Sabeel Nazareth Activities

In preparation for Easter, Sabeel Nazareth focused mainly on spiritual events:

April 2:
Towards the end of Lent and in preparation for Easter, the young adults had a special evening of reading,reflecting and sharing. The group of 10 people met at the Sabeel Nazareth office, divided in groups of two, and read and reflected on different verses of the Bible. Then they all shared a time of prayer together.

April 11:
Sabeel Nazareth had a community event at the Carmelite Sisters Church, with about 100 people attendingthis spiritual evening called, “Mary Facing Death.” The event included songs from the different churches, readings, testimonies, reflections and prayers. The nuns also shared a special hymn. The beautifully decorated church and the choir added a lot to the spiritual content of the event.

April 29:
Sabeel Nazareth had its first women’s meeting for its “Generation Bridging Program,” which followed a new approach and gave an opportunity to the Sabeel women’s group to meet those of the younger generation and shareits history. The program was held at St. Joseph Seminary High School in Nazareth with 12 women and 12 students (ninth grade) participating. The group will meet once a month over the next year.

April 30:
Sabeel Nazareth women held another meeting with MachsomWatch in Haifa to discuss further activities together.

April 1- 30:
Sabeel Nazareth hosted five international groups from France and Sweden, totaling 159 people.