Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

 Thursday 20th August 2020

The Kumi Online Initiative welcomed speakers from Churches for Middle East Peace, (CMEP) on Tuesday, the 18th of August  to speak about their work to end the blockade of Gaza .The CMEP are concerned about the dire humanitarian situation which has developed in Gaza since the Israeli government implemented the blockade in 2006.

  • Dear Lord, we thank you for the efforts of the CMEP to try to lift the Israeli blockade and to bring an end to the suffering and grinding poverty of those trying to survive in Gaza. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.

On Wednesday the 12th of August, Sabeel organized the Virtual Jerusalem Ecumenical Prayer Service in partnership with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Jordan and the Holy Land and in co-operation with other churches in Jerusalem. The service was conducted in Arabic. English, French and Japanese are available online.

  • God our Father in heaven, we seek your kingdom and righteousness; yet we cannot find peace or justice. We put before You the injustice of our oppression, the confusion and division among our leaders, their righteousness and the absence of it. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.

The highest number of Covid 19 fatalities since the pandemic began, were recorded by the Israeli Ministry of Health with 17 deaths in a 24 hour period. The highest infection rates are currently found in ultra Orthodox Jewish and Arab majority towns and cities.

  • Lord Jesus, we are still in the midst of the pandemic storm. Let us remember that so long as Jesus is with us in the storm, we should not be afraid. He is with us in the boat of life on a raging sea. Christ is our Saviour, our Healer and our Redeemer. We hear Him calling us, ‘Come to me all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens and I will give you rest.’ (Matt 11:28-30). Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.

Israel began bulldozing the village homes of families in the  West Bank village of Farseen not far from Jenin on Tuesday, the 11th of August. One family’s home has already been demolished and the same is expected to happen to more than 30 other buildings as the Israeli authorities would not grant them permits to build.

  • Dear Lord, Your law is that anyone without shelter shall be given shelter and that no one is deprived of their home. That is Your law, but the law of the occupation authorities is different. Yet those who are powerful and unjust are also your children. Would You, dear Lord, talk to them and inspire them to take the path of righteousness and justice to preserve our houses. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.

Churches in the Holy Land are facing serious challenges due to Covid 19. Many clergy from different denominations have not received their salaries for more than five months.

  • God of love and hope, You who created the world and care for every creature, this world is going through strange times. Lord help us to look for signs of Your love for us and help us keep our hearts filled with Your love. We pray for all those who are anxious and worried, sick or in distress, for comfort and relief, for rewards for their patience and an end to their suffering. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.

Young Catholics in the Holy Land have started a fund-raising campaign to help destitute families in Beirut, Lebanon, after the explosion in the city left many homeless. Some have been selling locally made rosaries to Catholics in the Holy Land and abroad.

  • Lord, we pray that You help our hearts grow to embrace the whole world, east and west, north and south in our prayers, love and solidarity during these trying times, so that our solidarity offers solace to them and tangible support. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.

The US, Israel and United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced a deal to normalize diplomatic relations between the UAE and Israel on Thursday, the 13th of August. Netanyahu stated that Israel’s plan for the illegal annexation of large parts of the West Bank has only been postponed and is still on the table. The new deal with the UAE will bring further pressure to bear on the Palestinians and will make their options even narrower.

  • Oh Lord Most High, we turn to you to find refuge in the face of worldly deception. We continue to live in your shelter and abide in your shadow. We trust in you Lord to be our refuge and fortress in the face of terror, pestilence and destruction. (Taken from Psalm 91:1-7) Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer.
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Liberia and Sierra Leone. Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer.