intervene to save the lives of Palestinian prisoners. We pray that pressure may be brought to bear on the Israeli government to honor their commitment to ensure the health, well-being and safety of Palestinian prisoners. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

A female Israeli illegal settler attempted to run down three Palestinian children as they were trying to cross the road in Jabal Jales, near Hebron. A Palestinian intervened to rescue the children before they were hit by the car.

•     Lord Jesus, you rebuked your disciples and told them to let the little children come to him and not to hinder them, (Matt.19:13). We bring before you the children of Hebron and elsewhere in the West Bank who suffer harassment, violence and arrest on a daily basis under the Israeli occupation. We long for an end to this nightmare and for a better future for them to live in a land of justice and peace. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

The Israeli healthcare system started its nationwide coronavirus vaccination campaign on Sunday, the 20th of December. There are 57 vaccination centers, with only three planned for the Arab population. There is a high rate of infection in the Arab areas and they make up over 20% of the population.

•     Lord, we pray that urgent action will be taken to ensure that vaccines are made accessible to all the citizens regardless of their ethnicity, color or religion. We pray that those responsible for the planning of healthcare provision in Israel will work to eradicate discrimination. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

Worshippers from around the world have attended the weekly Sabeel December Services made available on Zoom by the Kumi team. In 2021 these services will continue, taking place on Thursdays at 6pm (Jerusalem time).

•     Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the opportunity to draw together in worship with Palestinian Christians this Advent season. Even in dark times we remember the hope born in Bethlehem two thousand years ago.  Lord Jesus, our Saviour, born then, and still the good news of great joy to share with all the people of the world. We praise and worship you this Christmas time. Lord, in our mercy…hear our prayers.

•     We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the stateless people of the world.     ‘An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.”,(Matt.2:13)     Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Thursday 24th December 2020

The Palestinian farmers of Beit Dajan, east of Nablus depend on their harvest of grain, olives, almonds and figs for their livelihood. Much of their agricultural land was stolen by illegal Israeli settlements in the 1970s and now even more of their land is under threat from a newly constructed Israeli outpost. On Friday, 11th of December, the villagers gathered to plant olive saplings to the northeast of the village to prevent further land theft. This activity was dispersed violently by Israeli soldiers who shot and wounded two villagers and threw tear gas canisters at them. Two days later, farmers in Yatta, near Hebron, lost four hundred mature olive trees when Israeli settlers set fire to the Palestinian olive groves.

  • Lord, we pray for the Palestinian farmers who depend on the harvest of their crops for their livelihoods. We pray for an end to the violence and intimidation forced on these farmers by the Israeli military and settlers. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

Abdul-Nasser Halaweh, a Palestinian man with a severe hearing impairment, died on Friday, 11th of December. He suffered complications from wounds he sustained when he was shot by an Israeli soldier at the Qalandia checkpoint, north of Jerusalem. He had not heard the soldier’s order to stop and when he continued to walk on, the soldier shot him. The shots caused serious fragmentation of bones in his feet and led to his decline and death.

  • Lord, we pray for the family of Abdul-Nasser as they grieve their loss. We pray too for the dismantling of all checkpoints throughout the occupied Palestinian Territories where people are herded like cattle through pens and where people with disabilities can become vulnerable targets. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

On Saturday, 12th of December, Palestinian NGOs stated that 413 Palestinians had been rounded up in raids across the occupied West Bank in the month of November. The highest number of detentions took place in East Jerusalem, with 157 Palestinians arrested there. There are now 4,400 Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons, including 41 women and 170 children. There are 380 Palestinians being held under administrative detention.

  • Lord, we long for justice and peace in Palestine/Israel. We pray for those Palestinians who speak out about the injustice and oppression their people suffer and have to pay the price of imprisonment, sometimes without charge or trial. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

The Israeli municipality of West Jerusalem used a bulldozer to demolish the high stone wall of the Islamic al-Yousifieh cemetery in occupied East Jerusalem on Monday, the 14th of December. The municipality wants to build a park on the site.

