Feb. 16th, 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer


Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrives in Washington on Tuesday hoping to find in President Trump a kindred spirit and a compliant ally.

  • Lord Jesus, both Pontius Pilate & Herod Antipas conspired unjustly against you. Dear Lord, you alone faced the powers of injustice while your friends abandoned you. Please Lord, as you triumphed and had the final word, help the Palestinian people and their prophetic friends to remain steadfast and overcome the danger that awaits them. Lord in your mercy…

Over 250 European organizations (faith groups, political parties and trade unions) issued a statement last week, demanding justice and accountability from the EU and European states for the rights of the Palestinian people living under occupation. The more than 250 signatories pledged to intensify their actions in order to pressure the EU and European states to end their complicity with Israeli violations of Palestinian rights.statement here.

  • Lord, we thank you for the people of conscience around the world. Continue Lord, to bless all the nonviolent initiatives that speak truth to power. May this year be the year your will of justice, peace and reconciliation be done in our troubled land. Lord in your mercy…

Israeli authorities entered the al-Bustan area of Silwan in occupied East Jerusalem on Friday afternoon and delivered 16 home demolition notices to several Palestinian families. A day earlier, Israeli settlers occupied a room and an adjacent house of a 76-year-old Palestinian in the same neighborhood of Silwan. The Israeli municipality began issuing demolition orders to homes in Silwan in 2005 as part of the Israeli authorities’ plan to establish the Jewish tourism site “King David’s Garden”.

  • Lord, the neighborhood of Silwan continues to live in fear. We remember all the families of Silwan, especially the children, and pray for their safety. May your spirit Lord comfort the hearts of our people suffering under the Israeli military occupation. Lord in your mercy…

Israel’s parliament passed legislation last week that aims to legalize about 3,000 housing units built on private Palestinian land in the West Bank. The so-called “Regularization Law” passed the Knesset, in a 60-52 vote.

  • Lord, the darkness continues to fall over our land but we refuse to weep or to surrender to fear. Bless Lord the hands of Palestinian farmers as they continue to plant trees in the fields of their villages; bless the hands of the workers as they continue to construct Palestinian homes in our villages and towns; bless the women, children, youth and men who continue to protest the expansion of the Israeli settlements on our lands; continue to bless our nonviolent resistance Lord and nurture it. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Lord in your mercy…

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