Sabeel Wave of Prayer

14th March 2019

This was the 50th consecutive week of protest along the Gaza/Israeli border with the ‘Great March of Return’ protestors calling for the right to return to their homes occupied by Israel since 1948. The Gaza Health Ministry reported that a young Palestinian, Tamer Khaled Mustafa, was killed and another was critically wounded. More than forty Palestinians were wounded by Israeli live fire.

·      Lord, we pray for the families of Tamer and Saif as they grieve their loss. We pray for the many people who were injured during the protests this week. We continue to pray for a breakthrough in the peace talks and for an end to the blockade of Gaza. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

Two Palestinian children were killed in a fire at their home in the Al Salaymeh neighborhood of Hebron Old City in the occupied West Bank on Wednesday, the 6th of March. The fire brigade was held up at a roadblock by Israeli soldiers and was unable to reach the children in time, neigbhours who entered the home and took the children were also held at a checkpoint carrying the children, meaning that they could not get the children to a hospital in time. A 4-year-old boy Wael Al Rajabi and his 18-month-old sister, Malak, were killed and another brother suffered severe burns in the incident.

·      Lord, we pray for the family of Wael and Malak as they mourn their loss and we pray for the recovery of their brother. We pray that this tragedy may drive the Israeli occupying authorities to reconsider whether they should ever delay the emergency services from responding to critical incidents. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

The Palestinian Centre for Development and Media Freedoms, (MADA), has condemned recent arrests carried out by the Palestinian security services in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip since the beginning of 2019. They have asked for the release of Hazem Nasser, a reporter for An Najah TV, who has claimed he was wrongfully arrested and abused while in custody.

·      Lord, we pray for journalists who risk their lives to report the truth. We are thankful too for organisations who protect their right to freedom of expression. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers

The Friends of Sabeel, Ghana Group are hoping to produce a music video to raise awareness of the suffering caused by the occupation of Palestine. They are holding fundraising events and still need to raise 700 US dollars to finance the video.

·      Lord, we thank you for the work of Sabeel all around the world. We pray that the different international groups will work effectively to raise awareness about the oppressive situation in Palestine. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers

Israeli bulldozers demolished the Bedouin village of al-Araqib in the Negev desert in southern Israel for the 141st time on Thursday, the 7th of March. The Israelis are trying to force the Bedouin to re-locate to government-zoned townships. They are determined to stay and rebuild but are constantly under threat of destruction.

·      Lord, we pray for the Bedouin people that they may be left in peace to graze their livestock and live peaceably. We pray that this relentless violence by the Israeli authorities against the ‘unrecognised’ Bedouin villages would cease. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

On Monday, the 4th of March, Israeli forces opened fire on a Palestinian car, killing two men and injuring a third in Kafr Nimeh village, west of Ramallah. The three young men were on their way to work, driving on rough, wet roads. It is reported that their collision with the soldiers’ vehicle most probably was accidental.

·      Lord, we pray for the families of Amir and Youssef, who died at the incident, and for the recovery of the third young man from Safa village. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

This week the Kumi Now initiative focuses on the ‘Olive Tree Campaign’. The Joint Advocacy Initiative of the YMCA and the YWCA, (JAI), is working to replant olive trees. Many Palestinian farmers have had their trees uprooted or destroyed by the expansion of Israeli settlements, the Separation Wall and even settler violence. JAI distributes olive saplings, sponsored by people around the world, to farmers who have suffered loss of land or crops.

·      Lord, the olive tree is such an ancient and precious resource for farmers in Palestine. We pray for the work of JAI as they seek to help farmers to protect their livelihood and care for their crops. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

·      We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.