  • Lord, we pray that the desecration of the cemetery in East Jerusalem will cease. We pray that sacred sites throughout the city would be respected by the Israeli authorities. Lord, in your mercy…

For the seventh consecutive week Palestinians with disabilities have continued their protest in the offices of the Palestinian Legislative Council in Ramallah. They are highlighting the urgent need for a comprehensive health insurance for people with disabilities. The pandemic has demonstrated how vulnerable they are to the loss of critical services or medication when a crisis hits.

  • Lord, we pray for a compassionate response to the needs of those living with disabilities in Palestine.  We know how many are suffering from poverty and unemployment during this time of pandemic, but how much more difficult it must be for those with lifelong disabilities. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

The Kumi Now Initiative focuses on the work of the Military Court Watch,(MCW). The MCW monitors the treatment of children detained by the Israeli military system. It focuses particularly on the first 24 hours after the arrest of the child, as this is when most allegations of the denial of rights takes place.

  • Lord, we thank you for the work of the Military Court Watch. We pray that the widespread, illegal and institutionalised detainment and ill-treatment of Palestinian children by the Israeli military will cease. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

This Christmas we turn our eyes to Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, and we see a suffering town. The pandemic has hit the economy of the town hard with over 7,000 people working in the tourism sector, now unemployed for over nine months. Some families are having to withdraw their children from schools, forced to make hard choices between education, food or medicine. Others can no longer afford to pay rent and are having to move back in with their parents and grandparents.

  • Lord Jesus, you are the light of the world, (John 8:12). When we light our Advent candles remind us that we will not walk in darkness if we follow your light. When the darkness of poverty, oppression, illness and bereavement press in hard, lift our eyes to your light of hope. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Japan, North Korea, South Korea and Taiwan. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Wave of Prayer

17th December 2020

This week’s Kumi Now Initiative looks at the work of Al-Marsad. This Arab Human Rights’ Centre was set up in 2003 to protect the human rights of the Syrian population living in the occupied Golan Heights. Ever since the Arab/Israeli War in 1967, Syrians living in this area have been marginalized and the Israeli government has given away their land to settlers in an attempt to create ‘Northern Israel’.

  • Lord, we thank you for the work of those trying to protect the rights of the Syrians living in the occupied Golan Heights. We pray for an end to the illegal annexation of this area by the Israeli authorities and settlers. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

Sabeel-Kairos U.K. will be holding an online Advent Service on Saturday, the19th of December at 4pm, (GMT). Rev’d Naim Ateek, Founder of Sabeel, Jerusalem will be leading the service and Garth Hewitt, Founder of the Amos Trust, will be singing.

  • Lord Jesus, you are the sunrise which has visited us from on high ‘to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet in the way of peace.’( Luke 1:78) Help us, Lord, to look to your light this Advent season and to joyfully worship your name. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

On Monday, the 7th of December, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, (UNESCO),unanimously adopted two resolutions concerning Palestine. Steps are to be taken to monitor attacks on the educational and cultural heritage of Palestine, including monitoring Israeli violations at the holy sites of Al-Haram Al-Sharif in Jerusalem and the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron.

  • Lord, we are thankful for the commitment of the United Nations to uphold international law and to work for the peaceful solution of the conflict in Israel/ Palestine. We continue to pray for an end to the Israeli occupation and an end to the escalation of the Israeli attacks on the cultural heritage of the Palestinians. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

The Blue and White party’s ‘Equality Bill’ passed its preliminary reading in the Knesset on Wednesday, the 9th of December. Despite opposition from Likud, the coalition partner, the bill only requires three more votes to be passed into law. The law would ‘enshrine the right to equality and prohibit discrimination’.

  • Lord, we pray for stable, just and law-abiding government in Israel/ Palestine. We pray that people from different ethnicities will be respected there and that all will be granted equality and freedom from discrimination under the law. Lord in your mercy…hear our prayers.

‘Songs for the love of Palestine’ is a documentary film about four songs which have become particularly popular with Palestinians living in the diaspora. The songs reflect their cultural heritage and remind them of their longing to return to their homeland.

  • Lord, we thank you for the gift of music and for the joy of joining with others to express the deepest desires of our hearts through song. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

In the Batn Al-Hawa neighborhood of East Jerusalem eighty-six families are facing forcible eviction by the Israeli authorities. Three families have just lost their court appeals and have been ordered to hand their property over to the settlement group, Ateret Cohanim. This settler group is seizing land in the area claiming their right as it belonged to Yemeni Jews in 1881.

