Wave of Prayer

26th of May 2022

This week’s Kumi Now online gathering focused on how Palestinians are working to preserve their culture and history.

Next week, on Tuesday, the 31st of May, the topic will be the high number of child fatalities in Palestine. Defence for Children International Palestine monitors these fatalities and records widespread Israeli military violations against Palestinian children living under occupation.

•    Merciful Lord, we bring before you the children of Palestine. So many of these children suffer death, injury, imprisonment and trauma under Israeli occupation. We pray for an end to the occupation and a restoration of the human rights of all the children living in the Holy Land.
Lord, in your mercy..

In the first week of May the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that the Israeli authorities can destroy eight villages in the Masafer Yatta area of the South Hebron Hills and expel more than 1,200 Palestinian inhabitants permanently. The area is designated a firing zone, but illegal outposts which have been set up by Israeli settlers in the area will not be destroyed.

•    Lord, we pray that the international community will call the Israeli government and its judicial system to account for the way it is dismissing international  humanitarian law. We pray that pressure from governments around the world will stop the forcible transfer of Palestinians living in the Masafer Yatta area.
Lord, in your mercy..

The Israeli government and police have agreed to allow the Jerusalem Day march to go ahead on Sunday, the 29th of May. The route will take Israelis through the Muslim Quarter and they will enter the Old City through the Damascus Gate as they proceed to the Western Wall. The day is a celebration of the Israeli conquest of the Old City and East Jerusalem in the 1967 War and it has become a way for nationalists to assert Israeli sovereignty throughout the city.

•    Lord, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray that this provocative march be  cancelled altogether and that International Law be respected in occupied East Jerusalem.
Lord, in your mercy..

On Sunday, the 16th of May, the Israeli Supreme Court rejected several petitions against a controversial cable car project. Israeli supporters of the project want to connect the western and eastern sides of the city. The cable car is set to pass over the Jewish Karaite cemetery and will reach the City of David park in Silwan, a Palestinian neighbourhood, whose residents have long faced eviction. The historical skyline of the Old City in occupied East Jerusalem will be dominated by the cable car construction.

•    Lord, we pray that there will be a review of this project which threatens to further diminish the Palestinian presence and to assert Jewish sovereignty in the city of Jerusalem.
Lord, in your mercy…

Thousands of people gathered in the US city of Paterson, New Jersey to celebrate the renaming of part of the Main Street, as ‘Palestine Way’. Paterson City Council renamed  the street in honour of the contribution its Palestinian community has made to civic life. Alaa Abdelaziz, the city’s first Palestinian-American councillor commented, ‘It’s a celebration, but it’s also showing that Palestinians are human. We are Americans and we will never forget where we come from.’

•    Lord, we thank you for the contributions Palestinians in the diaspora make to their local communities. We pray that the Palestinians living abroad will continue to support and advocate for their families still living under the grip of the Israeli occupation.
Lord, in your mercy..

Aida Abu Farha, from the town of al-Jalama, near Jenin in the occupied West Bank, has now received widespread recognition for her mastery of the Palestinian art of ‘zajal’, a traditional form of oral poetry. This ancient form of artistic expression used to be the sole preserve of men, but Aida has persevered and studied to improve her skills at composing  ‘zajal’. She is now invited to perform at many different cultural occasions.

Lord, we give thanks for the gifts you have given Aida and her determination to persevere with her studies and performance despite facing discrimination. We are thankful that she intends to pass on this precious heritage to the younger generation.
Lord, in your mercy..

The six Palestinian NGO’s designated by Israel as ‘terror organisations’ have called on the international community to take action against Israel’s unfounded harassment of them. Israel claims it has ‘secret evidence’ which condemns them, but has failed to provide any concrete evidence. Last week the Carter Center confirmed it would continue to support the organisations and denounced Israel’s move as a way to ‘silence voices calling for accountability for the Israeli occupation authorities.’

•    Lord, we pray for the Palestinian organisations working to defend the human rights of the poor and defenceless in their society, that any false witness against them may be withdrawn.
Lord, in your mercy..

At a news conference at St Joseph’s Hospital in East Jerusalem on Monday, the 16th of May, Christian leaders of 15 denominations condemned the violent intrusion of Israeli police at Shereen Abu Aqleh’s funeral procession. Monsignor Tomasz Grysa, the Vatican’s representative in Jerusalem, accused Israel of brutally violating an agreement to uphold religious freedom. Patriarch Pizzaballa described the disproportionate use of force by the Israeli police as, ‘a severe violation of the international norms and regulations, including the fundamental human right of freedom of religion.’

•    Lord, we cry out to you over the killing of Shereen and for the brutal violence used by Israeli police on the mourners at her funeral. We continue to pray that the international community will carry out a full investigation into her death and funeral and hold to account those who perpetrate injustice.
Lord, in your mercy..

