Wave of Prayer

Jan 23rd, 2025

Armenians around the world are celebrating Christmas this week, coinciding with the time when many Christians are celebrating Epiphany.

Loving God, we pray for peace and justice in our world, that wars may cease and healing may come to those who suffer. Bless our brothers and sisters in the Armenian Church and all Christian communities. Unite us in faith and love, that we may be instruments of Your peace. May we work together to reflect Your kingdom of justice, mercy, and reconciliation.

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer 

Israel and Hamas announced a ceasefire agreement, with phase 1 of a “partial ceasefire” to be implemented this week.

God who is Faithful and Just, we give thanks for your presence among the people of Gaza and people all over the world. We lift up news of this ceasefire, praying that it will be implemented and that the killing will stop. With this ceasefire, illuminate to the world that the fight for liberation is not over, not while the systemic dehumanization of our people continues. Holy Spirit, continue to open our hearts and minds and help us collectively resist extremism and settler-colonial occupation.  

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer 

Last week, Israeli forces in the West Bank bombed a home in Jenin refugee camp, killing over 6 Palestinians and wounding others including children.

God who walks alongside the oppressed, we ask for your presence in Jenin in the midst of despair and destruction. Bring comfort to the grieving, healing to the wounded, and strength to those who refuse to abandon hope. We cry out against the systems of violence, oppression and complicity that deepen the suffering of the vulnerable.  Grant us the courage to stand in solidarity with the people of Jenin and all who suffer under occupation. May we be agents of your peace, bearers of your light, and voices for truth in a world shrouded by injustice. 

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer 

Monday, January 20th is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in the United States. Sabeel reaffirms its commitment to practicing solidarity across borders and to fight for the liberation of all. In the spirit of solidarity, Sabeel highlights the work of our partner Community Renewal Society in the United States who is hosting their 2025 Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Faith in Action Assembly. This event aims to honor Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s legacy and renew a shared commitment to justice.  

Holy God, we lift up the legacy of your late servant Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and for those who have followed in his path of nonviolent resistance. We give thanks, especially for our black siblings who have stood in solidarity with the Palestinian people in their fight for justice and equality. In our gratitude, oh Lord, help us recommit ourselves to standing with the oppressed around the world. We lift up Rev. Dr. King’s words that “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” Guide us so that we can continue to move the arc toward your liberatory love. 

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer 

In the West Bank, Israel has denied medical care and treatment to a 21 year old Palestinian detainee who is suffering from cancer and malnutrition. Currently, there are 10,400 Palestinians in Israeli prisons, not including those detained from Gaza during the last 15 months of war, and many have faced illness and malnutrition due to the neglect and torture by Israeli authorities.  

God who dwells among all the captives, we lift up our hearts for those who are suffering under oppression, especially the 21-year-old Palestinian detainee denied medical care. We pray for all imprisoned unjustly, those afflicted by illness, malnutrition, and neglect. You are the God who sees and sustains; we know your Spirit is at work even now, shaking the walls of prisons and calling forth justice in the face of cruelty. We pray with faith that liberation will come, that the oppressed will rise, and that freedom will reign. Until that day, embolden us to be co-workers in the struggle for justice. 

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer 

We join the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer