Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Thursday 8th August 2019

On the 69th Great March of Return, 66 Palestinian civilians were injured due to the Israeli military’s continued use of excessive force against the mainly peaceful protests along the Gaza Strip’s eastern border. At least 28 children, 4 women and a paramedic were among those injured this Friday, 02 August 2019. Twenty-seven civilians were shot with live bullets and 2 children were deemed in a critical medical condition. For the first time since the Great March of Return started in March 2018, there were no injuries reported in eastern Gaza City. The deployment of Palestinian security forces in official apparel along “Jakar” street, who denied civilians from approaching the border fence, contributed to the decline in injuries.

  • Lord, we continue to pray for the people of Gaza as they raise their voices in protest. We thank you for those who are willing to stand up and protect others from harm. May your will be done so that all the people of this land may come to enjoy the fruits of a just peace. Lord in your mercy…hear our prayers.

This week we are encouraged to engage with the second Kumi Care week, thinking about caring for the emotional health of those engaged in activism. This care involves taking a break from challenges and calls to action and taking time to ask yourself how you feel about things in your life.

  • Lord, remind us that we are not made to work all the time and we have more energy and enthusiasm when we take sufficient rest. We pray that those involved in activism do not drive themselves too hard, but instead take care of their emotional health. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

On Thursday 1st August, Israeli police intercepted a bus carrying children on a summer camp field trip in the East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Issawiyah and detained two of the group leaders. Foreign diplomats have recently visited the neighbourhood to assess the situation as there has been constant harassment by Israeli occupation forces, including the summoning, by police, of two children aged 4 and 6 years for interrogation.

  • Lord, we continue to pray for all of those who face oppression and harassment on a daily basis throughout this Holy Land. Cast your protective net over all children so that they may have the opportunity to live a childhood of peace, freedom, and love. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, has declared that Friday 2nd August marked the start of the Muslim month of Dhu al-Hijjah. This means that Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) will be celebrated on Sunday 11th August.

  • Lord Jesus, with those who build bridges of interfaith understanding, we pray for our Muslim brothers and sisters that they may celebrate Eid al-Adha next week in peace. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

The Palestine Youth Orchestra are currently taking part in a Northern European Tour covering the countries of Norway, Denmark, Belgium, and The Netherlands.

  • Dear lord we give thanks to all the Palestinian candles that defy the darkness of occupation. Lord, this is the true image of young Palestinian youth. Give them the opportunity and peace of mind to reflect your beauty, God of light and love. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

The “1001 Laughs Palestine Comedy Festival” will take place this August. Palestinian stand-up comedians will perform for five nights in Jerusalem, Ramallah, and Bethlehem.

  • Lord, as we stumble through this life, help us to create more laughter than tears, dispense more happiness than gloom and spread more cheer than despair. We pray that such events will bring joy to our communities. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Cameroon, Central African Republic, and Equatorial Guinea. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.