•    We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the Indian Ocean Islands: Comoros, Madagascar, Maldives, Mauritius and Seychelles.
Lord, in your mercy..

Wave Of Prayer


Christ at the Checkpoint is inviting people to attend the 2022 conference in Bethlehem, which is entitled, ‘Am I my neighbour’s keeper?’ . It will take place between the 26th-29th of May. (http://christatthecheckpoint.bethlc.edu)

  • Risen Lord Jesus, we pray that the speakers at this Bethlehem conference will be guided by your light to seek out new paths of peace in Palestine/Israel.
    Lord, in your mercy..

On Wednesday 11th May, Al Jazeera journalist Shereen Abu Aqleh was killed as she prepared to report on Israeli raids in Jenin. Abu Aqleh, a Palestinian Christian with American citizenship is believed to have been shot by Israeli occupation forces. Following her death, Israeli forces attacked mourners at her funeral in Jerusalem, at one point causing her coffin to fall. 

  • Dear Lord, we pray that Shereen rest in peace and rise in glory. We pray that her family find peace as they grieve her death. May those in the international community speak up against these injustices, work to ensure a full investigation, and bring those responsible to justice.
    Lord, in your mercy…

In the UK the Balfour Project will be hosting an online conference over two afternoons, on the 17th and 18th of May. The conference is entitled, ‘Abandoning Palestine: the end of the British Mandate and our continuing responsibility.’ (http://balfourproject.org)

  • Lord God, we pray that this conference will help to raise awareness of Britain’s responsibility to fulfil its role to help establish equal rights for the Palestinians, as well as the Israeli people.
    Lord, in your mercy…

Kosovo’s Foreign Minister visited Jerusalem on Wednesday, the 11th of May, to sign a co-operation deal with Israel. Kosovo, whose status as an independent country is disputed by a majority of the member states of the UN, declared its intention to open its embassy in Jerusalem. Most countries have their embassies in Tel Aviv and are opposed to Israel’s annexation of East Jerusalem.

  • Merciful Father, we continue to pray for peace in the city of Jerusalem. We pray that any competing claims over the city will be resolved through negotiations based on international law and not dictated by short-term political and economic moves.
    Lord, in your mercy..

On Wednesday, the 11th of May, Palestinian residents of Jabal al Tawil, near the city of Al-Bireh were protesting at a nearby illegal settlement, when Israeli soldiers opened fire on them. Thayer Yazouri, 18, was shot directly in the heart and was killed, while another Palestinian teenager was injured in his leg.

  • Lord, we pray for the family of Thayer as they grieve his untimely death and pray for the recovery of the other Palestinian boy who was injured. We pray for an end to the policy of the Israeli military to shoot and kill Palestinian protestors.
    Lord, in your mercy…

The Israeli government is set to put forward plans for 4,000 illegal settler homes to be built in the occupied West Bank. If the plans are approved, this move will mark the largest advancement of illegal settlements since President Biden’s administration took office.

  • Lord, we pray that the international community, including the US administration, will speak out over this further violation of international law proposed by the Israeli government. Lord, we cry out to you as the Palestinians look set to lose even more land.
    Lord, in your mercy..

In Gaza Tuesday, the 10th of May marked a grim anniversary of the outbreak of hostilities inflicted on them last year by the Israeli military. According to the records of the United Nations, 260 Palestinians were killed during the Israeli attacks, including 66 children. In Israel 12 civilians were killed as a result of indiscriminate rocket attacks from Gaza. 

Israeli restrictions on the movement of people and goods across the borders of the enclave remain in place and are leading to further impoverishment.

  • Lord, we pray for an end to the Israeli blockade of Gaza so that the area can have the opportunity to recover from desperate poverty and devastation.
    Lord, in your mercy..
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal.
    Lord, in your mercy..

Wave Of Prayer

12th of May 2022

After more than twenty years of legal proceedings, Israel’s High Court of Justice ruled, on Wednesday the 4th of May, that the area of Masafer Yatta in the South Hebron Hills is now a closed military zone. This ruling means that the Israeli army can forcibly transfer 1,200 Palestinians living in the area and take away their land.

  • Merciful Lord, we cry out to you as we see more and more Palestinians made homeless as the Israeli authorities use their justice system to contravene international humanitarian law.
    Lord, in your mercy..

B’Tselem, the Israel Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, has looked into the circumstances under which the Israeli border police shot and killed Nader Rayan in Nablus on the 15th of March this year. Their investigation showed that Nader and his friend were on their scooter behind the police vehicles. When the scooter broke down, they ran down a side alley. As they run, the police shot Nader in the back. Then the police left their vehicles, tracked down the injured Nader, shot him repeatedly and killed him.

