Young Adults Report

On Friday Feb.7th, 2014 we had our first youth gathering of the year. Despite being away for quite some time, the turnout was better than expected – as many as 34 participants! They were eager to join in our programs.

Father Boulus from the Assyrian Orthodox Church discussed the role of the youth in church and within their communities, and the importance of team work and spirit.

Then, we introduced our programs for the 2014 year and mentioned the exciting educational trips that are ahead within Jerusalem and the conference we are planning to have this summer for the local young adults. They were excited to know about these new developments and they volunteered to help.

With a couple of icebreaker games, the young adults got to know each other better. Most of them are acquainted with each other; and they connected more through the games that required team work.

For dinner we had pizza and enjoyed our time with one another. We felt that this was the start of many great gatherings. We got positive feedback from the young adults and look forward to the next get together.