December 22, 2016

The darkness in Syria continues. Hundreds of thousands are dead, millions are displaced and refugees continue to seek safety from land once was their home.

  • Lord, we pray for your spirit to move us as we have become apathetic to Syria. The storms of evil continue to blow in Syria leaving only ashes and smoke. Brothers turned against each other, the people are broken and the cities and villages are burned to the ground. Dear God, we long for the moment the words of your prophet Isaiah become a reality “They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks (Isaiah 2:4)”. Lord in your mercy…

Israeli occupation forces have shot dead Ahmad Atta, a Palestinian teenager in the occupied West Bank. Israeli army officials said troops entered the village of Beit Rima, near Ramallah, on Sunday and were confronted by stone-throwing youths and the army responded by opening fire.

  • Lord, the violence continues to break the hearts of our mothers. We pray for an end to this madness, an end to the Israeli occupation and end to the tears of all mothers in the world. Lord in your mercy…

Sabeel Jerusalem and Nazareth offices are holding this week a two day staff retreat to prepare for the year of 2017.

  • Lord, we pray for the staff and volunteers of Sabeel Jerusalem and Sabeel Nazareth. We pray for the Sabeel Board of Directors and the Executive Committee. We give thanks for all the Friends of Sabeel groups around the world. Please bless their lives and work. Lord, in your mercy…


  • Lord, we give thanks for the fellowship experienced last Saturday during the Sabeel Annual Ecumenical Christmas Dinner. We are grateful for the prophetic message of Patriarch Sabah, the amazing Jerusalem Knights Choir, the dedication of our Jerusalem committee and for our many friends who made the Christmas dinner a great success.  We ask for the ecumenical spirit to be strengthened in the world “so in Christ we who are many are one body” Romans 12:5. Lord in your mercy…


  • We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries ofBenin, Côte d’Ivoire and Togo. Lord in your mercy…
