July 26th, 2018


The ‘Great March of Return’ protests continue into the seventeenth week, as Palestinians call for the right of return to their homeland. Last week, Israeli soldiers fired live bullets and teargas canisters towards Palestinian protesters gathered along the fence with Israel, killing 27-year-old Mohammad Sharif Badwan and wounding 120 others.

  • Lord, we pray for the family of Badwan as they grieve for their loss. We continue to pray for the safety of the protestors and for them to continue to espouse non-violent means to achieve their demands. Lord in your mercy…


In Gaza, a deal was reached between Hamas and Israel after four Palestinians and an Israeli soldier were killed in the latest violence in the Gaza Strip.

  • Lord, we lament the recent violence in Gaza and pray for all the families who have lost loved ones. We pray for an end to the Israeli military occupation and for Palestinian refugees to be able to return home. Lord in your mercy…


The Israeli authorities confiscated 324 dunams, (80 acres),of Palestinian land around the city of Ramallah to build a road for Israeli settlers. The planned road would link the illegal Israeli settlements of Beit Aryeh and Ofarim.


  • Lord, the Israeli occupation continues to dispossess the Palestinian people of their land. We pray that those who stand for international law and human rights would speak out and condemn the illegal actions of Israel in the world-wide community. Lord in your mercy…


Mahmoud Zayed, a 28 year old Palestinian with Down’s syndrome, was assaulted and had his hand broken when he was arrested by the Israeli army in the city of Hebron city.


  • Lord we pray for the release of Mahmoud and his speedy recovery. We remember all the Palestinian prisoners, especially the women, children and people with special needs who will be traumatized by this treatment. Lord in your mercy …


Israel has endorsed the Nation-State Law that serves to define the nature of the state of Israel, disregarding human rights and democratic values. There are now more than sixty five Israeli statutes which discriminate against the Palestinian citizens of Israel.


  • Lord, we continue to pray for justice and freedom for all the people in our troubled land. Help us to remember that when those who suffer injustice cry out to you, your eyes are towards them and your ears hear them. You promise to be near the broken-hearted and you save the crushed in spirit, (Psalm 34:13-16). Lord in your mercy…  


Israeli settlers from the illegal Israeli settlement of Hallamish, in the district of Ramallah, attacked participants of “Hike and Explore Your Homeland”. The attack came as an attempt by Israeli settlers to prevent people from reaching land which they plan to confiscate so they can expand their settlement. The group regularly hikes around various sites of Palestine to give young Palestinians an opportunity to become more informed about their land and, on this occasion, they were trying to reach a natural spring in the Palestinian town of Beitello.


  • Lord, we give thanks for all the international observers in occupied Palestine who witness and document violations against defenseless civilians. We pray that the day may come when any settlers committing illegal acts would be held to account in international courts. Lord in your mercy…


Two Palestinian families demolished the houses where they had lived  for nearly two decades, saying they would rather destroy  their own homes than watch Israeli settlers take possession of them. The demolition was the culmination of a lengthy legal battle between the families and a settler organization. Israel’s Supreme Court ruled that the land on which the houses were built belonged to the Israel Land Fund whose stated goal is “acquiring all the Land of Israel for the Jewish people”.


  • Lord, help us to hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, (Hebrews10:23) We ask you to strengthen our resolve to speak out against the overwhelming injustice suffered by the Palestinian people with further land confiscations, house demolitions and attempts to eclipse their history. Lord in your mercy…  


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda. Lord in your mercy…

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