  • Lord, we pray for the family of Nader as they grieve over his violent death. We pray that the Israeli military will put a stop to this open fire policy, which contravenes international humanitarian law and has cost the lives of thousands of Palestinians in the occupied territories.
    Lord, in your mercy…

On Thursday, the 5th of May, more than six hundred Israeli settlers resumed their incursions, under police protection, into the Al Aqsa compound, after the ten day pause for the end of Ramadan. Israeli police arrested fifty Palestinians, including elderly men and young boys, and injured sixteen others during clashes at the compound. Tensions have heightened following a series of attacks inside Israel and police raids in occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

  • Lord, we pray for calm as the violence in Jerusalem and the occupied Palestinian Territories is rising. We pray that the Israeli authorities will take responsibility to ease the tensions and not enflame the situation, particularly at the Al Aqsa compound.
    Lord, in your mercy…

Sabeel Jerusalem held an ecumenical meeting for more than fifty clergy on Monday, the 9th of May. Clergy were also invited to visit Father Raji Khoury, a Greek Orthodox priest, who is now over ninety years old and suffers from a medical condition which prevents him from attending the Sabeel meetings.

  • Lord, we give thanks for the encouragement and support Sabeel Jerusalem provides to local clergy as they continue to experience challenges and persecution.
    Lord, in your mercy…

Eight Republican and Democrat Congressmen sent a joint letter to the US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, at the end of April. They wished to express their deep concern over the disturbing rise in recent Israeli extremist attacks against Jerusalem’s Christian community. The lawmakers stressed that the protection of religious freedom abroad must be a critical element of US foreign policy.

  • Lord, we pray that the US government will listen to the concerns of the congressmen over what is happening to the Christian community in Israel. We pray that the US State Department will work with the Israeli government to uphold its stated commitment to the freedom of religion and worship of all religions.
    Lord, in your mercy..

For Palestinians, Sunday, the 15th of May will be the time they commemorate the Nakba, when thousands of Palestinians were forced to flee their homes in 1948.

  • Lord, we lament  as we see that even today many Palestinians have to leave their land and communities, forced out by the oppressive policies of the Israeli occupation.
    Lord, in your mercy…

The Rev. Canon Richard ‘Dick’ Toll will be the next recipient of the Cotton Fite Award given by the Palestine Israel Network of the US Episcopalian Church. Since meeting the Rev. Naim Ateek in the early 1960’s, Dick has been committed to advocacy for Palestinian human rights. He has served as the Director for FOSNA and helped to organise 35 regional conferences on Palestine.

  • Lord, we give thanks for the years of devoted service given by Dick Toll to Palestinian advocacy and we rejoice with him over the recognition of his abiding commitment to justice and peace.
    Lord, in your mercy…

The Taizé Community, together with the Ecumenical Institute of Tantur and the Churches of the Holy Land, have been welcoming more than three hundred young Christians from Europe and other countries for a time of worship and prayer in the Holy Land. They have met up with young believers from the Holy Land to reflect on the theme of ‘Journeying Together to Sources of Hope’.

  • Lord Jesus, our Risen Lord, we remember how the appearances to the disciples after your resurrection turned their fear and despair into joy and a living hope. We pray that the Taizé gathering is a blessing and encouragement to all the young people as they have learnt of the different challenges they face in their lives.
    Lord, in your mercy…
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
    Lord, in your mercy….

Wave Of Prayer


This year the Eid al-Fitr holiday will be celebrated by Muslims in Palestine and Israel on Monday the 2nd of May. The three-day feast marks the end of 30 days of fasting from dawn to dusk during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Many Palestinians will try to cross the Israeli military checkpoints to visit the Al Aqsa mosque in occupied East Jerusalem to worship during this special time. However, the Israeli authorities have imposed a military closure on the Westbank and the Gaza Strip because of the Israeli National holidays. 

Lord, we pray for peaceful family celebrations for Muslim families during the Eid of al-Fitr. We continue to pray that the Israeli authorities will not provoke violence through raids at the Al-Aqsa compound.
Lord, in your mercy.. hear our prayer

A new Israeli government policy is set to come into force on Sunday, the 22nd of May which will further restrict the entry and residence of foreigners in the occupied West Bank.Palestinians who hold foreign passports will now be required to provide information to the Israeli authorities about relatives or friends they intend to visit and whether they own property or expect to inherit any property. Travellers wishing to visit Israeli settlers in the occupied Territories do not have to supply any information to the Israeli authorities.

