Wave of Prayer


This week marks one year of unprecedented violence across the region, with the number of casualties reaching record highs. Human rights continue to be violated, international law is disregarded, and world leaders appear either incompetent or complicit. The Middle East seems to be heading toward a regional war, with no signs of hope. There is widespread bloodshed and violence, and little hope for a ceasefire. 

Gracious God, in a broken world tethering on the edge of despair and darkness, we find redemption in your holy name. Despite the destruction around us, we hold steadfast to the example of Christ the liberator, who stood un-moving at the face of empire. Instill in us that same spirit, so that our collective strength will rise above the forces of war and destruction. Liberate the hearts and minds of those captive to the violent theology of empire and bring them closer to your grace and goodness.

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

Last week, Israel committed more massacres in Gaza. Among the massacres was the Al-Amal Centre for Orphans, which provided shelter to thousands of displaced people from various parts of Gaza City and the northern Gaza Strip. Many children were killed. Gaza’s Government Media Office also revealed that 902 families have been wiped off the civil registry and that in 1,364 cases, only one family member survived. 

God of Mercy, after a year filled with endless massacres, our people continue to endure unimaginable pain. We are overwhelmed by the tragic revelation that over 902 families have been wiped from existence, while the world remains silent. Lord, we hold each and every family in our hearts, lifting them to you in prayer. May they find peace in your eternal embrace, and may their memories fuel the strength of the living to seek justice and healing. 

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

Last week, as part of their ongoing assault on Palestinian neighborhoods, Israeli forces stormed the Shuafat refugee camp in East Jerusalem and raided dozens of shops. The army was accompanied by inspectors from the Israeli-run Jerusalem Municipality’s departments of taxes who inspected the stores’ licenses and vandalized several of them. They also hung demolition notices on a number of facilities. 

Loving God, we pray for our brothers and sisters in East Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank who are facing not only the destruction of their homes and livelihoods but also the constant threat to their very existence. In the face of this aggression, where families cannot even grieve for their loved ones lost in Gaza, we ask for your strength, comfort, and justice. Holy Spirit, tend to those who are suffering, those who are weary, and those whose hope feels lost. May your peace, which transcends all understanding, touch all hearts, including those of the oppressors.

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

Last week, Israeli forces demolished a makeshift church built by the Qaisiya family on their land in the Al Makhrour area, which had been stolen by settlers weeks earlier. The family, with the support of Palestinian, Israeli and international peace activists, had constructed the wooden church as a symbol of resistance and faith, hosting prayers in solidarity with their ongoing struggle. Israeli forces also demolished other cottages in Al Makhrour. 

Heavenly Protector, we pray for the Qaisiya family and all those affected by the destruction in Al Makhrour. We pray they be filled with continued courage and resilience to prevail, knowing that your presence is with them even in the midst of overwhelming violence and occupation. May their faith be a beacon of hope, and may they be surrounded by the support of their community and the global Christian family. Lord, we ask for justice to prevail, for the land to be restored to its rightful owners, and for the settlers to turn from their path of harm.

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

This month, Sabeel Jerusalem will welcome two delegations, one for black faith leaders and one on “harvesting hope.”  While here, the delegations will visit communities facing settler violence, house demolitions, political incarceration, and military occupation. In the past few months, these delegations have cultivated hope for many of our people in East Jerusalem and beyond. Despite the circumstances, Sabeel is committed to continuing our witness and advocacy.  

Holy God, we thank you for the chance to bear witness. In times of despair, we still see signs of your love everywhere. Holy Spirit, continue making Sabeel an instrument of your peace. Bless and protect the staff, members, and friends of Sabeel so that we may serve as examples for the world. Move our hearts, our minds, and our bodies, so that we may serve where we are most needed. 

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

To mark one year since October 7th, many Friends of Sabeel groups around the world attended or organized vigils, protests, and events. Friends of Sabeel North America and Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace, for example, organized an event with Ilan Pappe on Christian Zionism and the Israel Lobby. Others on October 5th gathered in their cities to march and protest for justice. 

Divine One, in the midst of so much suffering, we hear the cries of justice echo in every part of the earth. We know your presence is everywhere, bringing light to those dwelling in darkness. Continue being with the protestors, activists, civil society organizations, and people of conscience as they work towards peace and justice.

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

We join the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama.

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer