Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Thursday 1st August 2019

During the 68th Friday of the ‘Great March of Return’ on Friday 26th July, 71 Palestinian civilians were injured due to the Israeli military’s continued use of excessive force against the mainly peaceful protesters along the Gaza Strip’s eastern border. At least 30 children, 3 women, and a paramedic were among those injured. Thirty-nine civilians were shot with live bullets and 4 of them sustained moderate to serious injury. 23-year-old Ahmed el Kara died on Saturday 27th July from wounds sustained by live gunfire.

  • Good shepherd, no refugee is a stranger to you, and no one is ever far from your loving care. We pray that you would watch over the legitimate protestors as they continue in their efforts to return home. We pray for healing of the hearts of the family of Ahmed, and all those injured who are enduring unimaginable tragedy and trauma. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.

Kumi Now this week concentrates on the Women in Black organisation and their topic of Women Under Conflict. Those following Kumi Now are encouraged to read the information about the organisation, their topic, and the case study and then engage with the Kumi Action of holding a vigil in your area.

  • Lord Jesus, Prince of Peace, you will establish your kingdom with justice and righteousness, (Isaiah 9:6-7). Help us to stand in faith for those who seek to address injustice and to speak truth to those who govern us. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

Twelve acclaimed Palestinian writers have imagined what their country might look like in 2048, 100 years after the Nakba saw more than 700,000 expelled from their homes, in what is believed to be the first ever collection of science fiction from the occupied territories. Stories in ‘Palestine +100’ include Majd Kayyal’s depiction of a futuristic solution to the current situation, in which two parallel worlds occupy the same geographic space, to Saleem Haddad’s Matrix-like concept of a “right to digital return”.

  • Dear Lord, we thank you that Palestinian writers have come together to use their creative gifts to highlight the difficulties faced by their people living under occupation in Palestine and Israel and to imagine a new world. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

A number of so called ‘Price Tag’ attacks have taken place in various Palestinian towns and areas of Jerusalem. In the Arab town of Kufr Qasim, many vehicles belonging to Palestinian citizens were damaged and racist graffiti was spray painted on walls after extremist Israeli settlers entered the town.

  • Lord of justice, we pray that the perpetrators of the “Price Tag” crimes will be held accountable for their actions, and we pray for an end to such violence.  Lord in your mercy…hear our prayers.

The results of the Palestinian Tawjihi (leavers exams) were released in the past two weeks and many young people are now graduating and looking to the future.

  • We pray for the thousands of young people who are celebrating their achievement and we remember the students who did not reach their target grades. May the students of Palestine use their education to better their communities and to strengthen the society in which they live. Lord in your mercy…hear our prayers.

Thaer Fakkhoury, a Palestinian journalist arrested by Palestinian security forces due to his articles has been released on bail pending further investigations.

  • Lord, freedom of the press is under threat from both Palestinian and Israeli authorities. We pray that all journalists are able to tell their stories without fear of suppression, and we thank you for the work of people who try to provide the public with fair and accurate information and speak truth to power. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

Sabeel’s 1st International Gathering will take place in Palestine from 2nd – 7th December 2019. This gathering seeks to build on the theology behind Kumi Now and bring together various organisations working for peace and justice in the land of the Holy One. Registration for the Gathering is now open at

  • Lord, as we organise and register for the Gathering, we cry out to you that this year will be the time for Palestine and will be the time of justice for the Palestinians. Lord in your mercy…hear our prayers.
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Republic of Congo, Gabon, and Sao Tome and Principe. Lord in your mercy…hear our prayers.