April 6th, 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Last Friday, six thousand Palestinians and internationals from around the world participated in the “Fifth Annual Free Movement – Palestine Marathon” in Bethlehem. The objective of the Marathons is to open the eyes of the world to the situation of the Palestinians and their limited freedom of movement.

  • Lord, we give thanks to the creativity of the Palestinian people and their friends in raising awareness to the injustice in Palestine. We give thanks for another successful marathon and for all the people who helped to organize it.

Leader: Lord in your mercy…

People: Hear our prayer

Last Saturday, hundreds of Jews and Arabs took part in a Jerusalem march against the occupation. The rally is meant to “protest against the continued Israeli control over the territories and especially East Jerusalem, and in favour of a peaceful and just solution for both peoples”.

  • Lord, we pray for the amazing people who refuse to surrender to evil and work towards a better tomorrow. We give thanks for all Palestinians and Israelis who continue to walk together hand in hand so that your will is done.
    Lord in your mercy….

With Palm Sunday this weekend, many Palestinian Christians living in the West Bank are still waiting to hear if they will obtain permits from the Israeli military to go to Jerusalem for the Palm Sunday procession, for celebrations and worship.

  • Lord, we pray that all Palestinians will have access to their places of worship in Jerusalem, and that the Holy City will be open to all faiths. Lord in your mercy…

Sabeel is organizing its annual walk along the Contemporary Way of the Cross, in preparation for the Holy season of Easter. This walk joins together the suffering of Christ on the Cross with the suffering of Palestinians in the present, and connects the stations of the Cross with contemporary issues of injustice within Israel and Palestine.

  • God, we ask that you be with those attending this year’s walk. Send your Holy Spirit to guide them as they remember the suffering Christ experienced as he was being led to the cross, and as they link the present suffering of the Palestinian people to your suffering. Remind them too, God, that the joy of Easter Sunday follows the pain of Good Friday. Lord we know the present injustices in the world will end and that the final word is yours.
    Lord, in your mercy…

Last Thursday, the Israeli security cabinet unanimously approved the establishment of a new settlement to house settlers evacuated from the illegal outpost of Amona. This is the first time in over 20 years that Israel has established a new West Bank settlement.

  • God, Israel continues to steal our land and uproot our Palestinian people with no mercy. We pray that the international community will act courageously to enforce international law and put an end to the Israeli government’s greed and arrogance.
    Lord in your mercy…
  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of the Balkans – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia.
    Lord in your mercy…
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