  • Lord, we pray that the Israeli government will put an end to its unjust, illegal and inhuman policy of home demolition and settler confiscation. We pray for the Palestinian families facing the dire prospect of having to abandon their homes especially at this time of pandemic. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of China, Hong Kong, and Macau. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer


This week’s Kumi Now initiative focuses on the work of the Christian Peacemaker Teams which supports a project in al Khalil, (Hebron). The team working there, with the help of local Palestinians, is supporting residents in their non-violent opposition to the Israeli occupation. Many military checkpoints have been set up in the Old City making daily life very difficult for the Palestinian residents. Some children have to face four checkpoints to reach school each day and Palestinian adults are often subjected to harassment and intimidation by the Israeli soldiers.

  • Lord, we pray for the dismantling of the mesh of checkpoints from the occupied West Bank. We pray that the Israeli authorities will start to respect international law and ensure the free movement of Palestinians across their territories. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

The Commission for Detainees and ex-Detainees has issued a statement about an assault carried out by Israeli prison guards on a Palestinian 17-year-old youth. Hani Irmaslat is from Jenin refugee camp and he was arrested last October and taken to al-Jalama Interrogation Centre. When he complained of feeling unwell the prison guards beat him severely and he needed hospital attention for the cuts and wounds to his head. He underwent twenty days of harsh interrogation and was then taken to Megiddo prison.

  • Lord, we pray for Hani and for his recovery from the cruel treatment at the hands of the Israeli authorities. We pray that Israel will start to abide by its obligations to the UN Conventions and will stop arresting, interrogating and detaining Palestinian minors. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

The International Day of Persons with Disabilities was marked on Wednesday, the 2nd of December. A report from the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics revealed that there are 93,000 people with disabilities in Palestine and one fifth of this number includes children under the age of 18 years. Many children with disabilities struggle to access education and suffer a chronic lack of resources, especially those living in Gaza under the blockade.

  • Lord, we continue to pray for an end to the Israeli occupation and the blockade of Gaza which makes life so hard for adults and children living with disabilities. We pray that there will be a greater awareness of how they can be supported to fulfil their potential. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

On Wednesday, the 2nd of December, two Palestinian workers were killed, and five others were seriously injured when they were struck by an empty bus which was driven by a Palestinian from East Jerusalem. He was driving at speed near a military checkpoint at the northern entrance to Bethlehem.

  • Lord, we pray for the families of Ziad Abiyat and Jaafar Abiyat as they mourn their loss. We pray for the recovery of the other Palestinians who were wounded in the hit-and-run attack. We pray that the perpetrator will be brought to justice. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

The Guardian newspaper (U.K.) has published an open letter, signed by 122 Palestinian and Arab academics and journalists, concerning the definition of antisemitism as set out by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, (IHRA). In the letter they state: ‘The fight against antisemitism has been increasingly instrumentalised by the Israeli government and its supporters in an effort to delegitimize the Palestinian cause and silence defenders of Palestinian rights.’

  • Oh Lord, we pray that the human value and rights of all people in Palestine/ Israel will be respected. We pray for justice and peace in the Holy Land and an end to the Israeli occupation and an end to the statelessness and deprivation of Palestinian refugees. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

The promise of the production of effective vaccines to suppress the global pandemic has brought encouragement to many. However, concerns have been raised that richer countries are buying up vast batches of vaccine doses and poorer nations could get left behind. Covax is a global vaccine plan seeking to ensure an equitable distribution of future vaccines.

  • Thank you, Lord, for the foresight of those who are planning to help all nations, rich and poor, to have fair access to the coronavirus vaccinations. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers. 

There will be four online Sabeel Advent Services to be held on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th of December. The services will be conducted in English and Arabic and will be led by Reverend Naim Ateek. People can register using this link

  • Oh Lord, we praise you and thank you for your faithfulness. In this Advent season we remember how you fulfilled your promise to Simeon, as he held the baby Jesus in his arms and granted him the honour of blessing the Messiah, ( Luke 2:25-30). Please keep our hearts open and full of hope in your promises. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

Mays Abu Ghosh, a young Palestinian journalism student, was released from prison on Monday, the 30th of November after serving a 15 month sentence. She was charged with belonging to a banned student political group. Mays has spoken out about the torture she experienced at the Maskobiyeh Interrogation Centre in Jerusalem.