Lord, it is deeply disturbing to see how the Israeli authorities are subjecting the Palestinian population, at home and in the diaspora, to more and more restrictions and surveillance. At the same time the authorities turn a blind eye to the way illegal Israeli settlements are rapidly expanding.
Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer

The holiday on Sunday, the 1st of May, which is known as Labour Day, is marked with a public holiday in Palestine/Israel and in more than eighty other countries. Many Palestinians are constrained to pass through checkpoints to reach their place of work and from day to day they do not know what time they will reach their jobs. Many are forced to queue for hours in cramped and crowded conditions.

Lord, we pray for Palestinian people living under the occupation who are herded like cattle through checkpoints as they go to and from their work. We pray for an end to the occupation and for the inhumane constraints forced on Palestinian workers as they try to earn their livelihood and support their families.
Lord in your mercy.. hear our prayer

Khalil Awawdeh was rushed by the Israeli Prison Service from Ramleh Prison to an Israeli hospital when his medical condition suddenly became critical. Khalil is forty years old and comes from Idhna, near Hebron. He has been on a hunger strike for 57 days in protest at his administrative detention order.

Lord, we pray that there may be an improvement in Khalil’s health and we pray that he may be released from his administrative detention order. We pray for justice and compassion from the Israeli authorities, that they will abandon the practice of issuing renewable administrative detention orders on Palestinian prisoners.
Lord, in your mercy.. hear our prayer

On Thursday, the 28th of April, a coalition of 46 UK based organizations urged the UK government to halt legislation which would target boycott, divestment and sanctions, (BDS) efforts. The proposed law, due to be announced at the Queen’s Speech on Tuesday, the 10th of May, would prohibit public bodies from calling for BDS campaigns against foreign countries, including Israel.

Lord, we pray that all attempts to restrict freedom of speech in the UK will be checked and overturned. We pray that more people in the UK will refuse to sustain companies which are trading unethically and profiting from the Israeli occupation.
Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer

A petition brought by four human rights organizations on behalf of two families in Gaza was rejected by the Israeli Supreme Court on Sunday, the 24th of April. On the 16th of July 2014, during Israel’s attack on Gaza, seven children, brothers and cousins, were playing football on the beach when an Israeli drone fired and killed four of the children and injured the other three. The petitioners claim that the Israeli air force intentionally opened fire on the children, without identification, and that this is a serious violation of the laws of warfare and criminal law. They will now take the case to the International Criminal Court for consideration there.

Lord, we pray for the Bakr family as they continue to grieve for their children, Zakaria, Ahed, Ismail and Mohammed who were between the ages of 9 and 11 years when they were killed. We pray that the family may find justice for the deaths of their young children.
Lord, in your mercy.. hear our prayer

We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayer

Wave Of Prayer


Last weekend the Holy Saturday Service was celebrated across the Holy Land. Thousands of Palestinian Christians and pilgrims celebrated the Holy Fire ceremony at the Church of the Resurrection – Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, even though the Israeli authorities had imposed new restrictions on attendance. The authorities sought to limit participation to 1,000 worshippers, over a 90% decrease from previous years. Palestinian Christians and Church leaders criticized this move as an infringement of the right to freedom of worship. The local community tried to fight their way across the barriers yet they were stopped by the Israeli forces.  

  • Lord Jesus, you suffered for us and have risen from the tomb. Alleluia! May Christian worshippers continue to celebrate your resurrection in the Holy Land in the years to come.
    Lord, in your mercy..

In the past week more than two hundred people, mostly Palestinians, have been hurt in clashes in and around the Al-Aqsa compound. Many Palestinians have been outraged by the massive Israeli police deployment at the compound. They are also angered  by the repeated visits to the site by Jewish worshippers, who are permitted to enter, but may not pray there.

  • Merciful Father, we pray for an end to the use of force by the Israeli police in and around the Al-Aqsa compound and for the resulting injuries to staff and worshippers at the mosque. We pray for a calming in the spike of violence and that the Israeli authorities would act to maintain peace, rather than to provoke violence.
    Lord, in your mercy…

On Saturday, the 23rd of April the Israeli authorities announced the closure of the Erez Crossing, after rockets were fired by a splinter group from Gaza into Israel. The closure comes just before the holiday marking the end of Ramadan, which will make it even harder for families in the enclave to survive. Israel carried out air raids in different areas of Gaza twice last week, in response to rocket attacks from Gaza.

  • Lord, we pray for a de-escalation in the tensions in Jerusalem, Gaza and the occupied Palestinian territories. We pray for an end to the Israeli occupation and for an end to the isolation and impoverishment of the enclave of Gaza.
    Lord, in your mercy…

Thousands of Israeli settlers marched to the evacuated settlement outpost of Homesh, near Nablus on Tuesday, the 19th of April. They passed through several Palestinian villages before marching from a location near Homesh, which was built on land belonging to the Palestinian village of Burqa. Forty Palestinian protestors from Burqa were injured in clashes with Israeli forces sent to protect the settlers. The march took place despite the Israeli Supreme Court ruling stating that the settlement of Homesh is illegal, as the land belongs to private owners from Burqa.

