Ecumenical Worship Service For Jerusalem

Sermon Synopsis

We have gathered in this church to lift up our prayers to God for the city of Jerusalem on the 44th anniversary of the occupation and annexation of East Jerusalem by Israel in the 1967 war.
It has been 44 years since the war and we still long for peace and there is no peace. The pertinent question is this, on what basis can peace be built?
1. For us, people of faith, peace can be built on faith in God our creator. God the Creator is a loving God who loves all people equally. God is not fanatic, prejudiced, or militant. Militarism, fanaticism, and negation of others are human characteristics but not God’s. We cannot build peace on such traits.
2. Peace can be built on truth, justice, and fairness. It cannot be built on inequality, prejudice, and discrimination.
3. Peace in Palestine and Israel can be built on sharing the land on the basis of the requirement of international law.
Since we have not been able to build peace on such a foundation, what must we do? What must we commit ourselves to do?

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