  • Lord, we pray for Mays as she recovers from her traumatic experience under interrogation from the Israeli authorities. We pray for an end to the inhumane and unjust treatment of Palestinians under the Israeli penal system. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers. 
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer


This week’s Kumi Now initiative focuses on the work of the Christian Peacemaker Teams which supports a project in al Khalil, (Hebron). The team working there, with the help of local Palestinians, is supporting residents in their non-violent opposition to the Israeli occupation. Many military checkpoints have been set up in the Old City making daily life very difficult for the Palestinian residents. Some children have to face four checkpoints to reach school each day and Palestinian adults are often subjected to harassment and intimidation by the Israeli soldiers.

  • Lord, we pray for the dismantling of the mesh of checkpoints from the occupied West Bank. We pray that the Israeli authorities will start to respect international law and ensure the free movement of Palestinians across their territories. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

The Commission for Detainees and ex-Detainees has issued a statement about an assault carried out by Israeli prison guards on a Palestinian 17-year-old youth. Hani Irmaslat is from Jenin refugee camp and he was arrested last October and taken to al-Jalama Interrogation Centre. When he complained of feeling unwell the prison guards beat him severely and he needed hospital attention for the cuts and wounds to his head. He underwent twenty days of harsh interrogation and was then taken to Megiddo prison.

  • Lord, we pray for Hani and for his recovery from the cruel treatment at the hands of the Israeli authorities. We pray that Israel will start to abide by its obligations to the UN Conventions and will stop arresting, interrogating and detaining Palestinian minors. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

The International Day of Persons with Disabilities was marked on Wednesday, the 2nd of December. A report from the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics revealed that there are 93,000 people with disabilities in Palestine and one fifth of this number includes children under the age of 18 years. Many children with disabilities struggle to access education and suffer a chronic lack of resources, especially those living in Gaza under the blockade.

  • Lord, we continue to pray for an end to the Israeli occupation and the blockade of Gaza which makes life so hard for adults and children living with disabilities. We pray that there will be a greater awareness of how they can be supported to fulfil their potential. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

On Wednesday, the 2nd of December, two Palestinian workers were killed, and five others were seriously injured when they were struck by an empty bus which was driven by an Israeli settler. He was driving at speed near a military checkpoint at the northern entrance to Bethlehem.

  • Lord, we pray for the families of Ziad Abiyat and Jaafar Abiyat as they mourn their loss. We pray for the recovery of the other Palestinians who were wounded in the hit-and-run attack. We pray that the Israeli police will investigate this attack and bring the perpetrator to justice. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

The Guardian newspaper (U.K.) has published an open letter, signed by 122 Palestinian and Arab academics and journalists, concerning the definition of antisemitism as set out by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, (IHRA). In the letter they state:  ‘The fight against antisemitism has been increasingly instrumentalities by the Israeli government and its supporters in an effort to delegitimize the Palestinian cause and silence defenders of Palestinian rights.’

  • Oh Lord, we pray that the human value and rights of all people in Palestine/ Israel will be respected. We pray for justice and peace in the Holy Land and an end to the Israeli occupation and an end to the statelessness and deprivation of Palestinian refugees. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

The promise of the production of effective vaccines to suppress the global pandemic has brought encouragement to many. However, concerns have been raised that richer countries are buying up vast batches of vaccine doses and poorer nations could get left behind. Covax is a global vaccine plan seeking to ensure an equitable distribution of future vaccines.

  • Thank you, Lord, for the foresight of those who are planning to help all nations, rich and poor, to have fair access to the coronavirus vaccinations. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers. 