  • Lord, we pray for an end to the provocative settler marches to the evacuated outpost of Homesh. We also pray for an end to the expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, as these settlements are illegal under international law.
    Lord, in your mercy…

Last week the small Samaritan community of around eight hundred gathered at Mount Gerizim, overlooking the West Bank city of Nablus to celebrate Passover. The Samaritans trace their lineage back to the ancient Israelites who established themselves in the northern kingdom of biblical Samaria.

  • Lord Jesus, we remember how graciously you spoke to the Samaritan woman and offered her living water at Jacob’s Well, despite the enmity between Samaritans and Jews in those days. Help us, Lord, to reach out to others of different faith backgrounds with your love and grace.
    Lord, in your mercy..

Last week members of the Jewish faith were commemorating Passover. Jewish families gathered for Seder meals to remember the Israelites’ release from slavery in ancient Egypt, eating lamb, unleavened bread and bitter herbs and drinking wine.

  • Lord, we pray that Jews in Israel will be able to celebrate their religious festivals peaceably and that they may also respect the different faiths and holy sites of those who share their land.
    Lord, in your mercy…
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.
    Lord, in your mercy…

Wave Of Prayer


This year the Eastern Orthodox Church, following the Julian calendar, this week, will be preparing to celebrate Easter on Sunday, the 24th of April.

Lord, we give thanks as the joyful Easter celebrations take place from different church traditions. We come before the Son of God, crucified and risen, with enduring hope and thankfulness in our hearts.
Lord, in your mercy…

On Thursday, the 14th of April, a Palestinian human rights lawyer and a teenager were shot and killed on the fifth day of Israeli military raids in the West Bank. Muhammad Assaf, a 34-year-old father was dropping his children at school when he was shot in the chest by Israeli soldiers in Nablus. In the evening soldiers shot and killed a 16-year-old, Qusai Hamamrah, who was caught up in riots in Husan, near Bethlehem.

Lord, we pray for an end to the recent spate of violence and brutal Israeli military raids taking place in the occupied Palestinian territories. We pray especially for the families who are mourning the loss of Muhammad Assaf and Quasi Hamamrah.
Lord, in your mercy..

Oded Goldreich, Professor of Computer Science at the Weizmann Institute of Science, has declared his intention to donate the Israel Prize money he won, to five organizations dedicated to working for social justice and the end of the Israeli occupation. He nominated the groups as B’Tselem, Breaking the Silence, Adalah, Kav LaOved and Standing Together.

Lord, we thank you for the resolute stance of Professor Goldreich, which has drawn political censure and almost cost him the professional recognition of the prize. We pray that other Israelis opposed to the occupation would be encouraged to speak out.
Lord, in your mercy…

On Wednesday, the 13th of April, European diplomats visited the Old City of Jerusalem. They were briefed about the Israeli settler organizations which threaten to evict Christians from their properties at Jaffa Gate. They also discovered that the Israeli authorities planned to restrict numbers taking part in processions on Holy Fire Saturday, as well as limiting the number of worshippers allowed into the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

Lord, we pray that the international community will bring pressure to bear on the Israeli authorities to ensure freedom of access to sacred sites and to stop the evictions forced by settler organizations.
Lord, in your mercy…

Shops and businesses were closed on Thursday, the 14th of April, as Palestinians in Ramallah and Bethlehem called for a general strike in protest against the recent deadly Israeli military operations. Earlier in the week a Palestinian gunman from Jenin had opened fire in Tel Aviv, killing three people and wounding ten others. In response to this incident the Israeli army launched violent collective raids throughout the West Bank, with six Palestinians shot and killed in just one 24-hour-period and many others arrested and detained.

Lord Jesus, we pray for an end to this recent cycle of violence. On the night of your arrest you rebuked your disciples for their violent response and reminded them,’all who take the sword, will perish by the sword’,(Matt 26:52). We pray for an end to the Israeli occupation and for the oppression of the Palestinian people.
Lord, in your mercy …

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, (CJPME), have just published a report called ‘Arming Apartheid’, which analyses Canada’s arms exports to Israel. The report finds that military exports have accelerated in recent years and reached a 30-year high in 2020. Michael Bueckert, Vice President of CJPME, stated, ’the potential risk to human rights is far too high to justify the transfer of any military goods into the context of occupation and apartheid.’

Lord we pray that the government of Canada and the governments of countries around the world will consider urgently how their arms sales make them complicit with Israeli human rights abuses against Palestinians.
Lord, in your mercy…

A recent YouGov poll commissioned by Australia Palestine Advocacy Network, (APAN) and the Australian Friends of Palestine Association found that the Australian government does not represent the views on Palestine of the majority of the Australian people. Most Australians object to illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank and the ongoing Israeli occupation.

