Sabeel Nazareth Activities

During March, Sabeel Nazareth had 15 events that included the participation of around 1,150 people.

1. March 8th:
Around 55 people participated in a study and prayer day at the Lutheran church in Beit Jala for the beginning of Lent. The group was received at Abraham Heberge by the Rev. Saliba Rishmawi and members of the Lutheran church for breakfast and sharing. The group then proceeded to the church for an ecumenical prayer service with the Beit Jala community and a meditation in preparation for Lent by Rev. .Rishmawi. The Rev. Mitri Raheb then followed with a very enlightening presentation.

Next, Rev. Rishmawi led a tour through Beit Jala, which included a visit to the Cremisan Monastery where the group was received by the Salesian Brothers who gave a presentation and led a prayer in the church. The day ended with two presentations about the history of Beit Jala and its present-day challenges. The delicious lunch meal at Abraham Heberge added joy to the spiritual and educational day.

2. March 12th
There was a youth group meeting for Lent with Rev. Francois Shamieh
at the Sabeel Nazareth office. About 15 young adults met to pray and reflect with a Bible study.

In addition, the women’s group met at the Sabeel Nazareth office for a Bible study with Rev. Maroun Tannous. As many as 70 women attended.

4. March 26th
In honor of Mother’s Day, 75 women gathered in Akka (Acre) for a spiritual reflection at the Melkite Cathedral in Akka; it was led by Mrs. Aida Khoury, a clergy wife. The meeting was then followed by a tour of the old Palestinian city and the area where Palestinians currently lived. The women were guided by Mrs. Oivia Atrash, who is from Akka. The day ended at a restaurant where the women enjoyed the local food.

5. March 15th and 16th

Sabeel Nazareth held two film screenings of “The Stones Cry Out: The Story of the Palestinian Christians,” by Yasmine Perni. The March 15th event was held in Shefa Amr at the Anglican Church, and was attended by 170 people. Mrs. Perni attended to speak about her film and answer questions.

The following day , 370 people attended a similar film screening event in Haifa
at the Orthodox church hall. Sabeel Nazareth organized the event in cooperation with Mr. Fouad Abou Khadra from the Orthodox Parish Council in Haifa.

7. March 19th
There was a women’s meeting with Machsom Watch members in Nazareth, with 12 women attending. The Christian, Muslim, and Jewish faiths were all represented, and participants met for interfaith activities and a “visioning
of future programs together.”

8. March 1-31
Sabeel Nazareth spoke to eight international groups groups, totaling 270 people. The groups came from different churches in France, Sweden, Germany and North America.