There will be four online Sabeel Advent Services to be held on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th of December. The services will be conducted in English and Arabic and will be led by Reverend Naim Ateek. People can register using this link

  • Oh Lord, we praise you and thank you for your faithfulness. In this Advent season we remember how you fulfilled your promise to Simeon, as he held the baby Jesus in his arms and granted him the honour of blessing the Messiah, ( Luke 2:25-30). Please keep our hearts open and full of hope in your promises. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

Mays Abu Ghosh, a young Palestinian journalism student, was released from prison on Monday, the 30th of November after serving a 15 month sentence. She was charged with belonging to a banned student political group. Mays has spoken out about the torture she experienced at the Maskobiyeh Interrogation Centre in Jerusalem.

  • Lord, we pray for Mays as she recovers from her traumatic experience under interrogation from the Israeli authorities. We pray for an end to the inhumane and unjust treatment of Palestinians under the Israeli penal system. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers. 
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

3rd December 2020

The Kumi Now Initiative focuses on the work of the Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling, (WCLAC). The group seeks to provide e-counselling and protection for victims of abuse, while also documenting human rights’ abuses of Palestinian women living under Israeli occupation. They report that Palestinian women, who already face challenges in a patriarchal society, are having to deal with higher levels of domestic abuse during the COVID-19 lockdown.

  • Lord, we thank you for the work of the WCLAC as they seek to provide protection and support for vulnerable Palestinian women. We thank you for their witness to the human rights’ violations suffered by Palestinian women under the occupation. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

Global Kairos for Justice is a worldwide coalition of concerned Christians from different traditions, who have come together to support the Palestinians in their sufferings. This month they have published their Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Toolkit to help and inspire others to take non-violent, economic action to challenge Israel’s human rights’ abuses of the Palestinian people.

  • Lord Jesus, you are the light of the world(John 8:12). Shine your light this Advent season so that your children may witness the truth and walk in the light of life. May we walk in your way and bring joy, not suffering, to others in how we steward the resources you have given us. Lord in your mercy… hear our prayers.

The Episcopal Church in the US has now divested from five companies as a result of the investment screen they adopted last year. The companies were found to be violating human rights through complicity by profiting from the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territories.

  • We give thanks, Lord, for the commitment of the Episcopal Church for introducing an ethical approach to the way their finances are managed. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

November 29 was observed by the United Nations as International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people. Responding to the Cry for Hope from Palestinian Christians, FOSNA is calling on Christian leaders across the World to commit their congregations to “Preach Palestine” on November 29th.


  • Lord, our hearts are united with all people everywhere who say enoughto the ongoing occupation and the violence and oppression that has kept its hold on this land for too long.  May this day not just heighten the worlds awareness of the injustice that is part of daily life in Palestine but also give those in positions of leadership the will and courage to act in ways that lead to a just peace. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

Reema Dodin has been named as the first Palestinian/American to serve as a senior member of staff in the Office of Legislative Affairs on President-elect Biden’s team. This appointment has been an encouraging sign of hope to many, but it has also drawn criticism from right-wing activists.

  • We pray for Reema and the other members of the new presidential team in the US that they may bring goodwill and compassionate hearts to meet the challenges they face in the year ahead. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

The United Nations has voted overwhelmingly to approve a draft resolution in favour of Palestinian self-determination, with Israel and the US voting against it. The resolution

‘stressed the urgency of achieving without delay an end to the Israeli occupation that began in 1967 and a just, lasting and comprehensive peace settlement between the Palestinian and Israeli sides, based on a two-state solution.

  • Lord, we pray for an end to the occupation and that peace and justice will be established in Israel/Palestine. Lord, in your mercy … hear our prayers.

Maher al-Akhras was finally released from his administrative detention order on Thursday, the 26th of November and has returned home to Jenin. Maher started his hunger strike on the 27th of July and refused to end it until he received a clear-cut official ruling that the order was finished.

On Saturday, the 21st of November three young Palestinian men were stopped by Israeli soldiers at a flying checkpoint just outside the village of Beit Fazzar, south of Bethlehem. This was just one of the hundreds of surprise flying checkpoints set up to control the movements of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. The soldiers beat the Palestinians so severely that all three of them had to be admitted to Beit Jala hospital to be treated for extensive cuts and bruising.

  • Lord we pray for an end to the abuse and humiliation suffered by Palestinians at the hands of the Israeli authorities. We pray for the dismantling of the entire web of Israeli closures and checkpoints which imprison and harm the lives of the Palestinian people. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Myanmar and Thailand. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.