Lord, we pray that Australians will hold their government to account over their uncritical support for illegal settlements and Israeli human rights violations in the occupied Palestinian territories.
Lord, in your mercy..

We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Belarus, Moldova, and especially for Russia and Ukraine, that the war between them would end and the two countries will resort to diplomatic dialogue.
Lord, in your mercy…

Sabeel Wave of Prayer 21.4.22

This year the Eastern Orthodox Church, following the Julian calendar, this week, will be preparing to celebrate Easter on Sunday, the 24th of April.


  • Lord, we give thanks as the joyful Easter celebrations take place from different church traditions. We come before the Son of God, crucified and risen, with enduring hope and thankfulness in our hearts. Lord, in your mercy…


On Thursday, the 14th of April, a Palestinian human rights lawyer and a teenager were shot and killed on the fifth day of Israeli military raids in the West Bank. Muhammad Assaf, a 34-year-old father was dropping his children at school when he was shot in the chest by Israeli soldiers in Nablus. In the evening soldiers shot and killed a 16-year-old, Qusai Hamamrah, who was caught up in riots in Husan, near Bethlehem.


  • Lord, we pray for an end to the recent spate of violence and brutal Israeli military raids taking place in the occupied Palestinian territories. We pray especially for the families who are mourning the loss of Muhammad Assaf and Quasi Hamamrah. Lord, in your mercy..


Oded Goldreich, Professor of Computer Science at the Weizmann Institute of Science, has declared his intention to donate the Israel Prize money he won, to five organizations dedicated to working for social justice and the end of the Israeli occupation. He nominated the groups as B’Tselem, Breaking the Silence, Adalah, Kav LaOved and Standing Together.


  • Lord, we thank you for the resolute stance of Professor Goldreich, which has drawn political censure and almost cost him the professional recognition of the prize. We pray that other Israelis opposed to the occupation would be encouraged to speak out. Lord, in your mercy…


On Wednesday, the 13th of April, European diplomats visited the Old City of Jerusalem. They were briefed about the Israeli settler organizations which threaten to evict Christians from their properties at Jaffa Gate. They also discovered that the Israeli authorities planned to restrict numbers taking part in processions on Holy Fire Saturday, as well as limiting the number of worshippers allowed into the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.


  • Lord, we pray that the international community will bring pressure to bear on the Israeli authorities to ensure freedom of access to sacred sites and to stop the evictions forced by settler organizations. Lord, in your mercy…


Shops and businesses were closed on Thursday, the 14th of April, as Palestinians in Ramallah and Bethlehem called for a general strike in protest against the recent deadly Israeli military operations. Earlier in the week a Palestinian gunman from Jenin had opened fire in Tel Aviv, killing three people and wounding ten others. In response to this incident the Israeli army launched violent collective raids throughout the West Bank, with six Palestinians shot and killed in just one 24-hour-period and many others arrested and detained.




  • Lord Jesus, we pray for an end to this recent cycle of violence. On the night of your arrest you rebuked your disciples for their violent response and reminded them,’all who take the sword, will perish by the sword’,(Matt 26:52). We pray for an end to the Israeli occupation and for the oppression of the Palestinian people. Lord, in your mercy …


Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, (CJPME), have just published a report called ‘Arming Apartheid’, which analyses Canada’s arms exports to Israel. The report finds that military exports have accelerated in recent years and reached a 30-year high in 2020. Michael Bueckert, Vice President of CJPME, stated, ’the potential risk to human rights is far too high to justify the transfer of any military goods into the context of occupation and apartheid.’


  • Lord we pray that the government of Canada and the governments of countries around the world will consider urgently how their arms sales make them complicit with Israeli human rights abuses against Palestinians. Lord, in your mercy…


A recent YouGov poll commissioned by Australia Palestine Advocacy Network, (APAN) and the Australian Friends of Palestine Association found that the Australian government does not represent the views on Palestine of the majority of the Australian people. Most Australians object to illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank and the ongoing Israeli occupation.


  • Lord, we pray that Australians will hold their government to account over their uncritical support for illegal settlements and Israeli human rights violations in the occupied Palestinian territories. Lord, in your mercy..


  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Belarus, Moldova, and especially for Russia and Ukraine, that the war between them would end and the two countries will resort to diplomatic dialogue. Lord, in your mercy…


Wave of Prayer


This week’s Kumi Now considered the issue of the Israeli policy of demolishing Palestinian homes. Building permits are rarely granted to Palestinians by the Israeli authorities so they have to build without permits. They may then be forced to demolish their own homes to avoid incurring high demolition costs. Palestinian homes and buildings may also be demolished by the Israeli military to clear land or for punitive reasons.

