Clergy Wives meeting

Orthodox Church in Beit Sahour

Thirteen clergy wives from different church denominations from Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Beit Sahour, and Beit Jalla met in the Orthodox Church in Beit Sahour on June 21st, 2013. This day was significant because it marked Refugee Day and also it was very close to the Pentecost feast according to the Eastern (Julian) calendar.
Mrs. Aida Hadad gave a very good Bible study encompassing the two significant events. She spoke about the importance of Pentecost as the birth day of the church.
Mrs. Hadad also highlighted the entire refugee issue; what it means to be a refugee; and how we can look after every refugee/stranger here in our country. Cedar Duaybis added to what Aida said, saying that Jesus himself was also a refugee. A very interesting discussion took place and the women contributed based on their own experiences living in the different Arab countries. One of them spoke about the Palestinian refugees in Jordan; another spoke about the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon; and one spoke about Palestinian refugees in Iraq.
Afterwards, the clergy wives had lunch and then visited one of the clergy wives who used to take part in all of Sabeel’s programs. However, now she is not able to participate due to her illness, and she doesn’t leave her house as a result of her health. Muna Khoury and her husband Fr. Yacoub from the Orthodox Church in Beit Sahour were both very active with Sabeel, but both got sick. However, thank God that Fr. Yacoub still can join the clergy in most of the events. This visit was highly appreciated by the priest’s family and especially by his wife who was very much missed at the Sabeel programs.