Sabeel Wave of Prayer

Sabeel Wave of Prayer

3rd December 2020

The Kumi Now Initiative focuses on the work of the Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling, (WCLAC). The group seeks to provide e-counselling and protection for victims of abuse, while also documenting human rights’ abuses of Palestinian women living under Israeli occupation. They report that Palestinian women, who already face challenges in a patriarchal society, are having to deal with higher levels of domestic abuse during the COVID-19 lockdown.

  • Lord, we thank you for the work of the WCLAC as they seek to provide protection and support for vulnerable Palestinian women. We thank you for their witness to the human rights’ violations suffered by Palestinian women under the occupation. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

Global Kairos for Justice is a worldwide coalition of concerned Christians from different traditions, who have come together to support the Palestinians in their sufferings. This month they have published their Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Toolkit to help and inspire others to take non-violent, economic action to challenge Israel’s human rights’ abuses of the Palestinian people.

  • Lord Jesus, you are the light of the world(John 8:12). Shine your light this Advent season so that your children may witness the truth and walk in the light of life. May we walk in your way and bring joy, not suffering, to others in how we steward the resources you have given us. Lord in your mercy… hear our prayers.

The Episcopal Church in the US has now divested from five companies as a result of the investment screen they adopted last year. The companies were found to be violating human rights through complicity by profiting from the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territories.

  • We give thanks, Lord, for the commitment of the Episcopal Church for introducing an ethical approach to the way their finances are managed. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

November 29 was observed by the United Nations as International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people. Responding to the Cry for Hope from Palestinian Christians, FOSNA is calling on Christian leaders across the World to commit their congregations to “Preach Palestine” on November 29th.


  • Lord, our hearts are united with all people everywhere who say enoughto the ongoing occupation and the violence and oppression that has kept its hold on this land for too long.  May this day not just heighten the worlds awareness of the injustice that is part of daily life in Palestine but also give those in positions of leadership the will and courage to act in ways that lead to a just peace. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayers.

Reema Dodin has been named as the first Palestinian/American to serve as a senior member of staff in the Office of Legislative Affairs on President-elect Biden’s team. This appointment has been an encouraging sign of hope to many, but it has also drawn criticism from right-wing activists.

  • We pray for Reema and the other members of the new presidential team in the US that they may bring goodwill and compassionate hearts to meet the challenges they face in the year ahead. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.

The United Nations has voted overwhelmingly to approve a draft resolution in favour of Palestinian self-determination, with Israel and the US voting against it. The resolution

‘stressed the urgency of achieving without delay an end to the Israeli occupation that began in 1967 and a just, lasting and comprehensive peace settlement between the Palestinian and Israeli sides, based on a two-state solution.

  • Lord, we pray for an end to the occupation and that peace and justice will be established in Israel/Palestine. Lord, in your mercy … hear our prayers.

Maher al-Akhras was finally released from his administrative detention order on Thursday, the 26th of November and has returned home to Jenin. Maher started his hunger strike on the 27th of July and refused to end it until he received a clear-cut official ruling that the order was finished.

On Saturday, the 21st of November three young Palestinian men were stopped by Israeli soldiers at a flying checkpoint just outside the village of Beit Fazzar, south of Bethlehem. This was just one of the hundreds of surprise flying checkpoints set up to control the movements of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. The soldiers beat the Palestinians so severely that all three of them had to be admitted to Beit Jala hospital to be treated for extensive cuts and bruising.

  • Lord we pray for an end to the abuse and humiliation suffered by Palestinians at the hands of the Israeli authorities. We pray for the dismantling of the entire web of Israeli closures and checkpoints which imprison and harm the lives of the Palestinian people. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.
  • We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Myanmar and Thailand. Lord, in your mercy… hear our prayers.