Next week Kumi Now will consider the issue of administrative detention, as we also remember Palestinian Prisoner Day which falls this year on Easter Sunday, the 17th of April.

Lord, we pray that the Israeli authorities will cease to use home demolition as a way of forcing Palestinians from their homes and off the land.
Lord, in your mercy…

Last Sunday, the 10th of April, was Palm Sunday. This day marks the beginning of Holy Week for western churches.

 Lord Jesus, we remember how warmly the crowds greeted you as you entered through a gate in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, ‘they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” (John 12:12).
Lord in your mercy…

On Saturday, the 9th of April, Sabeel Jerusalem joined with Sabeel Australia, Palestine Israel Ecumenical Network and Palestinian Christians in Australia to worship together at an online service called ‘Voices of Hope:Journeying towards Easter’.

Lord Jesus, as we reflect on your sufferings and redeeming work on the cross we pray that you would continue to lead and guide us by your light through dark and troubled times.
Lord, in your mercy…

Sabeel Jerusalem has just published the latest edition of the Cornerstone magazine which explores the theme of apartheid. In the Summer 2021 edition of the Cornerstone, Jean Zaru, a Palestinian and founding member of Sabeel, stated that her message of hope is ‘embodied in the spirit and will of all those who refuse to submit to the forces of oppression, violence and injustice’.

Merciful and faithful Lord, we pray that you will enable those suffering from oppression in the Holy Land, to hold on to hope even as they endure persecution. “
Lord, in your mercy…

Rev. Canon Naim Ateek and women from the Sabeel movement will lead us in worship and reflection this coming Holy Saturday, on the 16th of April, for the Sabeel Easter Service in Jerusalem.

Lord, in your tender compassion, ‘ The dawn from on high shall break upon us, to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death and to guide our feet into the way of peace.’(Luke 1:78-9)
Lord, in your mercy…

The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem has appointed two new bishops. The Rev. Jamal Khader Daibes is Palestinian and has been appointed as the Patriarchal Bishop of Jordan. The new Patriarchal Vicar of Israel is the Rev. Rafic Nahra. He was born in Egypt to Lebanese parents.

Lord, we give thanks for these two newly appointed bishops. Both men were born and raised in the Middle East and have a deep love and understanding for the people there. Lord, grant them your grace as they guide and serve their communities.
Lord, in your mercy…

We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania.
Lord, in your mercy….

Wave of Prayer


Last week’s Kumi Now focused on Palestinian minors in Israeli military courts as we remembered Palestinian Children’s Day on Tuesday, the 5th of April. As of December 2021 there are 145 children held as security prisoners inside Israel (militarycourtwatch.org) and Israeli soldiers carry out ten or more search and arrest operations in Palestinian communities in the West Bank each day.

Next week the topic for discussion will be home demolitions on Tuesday, the 12th of April.

• Lord, we pray for the Palestinian children who suffer the trauma of night arrests, trials and imprisonment far away from family support. We pray for an end to this brutal treatment of children by the Israeli military, which persists despite being condemned by international law.
Lord, in your mercy..

Suha Zabaneh, a fourteen year old young woman from Haifa was taking part in a school outing when she died from a sudden heart attack. This sad news has affected her home community and many others in the country.

• Lord of compassion and mercy, we pray for the family and friends of Suha as they mourn her untimely death. Help us to draw near to you in times of grief and let us remember this young woman whose life ended so abruptly and the sorrow caused to her family, school friends and teachers.
Lord, in your mercy…

Sabeel organized an Egg Hunt for 90 children in Bethlehem. Four different organizations working with families on the margins of society have come together to welcome children for a day of fun activities.

• Lord, we pray that the children may have a day of joy as they take part in this special time together. May this be a bright day, full of laughter, when the children experience your love through those who host it.
Lord, in your mercy..

Safa’ Obeid is a young teacher at UNRWA Sweileh Girl’s School in Jordan and she has been awarded this year’s title of Earth Prize Educator of the Year. The competition was open to students between the ages of 13-19 to come up with creative solutions for their environmental concerns. The three teams she entered developed sustainable projects focused on their lives as refugees in Jordan.

• Lord, we thank you for the initiative shown by Safa’ Obeid as she raises greater awareness in her students of how to tackle climate change and to become better stewards of their environment.
Lord, in your mercy..

On Wednesday, the 30th of March, a large demonstration took place in Gaza City to mark Land Day. Demonstrators called for the right to return to the land they were displaced from in 1948. This day has been commemorated since 1976 when six Palestinians lost their lives and hundreds were injured when protestors objected to the Israeli government’s requisition of large swathes of land in the Galilee region.

