“Quiz” Night – Young Adults

The Youth Group of Ramallah, along with Sabeel, came together to have a young adult event on Valentine’s Day, 14/2/2014. It was not like any other event: there were questions (a “quiz”) given as part of a game, which everyone enjoyed playing. In addition, there was a short spiritual discussion that Fr. Elias Awad led before the game started. The profit from the event went to children with cancer.

We planned this event on Valentine’s Day as a special occasion, to show love to the people out there who are in need.

More than 100 people showed up to Quiz Night to enjoy each other’s company, pray together, and participate in a good cause. We came together for a greater purpose, and we met the goal of raising money for the Augusta Victoria Hospital, never losing hope for children with cancer that they will win their battle.quizquiz2