April 13th, 2017

Sabeel Wave of Prayer


Jerusalem is keeping Holy Week with prayer and meditation along the fourteen stations of suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ. This year, Easter Sunday falls on the same date according to all Christian Calendars, Eastern and Western.

We pray for cooperation and goodwill among the region’s various denominations. We hope that Easter can be a time of unity for Christians in Jerusalem and around the world. We pray that the risen Christ’s message of peace will inspire us all this Easter season.
Leader: lord in your mercy…
People: hear our prayers…

On Palm Sunday, bombs exploded at two Coptic churches in different cities in northern Egypt targeting worshippers during prayer. The terrorist attacks, claimed by the Islamic State, killed at least 47 people and wounded about 100.

Lord, evil and darkness continues to creep into our Churches killing our children, women, men and clergy. We long for the day when our churches and other places of worship are safe and not terrorist targets. Christians in the Middle East echo your cry: “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” We pray, Lord, that you will grant us the power you gave to Ananias, so we can open the eyes of our neighbors who persecute us.
Lord in your mercy…

On April 9th, Palestinians remember the Deir Yassin Massacre of 1948, when at least 107 Palestinians were killed in cold blood, including women and children. Later this month the Holocaust, the Armenian and Assyrian Genocides will be commemorated.

We pray desperately that these horrors will never be repeated. God, comfort all the survivors of these terrible events and lead us all out of cycles of violence into the way of peace and neighbourly love.
Lord, in your mercy…

Armed clashes have been taking place in the Palestinian refugee camp of Ein Al-Hilweh in Lebanon, leaving five dead and dozens more injured since Friday. The fighting is taking place between Palestinian factions trying to protect the camp from Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorists.

Lord, we pray for the safety of Palestinian refugees who remain displaced for sixty nine years. Strengthen us God so we continue to work for the return of our Palestinian brothers and sisters from living under harsh conditions to their rightful homes.
Lord in your mercy…    

Eyewitnesses reported that Israeli planes began spraying pesticides on farmlands near the Palestinian side of the “buffer zone” in Gaza, causing fear among farmers that their crops would be damaged, as has been the case in the past.

Lord we pray that the insanity of Israeli occupation will come to an end. We pray for the safety of the Palestinian farmers and their crops. We ask you God to protect our daily bread from every danger.
Lord in your mercy…

We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania.
Lord in your mercy…
