Book Review

On the 8th of november Sabeel conducted a book review session of Fatal Embrace: Christians, Jews and the Search for Peace in the Holy Land by American writer Mark Braverman. Not incidentally, Braverman considers himself a Palestinain Jew. More than 30 participants listened attentivelyto Sabeel Board member Cedar Duaybis as she presented Braverman’s book and his journey. Braverman left his career as a psychiatrist and devoted his working life to the search for peace and justice in Palestine/Israel. He is passionate about uniting a force for peace from all religious viewpoints, and invites adherents to overcome the ideological beliefs that stand in the way in resolving the Palestinian Israeli conflict.
Duaybis presented the book with great passion and sincerity. She described it as a challenging, bold and exciting read. It brings the reader out from their usual thinking and challenges their assumptions. After the review the audience asked several questions and for more information. Luckily, they will all have the chance to meet Braverman in the beginning of December, during his visit to this area.

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