• Lord, we pray for an end to the way Israeli authorities continue to requisition land, displace Arab communities and deny Palestinians the right of return to their homes.
Lord, in your mercy..

During the coming week Saturday, the 9th of April, will be remembered by many Palestinians as the date of the Deir Yassin Massacre 1948. More than 100 villagers in this small community near Jerusalem were killed when attacked by the Stern Gang during the Nakba. News of this attack soon spread to other communities and many other Palestinians were forced to flee their homes as the Israeli troops continued to attack.

• Lord, we pray for the millions of Palestinians still forced to live in refugee camps, many in other countries, as a result of the Nakba in 1948. Many long to return to their homeland but must wait and watch as their children and grandchildren remain refugees.
Lord, in your mercy..

The World Council of Churches expressed solidarity with the heads of the churches in Jerusalem as Israeli settlers broke into a hotel belonging to the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate. On Sunday, the 27th of March, members of  the Ateret Cohanim settler group, accompanied by local Israeli police, broke into the Little Petra Hotel near Jaffa Gate in the Christian Quarter of Jerusalem and evicted the family who managed the hotel.

• Lord, we pray for the protection of Palestinians from Israeli settler attacks and forced displacements. We pray that the Israeli authorities in Jerusalem will uphold the law and remove the settlers from the church property and hold the offenders to account.
Lord, in your mercy…

• We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the Balkans-Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia.
Lord, in your mercy…

Wave of Prayer

31st of March 2022

While Christians continue to observe Lent, Muslims will begin fasting for Ramadan next week. Local residents and visitors will be taking part in religious ceremonies in the sacred city of Jerusalem during the coming month, with Easter celebrations for Christians, Ramadan for Muslims and Passover for Jews.

  • Lord, we pray that Jerusalem will remain a city of peace through this significant time. We pray that worshippers will be granted access to their places of worship without fear of unprovoked attacks.
    Lord, in your mercy…

On Tuesday, the 29th of March, the Sabeel Women’s Group took part in a special journey to Jericho. During their visit they shared in a Lenten Bible study and discussed religious and social issues together.

  • Lord, we give thanks for the way the Sabeel Women’s programme is helping Palestinian Christian women to gain a deeper insight and understanding of their faith and of ways they can support each other.
    Lord, in your mercy…

In a number of larger Palestinian cities voting for municipal elections took place on Saturday, the 26th of March. While the level of participation in voting for mayoral candidates is often high in Arab localities in Israel, levels are much lower in the West Bank.

  • Lord, we pray for young and dynamic leaders to emerge from the Palestinian community with a passion to defend human rights and to support democratic values.
    Lord, in your mercy..

Sabeel has again invited people to join their healthcare initiative. They open for enrolment every three months. Sabeel has brought together churches, non-profit organizations, lay people and businesses to develop a Health Insurance Plan which is available to the whole community. 

  • Lord, we are so encouraged that many Palestinian groups and individuals are signing up to the Sabeel Health Insurance Initiative to give support to those in greatest need in their communities.
    Lord, in your mercy…

A new non-fiction book for young adults has recently been published which aims to tell the story of young Palestinians living in Silwan, near the Old City of Jerusalem, through their own voices. ‘Determined to Stay: Palestinian Youth Fight for Their Village’ by Jody Sokolower tackles the issues faced by Palestinians living under Israeli occupation in bite sized chapters relating to life for youngsters in Silwan.

  • Lord, we pray that this new resource will help young people around the world to gain some understanding of the pressures and traumas faced by Palestinians living under the Israeli occupation. 
    Lord, in your mercy…

Four people were killed on Tuesday, the 22nd of March, in a stabbing and car ramming attack in Beersheba in southern Israel. The assailant, Mohammed Abu Qian, a Palestinian citizen of Israel from the town of Hura, was shot by a bus driver at the scene. 

  • Lord, we pray for a speedy recovery for the wounded in this incident and for the grieving relatives of those who died. We pray that tensions in al Naqab region may ease and that the Bedouin will not be forced from their land by the Israeli authorities.
    Lord, in your mercy…

On Monday, the 21st of March, religious leaders came together in the heart of Jerusalem to pray for peace in the Ukraine. Christian, Druze, Jewish and Muslim leaders met in Moscow Square and stood by the Russian Orthodox Church. They prayed beside a letter posted on the wall. It was written to the Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and asked him to bring his influence to bear on President Putin to take immediate steps to de-escalate the conflict.

  • Lord, we join with the faith leaders in Jerusalem and around the world in their prayers for an end to the hostilities taking place in Ukraine. We pray for the millions of refugees and for all those who are trying to support them.
    Lord, in your mercy…
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia.
    Lord, in your mercy…